Here, we describe two quantitative methods for studying the protein-ligand interactions of vitamin A membrane receptors and photoreceptor opsin with their respective physiological ligands.
Distribution of dietary vitamin A/all-trans retinol (ROL) throughout the body is critical for maintaining retinoid function in peripheral tissues and generating the retinylidene protein for visual function. RBP4-ROL is the complex of ROL with retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4), which is present in the blood. Two membrane receptors, Retinol Binding Protein 4 Receptor 2 (RBPR2) in the liver and STimulated by Retinoic Acid 6 Retinol (STRA6) in the eye, bind circulatory RBP4 and this mechanism is critical for internalizing ROL into cells. Establishing methods to investigate receptor-ligand kinetics is essential in understanding the physiological function of vitamin A receptors for retinoid homeostasis. Using Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) assays, we can analyze the binding affinities and kinetic parameters of vitamin A membrane receptors with its physiological ligand RBP4.
These methodologies can reveal new structural and biochemical information of RBP4-binding motifs in RBPR2 and STRA6, which are critical for understanding pathological states of vitamin A deficiency. In the eye, internalized ROL is metabolized to 11-cis retinal, the visual chromophore that binds to opsin in photoreceptors to form the retinylidene protein, rhodopsin. The absorbance of light causes the cis-to-trans isomerization of 11-cis retinal, inducing conformational changes in rhodopsin and the subsequent activation of the phototransduction cascade. Decreased concentrations of serum and ocular ROL can impact retinylidene protein formation, which in turn can cause rhodopsin mislocalization, apoprotein opsin accumulation, night blindness, and photoreceptor outer segment degeneration, leading to Retinitis Pigmentosa or Leber Congenital Amaurosis.
Therefore, spectrophotometric methodologies to quantify the G protein-coupled receptor opsin-11-cis retinal complex in the retina are critical for understanding mechanisms of retinal cell degeneration in the above-mentioned pathological states. With these comprehensive methodologies, investigators will be able to better assess dietary vitamin A supply in maintaining systemic and ocular retinoid homeostasis, which is critical for generating and maintaining retinylidene protein concentrations in photoreceptors, which is critical for sustaining visual function in humans.
Dietary obtained Vitamin A/all-trans retinol/ROL is an important component playing a role in visual function1,2. The chromophore 11-cis retinal, a metabolite of dietary vitamin A, binds to the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) opsin to generate the retinylidene protein, rhodopsin, in the photoreceptors. When light falls on the eye, the configuration of rhodopsin undergoes a fundamental change via the conversion of its 11-cis-retinal component to the all-trans-retinal. This configuration change triggers a phototransduction cascade within the rod photoreceptors, converting light into an electrical signal, which is transmitted to the visual cortex in the brain via the optic nerve3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Decreased concentrations of serum and ocular ROL can impact retinylidene protein formation, which in turn causes opsin mislocalization, apoprotein opsin accumulation, night blindness, and photoreceptor OS degeneration, leading to Retinitis Pigmentosa or Leber Congenital Amaurosis, which can cause blindness3,10.
All-trans retinol is the fundamental transport form of dietary vitamin A and it is the source from which all functional retinoids and dietary vitamin A metabolites are derived. The liver serves as the primary organ for dietary vitamin A storage. Hepatic retinol is transported via the serum as its complex with retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4). RBP4, primarily expressed in the liver, forms a holo-complex with the retinol substrate and transthyretin (TTR), which enters the circulation11,12,13,14,15,16,17. The report of a cell surface receptor for RBP4 in the 1970s led to the hypothesis of membrane transport proteins aiding the transport of retinoids in and out of cells. The cell surface receptor for RBP4-bound retinol (RBP4-ROL) was identified as STimulated by Retinoic Acid 6 Retinol (STRA6) in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) of the eye. STRA6 binds to the circulatory holo-RBP4 complex and shuttles the RBP4-bound retinol across the RPE to be utilized by photoreceptors18,19. Mutations in STRA6 can lead to a myriad of diseases and phenotypes associated with reduced ocular ROL concentrations. STRA6 mutations during development can lead to anophthalmia, microphthalmia, and other non-ocular symptoms that overlap with phenotypes associated with Matthew-Wood syndrome20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27. STRA6 is expressed in different organs and tissues, such as the RPE in the eye, but not in all tissues26,27. Although the primary site of retinoid storage is the liver, STRA6 is not expressed in the liver.
