A FRET Flow Cytometry Technique to Detect Tau-Seed Induced Reporter Protein Aggregation

Published: March 29, 2024


Source: Furman, J. L., et al. Sensitive Detection of Proteopathic Seeding Activity with FRET Flow Cytometry. J. Vis. Exp. (2015).

The video demonstrates a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) flow cytometry assay to detect the seeding activity of protein aggregates isolated from biological samples. Mammalian cells expressing tau reporter proteins are incubated with liposome transduction complexes containing tau seeds. These seeds mediate the aggregation of the reporter proteins, leading to generating a FRET positive signal in the flow cytometer.


NOTE: This protocol emphasizes the use of FRET flow cytometry for detecting seeding activity from mouse biological samples. It is also compatible with recombinant fibrils and human biological samples. Mouse euthanasia and brain harvesting was performed in accordance with IACUC-approved procedures. 1. Brain Extraction Following deep anesthetization with isoflurane (2%), perfuse a mouse with ice-cold PBS containing 0.03% heparin, and extract the brai…

Representative Results

Table 1: Cell lines used with FRET flow cytometry. HEK 293T cells are used for flow cytometry setup. CFP single-positive cells are used for compensation (*). YFP single-positive cells are used to eliminate false FRET signal due to direct activation of YFP by 405 nm excitation. CFP/YFP dual-positive cells are FRET-compatible and serve as the biosensor cells. <img al…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


TBS Sigma T5912
Complete Protease Inhibitors (EDTA-free) Roche 4693159001
Cryo-vials Sarstedt 72.694.006
Analytical Balance Mettler Toledo XSE 105DU
Weighing Boats Fisher Scientific 13-735-743
15 mL conical tube USA Scientific 1475-0501
Omni Sonic Ruptor Ultrasonic Homogenizer Omni International 18-000-115
Micro-Tip for Ultrasonic Homogenizer Omni International OR-T-156
2-Propanol Fisher Scientific A451
Noise Cancelling Ear Muffs Fisher Scientific 19-145-412
Kimwipes Fisher Scientific S47299
1.5 mL tubes USA Scientific 1615-5510
Microcentrifuge Eppendorf 5424 000.215
DPBS Life Technologies 14190-136
DMEM Life Technologies 11965-084
Fetal Bovine Serum HyClone SH30071.03
Penicillin-Streptomycin Life Technologies 15140-122
GlutaMax Life Technologies 35050-061
Trypsin-EDTA Life Technologies 25300-054
50 mL Conical Tubes Phenix Research SS-PH15
25 mL reagent resevoirs VWR 41428-954
Multi channel pipet Fisher Scientific TI13-690-049
96 well flat bottom plates Corning 3603
Opti-MEM Life Technologies 31985-070
Lipofectamine 2000 Invitrogen 11668019
96 well round bottom plates Corning 3788
16% Paraformaldehyde Electron Microscopy Sciences RT 15710
PBS Sigma-Aldrich P5493
EDTA Sigma-Aldrich ED2SS
HBSS Life Technologies 14185-052
Sorvall ST 40 Centrifuge Thermo Scientific 75004509
BIOLiner Swinging Bucket Rotor Thermo Scientific 75003796
Hemacytometer VWR 15170-172
MACSQuant VYB Flow Cytomter Miltenyi Biotec 130-096-116
Chill 96 Rack Miltenyi Biotec 130-094-459
Flow Jo analysis software Flow Jo
20 uL pipet tips Rainin GPS-L10
200 uL pipet tips Rainin GPS-250
1 mL pipet tips Rainin GPS-1000
200 uL pipet tips USA Scientific 1111-1800
5 mL serological pipett Phenix Research SPG-606180
10 mL serological pipett Phenix Research SPG-607180
25 mL Serological pipett Phenix Research SPG-760180


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Bu Makaleden Alıntı Yapın
A FRET Flow Cytometry Technique to Detect Tau-Seed Induced Reporter Protein Aggregation. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e22070, doi: (2024).

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