

Published: March 22, 2017




Identifying and expanding patient-specific cells in culture for use in tissue engineering and disease investigation can be very challenging. Utilizing various types of stem cells to derive cell types of interest is often costly, time consuming and highly inefficient. Furthermore, undesired cell types must be removed prior to using this cell source, which requires another step in the process. In order to obtain enough esophageal epithelial cells to engineer the lumen of an esophageal construct or to screen therapeutic approaches for treating esophageal disease, native esophageal epithelial cells must be expanded without altering their gene expression or phenotype. Conditional reprogramming of esophageal epithelial tissue offers a promising approach to expanding patient-specific esophageal epithelial cells. Furthermore, these cells do not need to be sorted or purified and will return to a mature epithelial state after removing them from conditional reprogramming culture. This technique has been described in many cancer screening studies and allows for indefinite expansion of these cells over multiple passages. The ability to perform esophageal screening assays would help revolutionize the treatment of pediatric esophageal diseases like eosinophilic esophagitis by identifying the trigger mechanism causing the patient’s symptoms. For those patients who suffer from congenital defect, disease or injury of the esophagus, this cell source could be used as a means to seed a synthetic construct for implantation to repair or replace the affected region.


食管癌组织工程和嗜酸性粒细胞性食管炎(EOE)一直是研究在许多实验室在过去十年中的焦点。先天性缺陷,如食管闭锁,被认为在约1 4,000活产,这导致在食道导致无力的发育不完全吃1。 EOE的发病率和患病率一直在自从疾病实体于1993年鉴定EOE的发病率从0.7变化到每人10年/ 10万和患病率0.2范围到43/10万2的崛起。一种新的有吸引力的手术方法来治疗长差距食管闭锁在于生成的组织构建了利用患者自身的细胞植入。这些细胞在用合成脚手架结合将产生自体构造,不需要免疫抑制。一些团体已经开始调查美国食管组织工程3以及使用本地食管上皮细胞的干细胞样细胞电子重新填充粘膜4 7。疾病存在于儿童患者食道往往难以诊断或不干预研究。此外,利用动物模型或体外永生化细胞系模型的儿科疾病,如EOE不包括确切的发病机制或患者的具体差异8。因此,为了研究患者的疾病过程在体外的能力,以确定特定疾病触发抗原,评估潜在的机制和调查药物治疗将是新颖的和提供可在患者的治疗辅助信息临床医生。


15,乳房16,小肠17,结肠18,膀胱19和食道20:人上皮细胞已经从各种人体包括患病和非患病组织的被成功分离。要注意的是人的原代细胞具有其中表型被保持21,22通道的一个有限数量是很重要的。不幸的是,这意味着需要的疾病调查或播种的工程支架的细胞数用于植入可能无法达到。因此,需要新的技术来扩大患者的细胞,同时仍保持上皮表型。利用饲养细胞和ROCK抑制剂正常和癌性上皮细胞的有条件的重编程被刘等人在2012年描述 2 3。这个技术被用于扩展从利用照射饲养细胞,ROCK抑制剂和有条件的重新编程介质前列腺癌和乳腺癌的活检获得的癌细胞的上皮细胞。我们的目标是产生足够的细胞用于在体外测定,如药物筛选。该技术是能够通过“重新编程”这些细胞干细胞或祖状态,这是高度增殖性无限期膨胀的上皮细胞的。已经证实,这些细胞是非致瘤性和不具有形成畸胎瘤23,24的能力。此外,没有染色体异常或遗传操作是使用这种技术23,24在培养传代这些细胞后存在。最重要的是,这些细胞仅能够分化成感兴趣的天然细胞类型。因此,这种技术提供了一个大的贮存器的患者特异性上皮细胞疾病调查或组织工程无需永生化。



后从儿科患者的家长/监护人,并根据机构审查委员会(IRB#13-094)获得知情同意,获得食管活检。 1.消毒仪器和明胶溶液高压灭菌镊子,刀片和前处理组织,以防止污染剪刀。 使200毫升的0.1%明胶溶液,结合的蒸馏水200毫升含有0.2 1g明胶。高压灭菌并冷却后才能使用。 2.镀层组织培养板前细胞分离约2小时,添加足够的0.1%明胶覆盖组织培养?…

Representative Results

在分离来自患者活检食管上皮细胞中的关键步骤的简要总结于图1。上皮细胞的集落将形成在约4-5天,将由成纤维细胞饲养细胞( 图2A)所包围。作为这些菌落扩大他们将与其他的菌落合并,以形成较大的集落( 图2B)。一旦培养物都成为70%汇合时,它们需要被膨胀( 图2C)。以确保成纤维细胞从板中除去上皮细胞之前?…


为了从患者的活检隔离和扩大食管上皮细胞的最重要的步骤是:1)充分游离活检组织以最小的细胞死亡; 2)确保ROCK抑制剂加入到在每次更换培养基的细胞培养基; 3)不要使用更多的饲养层细胞比建议; 4)保持干净无菌文化; 5)传代细胞之前,为了达到汇合。



The authors have nothing to disclose.


We would like to acknowledge Connecticut Children’s Medical Center Strategic Research Funding for supporting this work.


Primocin InVivogen ant-pm2
Isopentane Sigma Aldrich 277258-1L
Gelatin From Porcine Skin Sigma Aldrich G1890-100G
DMEM Thermofisher Scientific 11965092
Cryomold TissueTek 4565
Cryomatrix OCT Thermofisher Scientific 6769006
15ml Conical Tubes Denville Scientific C1017-p
Complete Keratinocyte Serum Free Medium Thermofisher Scientific 10724011
Penicillin Streptomycin Thermofisher Scientific 15140122
Glutamax Thermofisher Scientific 35050061
Insulin Solution Sigma Aldrich I9278-5ml
Human Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) Peprotech AF-100-15
ROCK Inhibitor (Y-27632) Fisher Scientific 125410
F-12 Medium  Thermofisher Scientific 11765054
Fetal Bovine Serum Denville Scientific FB5001
Dispase Thermofisher Scientific 17105041
0.05% Trypsin-EDTA Thermofisher Scientific 25300062
0.25% Trypsin-EDTA Thermofisher Scientific 25200072
100mm Dishes Denville Scientific T1110-20
150mm Dishes Denville Scientific T1115
50ml Conicals Denville Scientific   C1062-9 
Phosphate Buffered Saline Tablets Fisher Scientific BP2944-100
5ml Pipettes Fisher Scientific 1367811D
10ml Pipettes Fisher Scientific 1367811E
25ml Pipettes Fisher Scientific 1367811
9" Pasteur Pipettes Fisher Scientific 13-678-20D
NIH 3T3 Cells ATCC CRL1658


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Bu Makaleden Alıntı Yapın
Jensen, T. J., Foster, C., Sayej, W., Finck, C. M. Conditional Reprogramming of Pediatric Human Esophageal Epithelial Cells for Use in Tissue Engineering and Disease Investigation. J. Vis. Exp. (121), e55243, doi:10.3791/55243 (2017).

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