Alapatt and colleagues discovered that the Retinol Binding Protein 4 Receptor 2 (RBPR2) bound RBP4 with high affinity and was responsible for the uptake of RBP4-bound retinol in the liver, similar to STRA6 in the RPE28. RBPR2 has been reported to share structural homology with STRA629,30,31. RBP4 is proposed to bind to residues S294, Y295, and L296 on RBPR2, an amino acid-binding domain partially conserved between RBPR2 and STRA6 as well29,30,31. From these studies, vitamin A membrane receptors such as STRA6 and RBPR2, which contain one or more extracellular binding residues/domains, are proposed to interact with circulatory RBP4-ROL. Membrane receptors, therefore, play an important role in receptor binding to circulatory RBP4 for ROL internalization into target tissues, such as the liver and eye.
In the first part of this study, we utilized Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) to investigate the interaction of two vitamin A membrane receptors (RBPR2 and STRA6) with their physiological ligand RBP431. The binding affinities and association/dissociation kinetics of protein to ligand complexes can be measured in real time by using SPR. This methodology aimed to provide critical kinetic, structural, and biochemical information on RBP4-binding motifs in RBPR2 and STRA6, which are critical for understanding pathological states of vitamin A deficiency31,32. As mentioned above, circulatory ROL is internalized into the RPE via STRA6 to generate the chromophore 11-cis retinal, which binds to opsin to generate the retinylidene protein, rhodopsin, in photoreceptors33. We used spectrophotometry methodologies to quantify the GPCR-opsin and its ligand 11-cis retinal complex in murine retinal lysates, which is critical for understanding mechanisms of reduced retinylidene protein, rhodopsin, in Retinitis Pigmentosa or Leber Congenital Amaurosis ocular pathological states34. In general, these protocols can be applied to study in vitro the physiological consequences of mutant RBP4, STRA6, or RBPR2 in influencing systemic and ocular vitamin A homeostasis or the impact of mutant rhodopsin or retinoid cycle proteins on visual function35,36.
1. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) methodology
2. SPR analysis to determine the binding affinities and kinetic parameters of vitamin A membrane receptors (RBPR2 and STRA6) with their physiological ligand RBP4
3. Spectrophotometry methodology to quantify the GPCR-11- cis retinal protein complex (retinylidene protein rhodopsin) in retinal lysates
Quantitative methods are described to study protein-ligand interactions of vitamin A membrane receptors and photoreceptor opsin with their respective physiological ligands. The recombinant mouse RBP4 should be expressed in E. coli and the purified protein used as a conjugated ligand on a SPR Chip. The chemically synthesized RBPR2, STRA6, and mutant S294A RBPR2 "SYL motif RBP4 interacting extracellular site" of a ~40 amino acid peptide is used as analyte at various concentrations to measure the kinetics of binding and equilibrium saturation Kd of interaction (Figure 1 and Figure 2).
Recombinant RBP4 protein, as a ligand for RBPR2 and STRA6, showed a binding affinity towards the interacting sites in these peptides, measured at Kd ~22.38 µM and ~26.73 µM, respectively. The amino acid motif "SYL" plays an essential role in stabilizing these interactions both in RBPR2 and STRA6, and as predicted, the mutant peptide S294A had increased Kd of ~114.9 µM, suggesting an increased copy number of mutant-RBPR2 peptide requirements for reaching binding saturation (Figure 3). Retinol uptake in the eye via STRA6 and conversion into various retinoids to the final conversion of 11-cis retinal as chromophore with binding to Lysine 296 residue of Rhodopsin makes a functional receptor for photon sensing and vision. The 11-cis retinal covalent binding to protein Opsin to form Rhodopsin exhibits certain characteristic absorbance features. Protein absorbance occurs at 280 nm, and free Retinol absorbance is at ~325 nm. However, the holo-Opsin with 11-cis Retinal or Rhodopsin absorbance occurs at 500 nm wavelength.
