Proximity Ligation Assay to Study In Situ Protein-Protein Interactions

Published: May 31, 2023


Source: Wang, X., et al., In Situ Detection of Ribonucleoprotein Complex Assembly in the C. elegans Germline using Proximity Ligation Assay. J. Vis. Exp.  (2020)

This video describes the proximity ligation assay to study in situ protein-protein interactions in nematode cells. The close proximity of the proteins of interest generates the circular DNA template with the help of a PLA probe attached to a secondary antibody. The probe is further amplified using the amplification solution, which produces a long single-stranded DNA followed by the hybridization of the detector probe, enabling the localization of protein-protein interactions in cells.


NOTE: This protocol uses C. elegans strains in which potential interacting partners are both tagged. It is strongly recommended that a negative control strain be used, in which one tagged protein is not expected to interact with another tagged candidate interaction partner. Here, GFP alone was used as a negative control to assess background, as DLC-1 is not expected to interact with GFP in the worm. GFP-tagged OMA-1 was used as the experimental strain, as preliminary data suggest an in…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


16% paraformaldehyde solution Electron Microscopy services 15710 Used to make 4% working solution
1M KH2PO4 Sigma P0662 Prepare a 1M working stock
1x M9 Various various Prepared as 10x stock used at 1x; see for protocol
1x PBS Various various see for protocol
26.5-Gauge Needle Exel International 26402 Needles used for dissection
BSA Lampire 7500802
Centrifuge Tubes Thermo Scientific 05-529C 50ml Oak ridge centrifuge tube used for synchronization
Confocal Microscope Zeiss 880
Coplin Jar PolyLab 62101
Coverslip to Freeze Sample Globe Scientific 1411-10 22x40mm, No. 1
Coverslip to Seal Slide Globe Scientific 1404-15 22x22mm, No. 1.5
DAPI Mounting Medium for Immunofluorescence Vector H-1200
Ligase Sigma-Aldrich DUO82029 Duolink 1x Ligase, Comes as part of the Duolink In Situ Detection Reagents Red kit DUO92008
Amplification red buffer Sigma-Aldrich DUO82011 Duolink 5x Amplification Red buffer, Comes as part of the Duolink In Situ Detection Reagents Red kit DUO92008
Ligation Buffer Sigma-Aldrich DUO82009 Duolink 5x Ligation buffer, Comes as part of the Duolink In Situ Detection Reagents Red kit DUO92008
Antibody Diluent Sigma-Aldrich DUO82008 Duolink antibody diluent,Comes with DUO92004 and DUO92002, Note: A 1x PBS/1% BSA solution can also be used as a substitute to dilute the antibody.
Blocking Solution Sigma-Aldrich DUO82007 Duolink blocking solution, Comes with DUO92004 and DUO92002
Mounting Medium for PLA Sigma-Aldrich DUO82040 Duolink In Situ mounting medium with DAPI
MINUS Probe Sigma-Aldrich DUO92004 Duolink In Situ Probe Anti-Mouse MINUS
PLUS Probe Sigma-Aldrich DUO92002 Duolink In Situ Probe Anti-Rabbit PLUS
Wash Buffer A Sigma-Aldrich DUO82046 Duolink In Situ wash Buffer A
Wash Buffer B Sigma-Aldrich DUO82048 Duolink In Situ wash Buffer B
Polymerase Sigma-Aldrich DUO82030 Duolink Polymerase, Comes as part of the Duolink In Situ Detection Reagents Red kit DUO92008
Epifluorescent Microscope Leica DFC300G camera, DM5500B microscope
Goat anti-mouse Alexa 594 JacksonImmuno 115-585-146 Use at 1:500
Goat anti-rabbit Alexa 488 JacksonImmuno 111-545-144 Use at 1:200
Glass Pipette Corning 7095B-5X
Levamisole ACROS Organics 187870100 Prepare a 250mM working stock
Methanol Fisher Scientific A454
Mouse anti-FLAG Sigma F1804 Use at 1:1000 for immunofluorescence and PLA, pre-block with normal goat serum recommended
Nailpolish L.A. colors CNP195
Nematode Growth Medium (NGM) Various See for protocol
Normal Goat Serum JacksonImmuno 005-000-121
Polyethylene Pasteur Pipette Globe Scientific 135030
Poly-L-Lysine Sigma-Aldrich P1524 Prepared as 0.1% stock solution in water, stored at -20C, and diluted 1:100 in water to coat slides
Petri Dishes Tritech PD7060 60 mm diameter
Rabbit anti-GFP Thermo Fisher G10362 Use at 1:200 for immunofluorescence, 1:4000 for PLA
Slides Thermo Fisher 30-2066A-Brown Three-square 14x14mm autoclavable slides with bars are custom-ordered through Fisher Scientific. Poly-L-Lysine added to slides in the lab
Sodium Hypochlorite solution Fisher Scientific SS290-1
Task wipes Kimtech 34120 4.4×8.4 inch task wipes
Trays (242x241x20mm) Thermo Fisher 240845 Used to make humid chamber
Triton X-100 ACROS Organics 327372500
Ultrapure water Milli-Q Ultrapure water obtained from Milli-Q Integral Water Purification System
Watchglass Carolina Biological 742300
-20 °C freezer
-80 °C freezer
Aluminum Foil
OP50 strain E. coli
Orbital Shaker
Nematode strains used in this study (both available upon request)
mntSi13[pME4.1] II; unc-119(ed3) III; teIs1 [pRL475] UMT 376 dlc-1 prom::3xFLAG::dlc-1::dlc-1 3'UTR; oma-1 prom::oma-1::GFP; Reference 24
mntSi13[pME4.1] II; mntSi21[pXW6.22] unc-119(ed3) III UMT 422 dlc-1 prom::3xFLAG::dlc-1::dlc-1 3'UTR; gld-1 prom::ceGFP::fbf-1 3'UTR + unc-119(+); Reference: this study


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Bu Makaleden Alıntı Yapın
Proximity Ligation Assay to Study In Situ Protein-Protein Interactions. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e21396, doi: (2023).

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