

Published: August 26, 2016




We demonstrate a method for capturing emotional response to beverages and liquefied foods in a sensory evaluation laboratory using automated facial expression analysis (AFEA) software. Additionally, we demonstrate a method for extracting relevant emotional data output and plotting the emotional response of a population over a specified time frame. By time pairing each participant’s treatment response to a control stimulus (baseline), the overall emotional response over time and across multiple participants can be quantified. AFEA is a prospective analytical tool for assessing unbiased response to food and beverages. At present, most research has mainly focused on beverages. Methodologies and analyses have not yet been standardized for the application of AFEA to beverages and foods; however, a consistent standard methodology is needed. Optimizing video capture procedures and resulting video quality aids in a successful collection of emotional response to foods. Furthermore, the methodology of data analysis is novel for extracting the pertinent data relevant to the emotional response. The combinations of video capture optimization and data analysis will aid in standardizing the protocol for automated facial expression analysis and interpretation of emotional response data.




AFEA从面部动作编码系统(FACS)的。面部动作编码系统(FACS)歧视在5点强度等级13特点是动作单元(AU)的面部动作。流式细胞仪方法需要训练有素的审评专家,手工编码,显著评估时间,并提供有限的数据分析选项。 AFEA是作为一个快速评价方法来确定的情绪。 AFEA软件依赖于面部肌肉运动,面部数据库和算法来刻画情绪反应14-18。在这项研究中所使用的AFEA软件平均同时在华沙集情感的面部表情图片(WSEFEP)和阿姆斯特丹动态面部表情集(ADFES),这是接近0.70的标准协议达成的“0.67协议FACS指数为手动编码“19 </sup>。包括在分析通用的情绪是快乐(正),悲(负),恶心(负),惊讶(正或负),愤怒(负),害怕(负)和中性每对0一单独的刻度为1( 0 =不表达; 1 =完全表达)20。此外,心理学文献包括高兴,惊讶,和愤怒“办法”情绪(对刺激)和悲伤,恐惧,厌恶和作为“撤军”的情绪(远离厌恶刺激)21。




伦理陈述:在项目开始之前,这项研究是预先核准弗吉尼亚理工大学的机构审查委员会(IRB)(IRB 14-229)。 注意:人体试验之前,参与需要知情同意书。除了IRB批准,同意使用静态或视频图像,还需要之前释放所有图像打印,视频或图文影像。此外,食物过敏原测试之前公开。参加者前面板开始问他们是否有任何不耐受,过敏或其他问题。 注:排除标准:自动面部表情分析是粗框眼镜,胡子拉碴的?…

Representative Results

该方法提出了AFEA数据收集的标准协议。如果建议的方案步骤之后,不可用的情绪数据输出( 图1),从数据收集差导致( 图2:A;左图)可能会受到限制。如果日志文件(.txt)主要含有“FIT_FAILED”和“FIND_FAILED”,因为这是不好的数据( 图1)的时间序列分析,不能利用。此外,该方法包括用于在一时间帧的情感数据输出的两种治疗之…


在有关食品和饮料文学AFEA应用是非常有限的1-11。食品中的应用是新的,从而为建立方法和数据解释的机会。 Arnade(2013年)7间发现个人的情绪反应巧克力牛奶和曲线分析和方差分析下,使用面积奶白色高个体变异。然而,即使参与者可变性,产生参加一个幸福的响应,而较长的悲伤和厌恶有更短的响应时间7。在另一项研究中使用的高和低浓度基本的味道,Arnade(2013年<su…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This project was funded, in part, by ConAgra Foods (Omaha, NE, USA), the Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, the Hatch Program of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Virginia Tech Water INTERface Interdisciplinary Graduate Education Program.


2% Reduced Fat Milk Kroger Brand, Cincinnati, OH or DZA Brands, LLC, Salisbury, NC na for solutions
Drinking Water Kroger Brand, Cincinnati, OH na for solutions
Imitation Clear Vanilla Flavor Kroger Brand, Cincinnati, OH na for solutions
Iodized Salt Kroger Brand, Cincinnati, OH na for solutions
FaceReader 6 Noldus Information Technology, Wageningen, The Netherlands na For Facial Analysis
Sensory Information Management System (SIMS) 2000 Sensory Computer Systems, Berkeley Heights, NJ Version 6 For Sensory Data Capture
Rhapsody Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc., Conyers, GA For Environment Illumination
R Version  R Core Team 2015 3.1.1 For Statistical Analysis
Microsoft Office Microsoft na For Statistical Analysis
JMP Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) Version 9.2, SAS Institute, Cary, NC na For Statistical Analysis
Media Recorder 2.5 Noldus Information Technology, Wageningen, The Netherlands na For capturing participants sensory evaluation
Axis M1054 Camera Axis Communications, Lund, Sweden na
Beverage na Beverage or soft food for evaluation


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