We describe a method for characterizing the functional topography and synaptic properties of forebrain circuits using an optogenetic approach to photostimulate neuronal populations in vitro.
The sensory forebrain is composed of intricately connected cell types, of which functional properties have yet to be fully elucidated. Understanding the interactions of these forebrain circuits has been aided recently by the development of optogenetic methods for light-mediated modulation of neuronal activity. Here, we describe a protocol for examining the functional organization of forebrain circuits in vitro using laser-scanning photostimulation of channelrhodopsin, expressed optogenetically via viral-mediated transfection. This approach also exploits the utility of cre-lox recombination in transgenic mice to target expression in specific neuronal cell types. Following transfection, neurons are physiologically recorded in slice preparations using whole-cell patch clamp to measure their evoked responses to laser-scanning photostimulation of channelrhodopsin expressing fibers. This approach enables an assessment of functional topography and synaptic properties. Morphological correlates can be obtained by imaging the neuroanatomical expression of channelrhodopsin expressing fibers using confocal microscopy of the live slice or post-fixed tissue. These methods enable functional investigations of forebrain circuits that expand upon more conventional approaches.
The elaborate circuitry of the mammalian forebrain poses an experimental challenge to dissecting the functional roles of its intertwined components. Untangling these relationships has been aided recently by the development of optogenetic methods for specifically exciting and inhibiting neuronal populations and their projections1-3. These approaches make use of the genetically controlled expression of membrane channels responsive to light4-6. Of particular note, channelrhodopsin, a light-gated ion channel, depolarizes neuronal membranes following optical stimulation, leading to excitation of the expressing neuron and its projections4,7. Conversely, halorhodopin, a light-gated chloride pump, hyperpolarizes the membrane, thus inhibiting the targeted projection6,8,9. Several variants of these opsins have been engineered, multiple vectors produced for transfection and expression in neuronal populations of interest, and transgenic mouse lines engineered that constitutively express these opsins or that enable cre-lox mediated control of their expression1,2,10,11.
The utility of these optogenetic methods and materials has revolutionized modern experimental neuroscience, enabling the dissection of the role of specific neural circuits in the physiology and behavior of the organism12-15. In particular, these methods can be powerfully applied to the functional dissection of brain circuits using in vitro slice preparations16-20. In this context, one of the main advantages of this method is the ability to characterize the physiology of long range projections that are difficult, if not impossible, to preserve in a thick slice, such as the commissural connections between cerebral cortical hemispheres16. Furthermore, this technology enables manipulations not possible with other methods, such as the selective inhibition of projections with fine temporal precision using halorhodopsin6,8,9. Moreover, the cell-type specific expression of these opsins allows isolated components in a neural circuit to be selectively stimulated or inhibited1,2,11,15,21. As such, these novel optogenetic tools enable the unprecedented analysis of the neuronal contributions to physiology and behavior.
Here, we describe a protocol for expressing channelrhodopsin in the mouse brain using adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors1,2. Specific transfection of targeted neuronal populations can be accomplished using this protocol, with the appropriate choice of promoter constructs or transgenic mice that express Cre-recombinase in the targeted neurons of interest and a 'floxed' viral construct1,11,15,21 (Figure 1). As examples here, we examine the corticocortical projections between the primary visual cortex (V1) and the secondary visual cortex (V2) and we also investigate the layer 6 corticothalamic projection from the primary somatorsensory cortex (S1) to the ventroposterior medial nucleus (VPm). We combine this specific expression with laser-scanning photostimulation in vitro to assess synaptic physiology and functional topography. The setup presented here enables the precise spatial positioning and control of the loci of photostimulation. Finally, we describe the visualization of expression patterns using confocal microscopy.
The described protocol details an approach for the in vitro assessment of functional topography and physiology of neuronal circuits, which is not limited to the investigation of forebrain circuits, i.e. those of the thalamus and cortex. Several viral constructs for optogenetic transfection have been made available to the scientific community and are readily obtainable from the UNC Vector Core. For a description of viral constructs readily available, see the UNC Vector Core31, the optogenetics resource page at the Deisseroth Lab at Stanford University32 and the Boyden synthetic neurobiology lab at MIT33. Variants of these opsins have been developed by these labs and enable wide-ranging modes for controlling neuronal excitability1,2. Obtaining these vectors from the UNC Vector Core requires a Material Transfer Agreement from the originating labs. In this protocol, we note that the addition of polybrene enhances transfection efficacy. In addition, another variable influencing expression is the post-surgical recovery period, which we note that a period of at least 14 days is sufficient to obtain robust expression in the forebrain pathways of mice.