Any defect in this complex formation because of the low systemic retinol or defect in retinol uptake by a mutation in RBPR2 or STRA6 leads to the accumulation of Free Opsin or apoprotein opsin devoid of chromophore 11-cis retinal, changing the characteristic absorbance shifts to low absorbance at 500 nm. By quantifying the absorbance and using the ratio of absorbance 280 nm and 500 nm wavelength, it is possible to estimate the liganded Opsins or Rhodopsin. Through a brief exposure of light, it is possible to cross-check the photo-isomerization of 11-cis retinal bound Opsin absorbance at 500 nm to all-trans-retinal-bound Opsin (Meta II rhodopsin) absorbance at 380 nm (Figure 4, Figure 5, and Figure 6). In an experimental setup, the chance of artifacts and contaminants is high; the two major sources of artifacts found are unintentional light exposure from the instruments and low-concentration salt wash with failure to remove contaminant molecules from the RPE or lens (Figure 7).
Figure 1: Surface Plasmon Resonance workspace. Materials needed and overview of the SPR instrumentation. (A) SPR Chip loading dock. (A') CM5 Chip with carboxymethylated dextran covalently attached gold surface for immobilization via -NH2, -SH, -CHO, -OH, or -COOH groups. (B) Sample loading robotic injector rack. (B') type 3 rubber caps. (B'') 7 mm plastic vials for sample aliquots. (C,D) Equilibration/running buffer reservoir and waste collection tank. (E) Biacore software control panel. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Schematic overview of Surface Plasmon Resonance and the steps of sensorgram acquisitions. Step 1: The CM5 Chip surface immobilized with RBP4 protein with a target of 1,200 response units. Step 2: Various concentrations of RBPR2 peptides are run as analytes, and this biomolecular interaction changes the electron charge density on the gold Chip surface, leading to the change/reduction in light reflection at a specific angle or a resonance angle. Step 3: The washing reverses the surface plasmon phenomenon, leading to the reversal of reflection intensity and the drop of the sensorgram to the baseline. The kinetics of these interactions were further used to determine the association dissociation constants and strength of interactions. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Surface Plasmon Resonance binding studies of individual vitamin A receptor binding domain peptides with its physiological ligand RBP4. (A) The software prompt showing the achieved immobilization of RBP4 on the CM5 Chip surface. (B,C,D) Sensograms of peptide-ligand RBPR2-RBP4, STRA6-RBP4, and mutant S294A RBPR2-RBP4 interactions at various concentrations. (B',C',D') Binding Kinetics and equilibrium Kd determination showing the difference and closeness of binding pattern. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Opsin-11-cis retinal absorbance workspace and overview of the instrumentation. (A) Refrigerated benchtop centrifuge, all LED indicators covered with red tape; (B) UV-visible spectrophotometer, one LED indicator covered with red tape; (B') Rectangular ultra-micro cell, quartz cuvette, and magnetic stand. (C) Scan application software; (D) spectrophotometer compartment cover slide open, cuvette holder for analysis, and compartment cover closed. (E) Light OFF setup with monitor OFF for sample preparation under a single red-light source. (F) Refrigerated rotator for sample preparation and solubilization. (G) Light OFF setup with monitor ON for sample absorbance measurement. (H) Analysis of absorbance in XY-Plot. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Workflow overview of the Opsin-11-cis retinal absorbance methodology. Step 1: Retinas from dark-adapted mice under a single red-light source are isolated, homogenized, and solubilized to obtain retinal membrane fractions. Steps 2-4: In a sequence of centrifugations, the pellet is solubilized in the absence of detergent and the presence of DDM detergent buffer. Steps 5-6: The solubilized pellet containing retinal photoreceptors and other membrane proteins ready for antibody pulldown and purification. Step 7: The eluted Opsin using VAPA 1D4-peptide ready for absorbance analysis. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6: Rhodopsin absorbance spectra. (A) Dark adapted mice retina extract using 1D4 purified rhodopsin showing the 500 nm peak absorbance, and (B) light exposed retina extract using 1D4 purified rhodopsin showing the 380 nm peak absorbance. (C) Western blot using 1D4 rhodopsin antibody showing the quality of the rhodopsin purification and size distribution. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 7: Rhodopsin absorbance spectra artifact. (A) Artifact in absorbance spectra of dark-adapted eye extract is shown with the absorbance peak at 380 nm; the unintentional light exposures from the instruments led indicators or failure of dark room door light blocker causes bleaching of rhodopsin protein. (B) Insufficient washes with high salt buffer cause accumulation of contaminates from RPE, lens, or other sources from eye extract, leading to high absorbance spectrum spread and artifacts. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 8: Schematic representation of the interactions between vitamin A membrane receptors (RBPR2 and STRA6) and Opsin protein with their respective ligands (RBP4 and 11-cis retinal) critical for generating the retinylidene protein in photoreceptors for visual function. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplemental Figure S1: Intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence intensities. Preliminary evidence of interaction and change in the orientations of intrinsic tryptophan residues of RBP4 upon interacting with various concentrations of RBPR2 and STRA6 peptides. Please click here to download this File.
