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Funções da Vida

JoVE Core
Anatomy and Physiology
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JoVE Core Anatomy and Physiology
Functions of Life



Different systems within the body coordinate its various functions, such as protection, movement, metabolism, and reproduction, in order to support human development and survival. The skin, nails, and hair protect the internal organs from external hazards. Additionally, the nervous system senses changes in the surrounding environment and quickly responds to prevent any harm to the body. The muscular and skeletal systems allow the human body to move. Movement also occurs within the body, for example, when the heart beats pumping blood through the body. Metabolism, includes breaking down food through catabolism into simpler molecules such as glucose, and generating energy to carry out different physiological functions. Through anabolism, simpler molecules are used to synthesize complex molecules such as proteins. The body eliminates metabolic waste through excretion. The intestine, kidneys, and skin are organs responsible for removing waste products. Reproduction is necessary for the production of offspring. The male and the female reproductive systems produce germ cells which fuse and form a zygote, which further develops into an embryo.


Funções da Vida

Human life is characterized by a variety of functions that are essential for survival and well-being. These functions include metabolism, movement, development, growth and reproduction.


The basic function of an organism is to consume energy and molecules in foods, convert some of it into fuel for movement, sustain body functions, and build and maintain body structures. There are two types of reactions that accomplish this: anabolism and catabolism.

Anabolism is the process whereby smaller, simpler molecules are combined into larger, more complex substances. Catabolism is the process by which larger, more complex substances are broken down into smaller, simpler molecules. Catabolism releases energy. The complex molecules in foods are broken down into nutrients so the body can use them to assemble the structures and substances needed for life.

Taken together, these two processes are called metabolism. Metabolism is the sum of all anabolic and catabolic reactions that take place in the body. Both anabolism and catabolism occur simultaneously.


Human movement includes not only actions at the joints of the body, but also the motion of individual organs and even individual cells. Muscle cells contract and relax to maintain the body's posture. The body coordinates the action of entire muscle groups to enable the movement of air in and out of the lungs, to push blood throughout the body, and to propel the food eaten through the digestive tract.

Development, Growth and Reproduction

Development is all of the changes the body goes through in life. The development also includes the processes of growth and repair, both of which involve cell differentiation — transition of a cell from one cell type to another. Growth is the increase in body size. Like all multicellular organisms, humans grow by increasing the number of existing cells, increasing the amount of non-cellular material around cells (such as mineral deposits in bone), and, within very narrow limits, increasing the size of existing cells. Reproduction is a fundamental function of human life that allows for the continuation of the species. Reproduction involves the production of offspring through sexual or asexual means. In humans, reproduction occurs through sexual reproduction, which involves the fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote. The zygote then undergoes a series of developmental processes to form an embryo, which eventually develops into a fetus and is born as a baby.

This text is adapted from Openstax, Anatomy and Physiology 2e, Section 1.3 Functions of Human Life