Single Cell Electroporation in Organotypic Brain Slice Cultures: An In Vitro Technique to Deliver Plasmids Inside Targeted Neurons in Brain Hippocampal Slices

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Keener, D. G. et al. Single-Cell Electroporation Across Different Organotypic Slice Culture of Mouse Hippocampal Excitatory and Class-Specific Inhibitory Neurons. J. Vis. Exp. (2020)

This video demonstrates the protocol for single-cell electroporation of genes in both excitatory and inhibitory neurons across a range of in vitro hippocampal slice cultures. The technique is useful to examine specific molecular and physiological functions of neurons, including cell autonomous mechanisms and transsynaptic protein interactions.


All procedures involving animal models have been reviewed by the local institutional animal care committee and the JoVE veterinary review board. 1. Slice Culture Preparation Prepare mouse organotypic hippocampal slice cultures using postnatal 6- to 7-day old mice of either sex. Prepare dissection media for organotypic slice culture consisting of (in mM): 238 sucrose, 2.5 KCl, 1 CaCl2, 4 MgCl2, 26 NaHCO3, …

Representative Results

Figure 1: Two representative glass pipette images. (A) Display lower resistance (6.5 MΩ) pipettes, used in this protocol, and (B) higher resistance (10.4 MΩ) pipettes typical for electroporation protocols. Fig…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Plasmid preparation
Plasmid Purification Kit Qiagen 12362
Organotypic slice culture preparation
6-well plates GREINER BIO-ONE 657160
Dumont #5/45 Forceps FST #5/45 Angled dissection forceps for organotypic slice culture preparation
Flask Filter Unit Millipore SCHVU02RE Filtration and storage of culture media
Incubator Binder BD C150-UL
McIlwain Tissue Chopper TED PELLA, INC. 10180 Tissue chopper for organotypic slice culture preparation
Millicell Cell Culture Insert, 30 mm Millipore PIHP03050 Organotypic slice culture inserts
Osmometer Precision Systems OSMETTE II
PTFE coated spatulas Cole-Parmer SK-06369-11
Scissors FST 14958-09
Stereo Microscope Olympus SZ61
Sterile Vacuum Filtration System Millipore SCGPT01RE Filtration and storage of aCSF
Electrode preparation
Capillary Glasses Warner Instruments 640796
Micropipetter Puller Sutter Instrument P-1000 Puller
Oven Binder BD (E2)
Puller Filament Sutter Instrument FB330B Puller
3.5 mm Falcon Petri Dishes BD Falcon 353001
Airtable TMC 63-7512E
CCD camera Q Imaging Retiga-2000DC Camera
Electroporation System Molecular Devices Axoporator 800A Electroporator
Fluorescence Illumination System Prior Lumen 200
Manipulator Sutter Instrument MPC-385 Manipulator
Metamorph software Molecular Devices Image acquisition
Peristaltic Pump Rainin Dynamax, RP-2 Perfusion pump
Shifting Table Luigs & Neuman 240 XY
Speaker Unknown Speakers connected to the electroporator
Stereo Microscope Olympus SZ30
Table Top Incubator Thermo Scientific MIDI 40
Upright Microscope Olympus BX61WI


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Bu Makaleden Alıntı Yapın
Single Cell Electroporation in Organotypic Brain Slice Cultures: An In Vitro Technique to Deliver Plasmids Inside Targeted Neurons in Brain Hippocampal Slices. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e20697, doi: (2023).

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