Supplemental Figure S2: RBPR2 and RBP4 protein-protein docking and interaction. Interface residues are visualized in PyMOL and the orientation of RBPR2 in the membrane is visualized by using the server tool Please click here to download this File.
Supplemental Figure S3: Pipeline for in-silico analysis of the protein-protein docking interaction and possible contact sites. The analysis pipeline demonstrates the sequence of Python script run and PyMOL command line usage from steps 1 to 6, ensuring the reliability of acquiring the sites of interactions. Please click here to download this File.
Supplemental Figure S4: CD spectroscopy secondary structure analysis showing the composition of the RBP4, RBPR2, and STRA6 peptides. The pie graph shows the shares of secondary structures present in the molecule. Using the BeStSel Secondary Structure tool, Protein Fold Prediction by Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy ( was analyzed. Please click here to download this File.
Critical steps in the protocol
SPR Methodology
In silico modeling and docking analysis: The predicted structure of RBPR2 ( and STRA6, and the known structure for msRBP4 PDB database (RSCB PDB ID: 2wqa), should be used for docking study29,31. Additionally, in vitro methods (cell culture) should be used to confirm the interaction of the putative binding sites on vitamin A receptors (RBPR2 and STRA6) with its ligand (RBP4)29,31(Supplemental Figure S1, Supplemental Figure S2, and Supplemental Figure S3). Determine the quality of peptides using CD spectroscopy. Previously, for far-UV CD spectrum, 1 mm rectangular cell 0.1 μg/μL ~200 μL (3-4 μg RBP4 protein, 32 µM RBPR2, and 32 µM STRA6 peptides) were used31(Supplemental Figure S4). The nitrogen gas flow should be used to prevent harmful ozone formation under emission Xenon lamps and reduce background absorbance at 200-300 nm. Using the default parameter, the spectrum was measured from 185 nm to 300 nm. The baseline should be corrected by subtraction with the Blank. The alpha helix and beta sheet content are calculated based on the property of absorbance, such as the alpha helix's negative peaks at 222 nm.
Analyze the RBPR2 and STRA6 proteins and topological domains data in the database (, confirm the previously known possible interaction sites from extracellular regions, and use the sequence ~40-50 amino acids to chemically synthesize the peptides. The study requires purified recombinant mouse RBP4 (msRBP4) protein and chemically synthesized RBPR2 and STRA6 peptides encompassing the proposed RBP4 binding residues for studying receptor-ligand interactions18,19,29,31. Before shortlisting the peptides, the extracellular peptide sequence of the interacting vitamin A receptor proteins must be determined using in silico (computer-based protein-ligand docking) analysis31. SPR assay is performed to understand the kinetics of receptor-ligand interactions. It is crucial to know predicted sites of interactions by in-silico computer-based assays or from in-vitro analysis. In this study, the designed peptide references the extracellular region of membrane proteins RBPR2 and STRA6, which are known to interact with RBP4. To ensure accurate results and prevent potential artifacts and negative SPR sensorgrams, it is crucial to standardize the buffers, peptide concentrations, and solubility. For rhodopsin absorbance studies, retinal lysate isolation requires stringent dark conditions and washing steps to avoid artifacts and unwanted absorbance peaks (Figure 7).