For the targeted transfection of specific neuronal groups, several Cre-transgenic mouse lines have been developed, which can be used in combination with 'floxed' reversed open reading frame viral constructs that have been developed11. Several strains pertinent to neuroscience research are available through the Mutant Mouse Regional Resource Centers34. Atlases of Cre-recombinase expression patterns in these transgenic lines are offered through the GENSAT database35. In addition, Jackson Labs offers several Cre-transgenic strains, as well as others that constitutively express opsins in specific neuronal groups. A critical step to utilizing these mouse lines is to factor in the time necessary for obtaining and establishing a breeding colony, which may vary based on the particular strain of interest.
For photostimulation, we have utilized and adapted the setup developed by the Shepherd Lab at Northwestern University, described in a recent protocol29. Although optimized for glutamate uncaging, this setup is amenable also for photostimulation of channelrhodopsin without modification. This setup enables precise spatial control and positioning of the loci of photostimulation, which enables an assessment of the functional topography of channelrhodopsin innervation of recorded neurons. Although spatial control is enhanced with this method of photostimulation, it is more cost prohibitive than methods utilizing LED based field illumination20. In addition, the nonuniformity of brain tissue is a limitation of optogenetics, or any techniques involving manipulation of light. In practice though, it is rarely a factor since results are interpreted mostly in a qualitative manner. In case more quantitative comparison between brain regions is needed, one can always use maximum light intensity to achieve "saturated" responses.
In addition, we have used both Tidelwave and Ephus software programs written in Matlab for controlling the laser-scanning photostimulation and data acquisition25,26. However, it is recommended that those setting up a similar system employ the newer Ephus software26, which has support available through the Janelia Farms development site30. A key step is choosing which of these software packages to use, since their hardware requirements differ slightly. In addition, the map analysis programs are tailored to their respective data acquisition programs.
Several of these steps can be modified to suit the practitioner's particular setup. Injections of viral solutions can be performed with delivery mechanisms besides a syringe, e.g. capillary glass pipettes pulled to tip diameters of ~40 μm also work well. For surgeries, a nonstereotaxic headholder can be substituted if such coordinates are not required for guiding injections. In addition, ACSF and intracellular solution compositions may be altered depending on the particular experimental requirements, e.g. substituting a cesium or high chloride intracellular solution to isolate inhibitory currents. Also, an alternative to imaging of expression patterns in fixed slices may also be done in the live slice on a suitable imaging rig with a bath perfusion system.
In summary, this protocol will enable the practitioner to characterize the functional topography and synaptic physiology of projections in vitro, which may not be possible using standard methods, e.g. characterizing long-range projections that are unable to be preserved in a slice. The transfection protocol described can be applied to in vivo optogenetic experiments1-3,12,14, since the delivery mechanism is the same. Finally, although this protocol describes transfection of mice, many of the viral vectors available can be used to theoretically transfect and express these opsins in a wide range of mammalian species, thus enabling a myriad of comparative and species-specific studies1-3.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This work was supported by NIH/NIDCD grant R03 DC 011361, SVM CORP grant LAV3202, NSF-LA EPSCoR grant PFUND86, and a publication grant from Leica Microsystems (CCL) and NIH/NIDCD grant R01 DC 008794 (SMS).
Polybrene | Santa Cruz Biotech | SC134220 | |
Paraformaldehyde 32% solution | EMS | 15714 | |
VECTASHIELD | Vector Labs | H-1400 | |
AAV viral constructs | UNC Vector Core | NA | |
Mouse stereotactic headholder | Stoelting | 51730 | |
Nanocool injector | Harvard Apparatus | 703040 | |
UV laser: 355 nm, Nd:YVO4; 1 W; | DPSS Lasers, Inc | 3500 | |
Galvonometers | Cambridge Scanning | 6210 | |
mirrors | Cambridge Scanning | 6m2003S-A | |
mount | Cambridge Scanning | 6102103L | |
cable | Cambridge Scanning | 6010-19-120 | |
driver/controller | Cambridge Scanning | 67121-1 | |
Shutter – ZM coated (UV-compatible) | Uniblitz | L23-ZM2 | |
Shutter Controller | Uniblitz | VMM-D1 | |
Current Amplifier | Stanford Research Systems | SR570 | |
6713 board | National Instruments | 777741-01 | |
2110 break-out box | National Instruments | 777643-01 | |
PCI-MIO-16E-4 | National Instruments | 777383-01 | |
BNC-2090 | National Instruments | 777270-01 | |
Cables | National Instruments | 184749-01 | |
MATLAB | Mathworks | ||
TCS SP2 | Leica Microsystems |