Layered Agar Mounting: Preparing Live Zebrafish Embryos for Long-Term Imaging with an Inverted Microscope

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Upadhyay S., A Layered Mounting Method for Extended Time-Lapse Confocal Microscopy of Whole Zebrafish Embryos. J. Vis. Exp. (2020).

This article describes a method to mount live zebrafish embryos for long term imaging. This method is cost effective and easy to perform using regular glass-bottom microscopy dishes for imaging on Inverted Microscope. The mounting is performed in layers of agarose at different concentrations.


1. Preparation of embryos After mating, harvest embryos in E3 in a Petri dish and incubate them at 26.5 °C for about 28 h before mounting. NOTE: This slows down the development of the embryos so that the embryos are approximately at 30 somite stage at the beginning of imaging. Anesthetize embryos in 0.016-0.020% Tricaine in E3. To inhibit pigmentation, add PTU to a concentration of 200 µM. Dechorionate the embryos using forceps under a dis…

Representative Results

Figure 1 : Description of mounting method. (A) Add the zebrafish embryo to the small well created by the glass bottom in the 35 mm dish. (B) Add agarose layer 1 to the small well to cover the embryo. (C) Carefully place a cover glass over the small well. (D) Add agarose layer 2 on the whole bottom of the 35 mm dish. (E) Add E3 to the dish. (F) Schematic drawing of a cross section of the mounting set up. (G) Microscop…


Low melting agarose Sigma-Aldrich, MO A9414 Store dissolved solution at 4 °C
35 mm glass bottom dishes with No. 0 coverslip and 10 mm diameter of glass bottom MatTek Corporation, MA P35GCOL-0-10-C
Tricaine (MS-222) Sigma-Aldrich, MO E10521 Store dissolved solution at 4 °C
N-phenylthiourea (PTU) Sigma-Aldrich, MO P7629 Store dissolved solution at -20 °C
DMC4500 digital microscope camera Leica NA
Micro cover glass 22×22 mm   VWR 48366 067

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Bu Makaleden Alıntı Yapın
Layered Agar Mounting: Preparing Live Zebrafish Embryos for Long-Term Imaging with an Inverted Microscope. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e20186, doi: (2023).

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