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Frequency Response of Op Amp Circuits

JoVE Core
Electrical Engineering
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JoVE Core Electrical Engineering
Frequency Response of Op Amp Circuits



Consider a guitar pickup connected to a buffer amplifier. This buffer amplifier, with a non-inverting op-amp, bridges the guitar's high impedance and the amplifier's low impedance.

The Bode magnitude plot of the op-amp maintains a constant gain below the corner frequency and it decreases at a rate of negative twenty decibels per decade beyond it.

The circuit is transformed into an equivalent frequency-dependent configuration, with the output voltage linked to the frequency-dependent gain and the input voltage.

Writing the nodal equation and substituting the expression for the op amp's input voltage yield the circuit's transfer function, which depends on the gain of the ideal non-inverting amplifier.

Using the expression for the amplifier gain, the transfer function can be expressed in terms of the DC gain of the non-inverting amplifier.

Approximations lead to a simplified transfer function, expressed using the corner frequency and ideal gain.

The gain bandwidth product equals the DC gain multiplied by the corner frequency.

This shows that for higher gains, bandwidth decreases, keeping the gain-bandwidth product constant and limiting the effective frequency range.


Frequency Response of Op Amp Circuits

Operational amplifiers (op-amp) are used in signal conditioning, filtering, or for performing mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, integration, and differentiation. The frequency response of an op-amp is an important aspect that describes how the gain of the amplifier varies with frequency.

Frequency Response and Gain:

The gain of the op-amp, A(ω), is not a constant but a function of the input signal frequency. An op-amp can maintain a constant gain at low frequencies, known as the direct current (dc) gain, A0. The gain can be shown as an equation:

Equation 1

ω is the input signal frequency, and ω1 is the corner or break frequency at which the gain starts to fall below the dc gain A0.

The Bode plot represents the logarithmic graph of the magnitude of the op-amp's gain versus frequency. It is a graphical presentation of how the gain of an op-amp diminishes at higher frequencies.

In the case of a noninverting amplifier, the circuit configuration has the input voltage applied to the non-inverting terminal of the op amp, leading to an amplified output voltage that is in phase with the input. This circuit's gain is influenced by the op amp's frequency response and the ratio of the resistances R1 and R2 used in the circuit. The network function of the noninverting amplifier is given by:

Equation 2

Where K is the ideal gain of the amplifier as is written as:

Equation 3

The frequency response of an operational amplifier is essential in determining how effectively it can amplify signals at different frequencies. The concept of gain versus frequency and the gain-bandwidth product are used in the design and application of op-amp circuits in electronic devices.