To understand the importance of the SYL motif on vitamin A transporters in binding RBP4, RBPR2, STRA6, and a mutant S294A-RBPR2 peptides31 were chemically synthesized using a condensation reaction of the carboxyl and amino groups between two amino acids. The protocol followed the precise stepwise addition of sequential amino acids to anchoring resin. The process of amino acid synthesis undergoes chemical modifications of protection and deprotection of the N-terminus amino acid unit, allowing the synthesis and peptide polymer formation. Once completed, the peptide is recovered from the resin and purified. The initial validation of RBP4 protein and vitamin A receptor peptides interactions should be confirmed using an internal Tryptophan Fluorescence assay and checked using a CD spectrometer (Supplemental Figure S1). The initial interaction quality of the recombinant RBP4 protein with mouse STRA6 (msSTRA6), mouse RBPR2 (msRBPR2), and control peptides should be confirmed using intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence assay (Supplemental Figure S1). The intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence assay is a critical experimental procedure for assessing the quenching or enhancement of tryptophan amino acid residues in proteins for fluorescence upon binding the receptor and ligand. The measured fluorescence is a direct indication of the change in the local environment as a result of the interaction.
Modifications and troubleshooting of the methods
Optimize the SPR with running buffers: 1x Phosphate-Buffered Saline (Tween 20) or 1x HEPES (P20). To avoid precipitates, the diluted peptides should be centrifuged and filtered prior to use. Standardize the Rhodopsin absorbance with various high-salt buffers (300-500 mM NaCl). To confirm the rhodopsin absorbance peaks in the dark at 500 nm, expose the samples to light for 30 s and repeat the measurement to ensure the quality through absorbance peak shift to 380 nm and efficacy of the pulldown.
Limitations of the methods
SPR can provide specific information on the interaction of two proteins; however, if the interaction requires a third unknown component, the data can become complex to comprehend. The change in the molecule's conformation will remain unidentified in the interaction. Since the RBP4 protein is prepared in the absence of retinol (apo-RBP4), what is measured is the binding of apo-RBP4 to its receptors. Therefore, retinol-loaded RBP4 (holo-RBP4) can have an altered affinity for the RBPR2 and STRA6 receptors compared to the apo-RBP435,36. Interestingly, the affinities for apo- and holo-RBP4 for STRA6 were previously shown in both the micromolar range, and no statistical difference was observed between the bindings of apo- and holo-RBP4 to the STRA6 receptor35. Rhodopsin absorbance methodology can identify the presence of un-liganded opsin (apoprotein opsin) in the eye but cannot identify the causative mechanism(s).
Rhodopsin absorbance spectra
CRITICAL CHECKPOINT: The photo-isomerization of 11-cis retinal to all-trans retinal is highly sensitive and instantaneous32. Quantification of Rhodopsin (holo-Opsin) should be conducted under strict dark conditions to measure proper Opsin and 11-cis retinal content in dark (500 nm) or under light-adapted conditions as Meta II Rhodopsin (380 nm)32. Mice should be therefore dark adapted in a dark room for 12-16 h to measure unbleached rhodopsin32. For this purpose, the dark room should be completely dark, with the entry door covered in blackout cloth and external LED light sources on all equipment covered with red tape. Cover the laptop screen with a red plastic sheet and keep closed until required. An overhead red-light source is also required.
CRITICAL STEP: Standardize the washing steps at various high concentrations of salts to remove lens or RPE proteins or molecule contaminants that have 300-500 nm wavelength absorbance and could potentially interfere with opsin absorbance measurement.
Significance of the methods with respect to existing/alternative methods
There is no feasible approach to study systemic retinoid utilization, multi-tissue contributions, and impact of mutations in retinol-binding protein receptors for the retinol distribution mechanisms. This protocol utilizes two essential techniques to understand and fill the missing connections in retinol depletion in photoreceptors with Apo-Opsin and liver retinoid storage utilization via RBPR2-RBP4 receptor-ligand interactions (Figure 3, Figure 6, and Figure 8).
Importance and potential applications of the method in specific researchareas
SPR and absorbance-based rhodopsin spectroscopy assays provide a meaningful strategy to study systemic and ocular vitamin A homeostasis mechanisms for the generation of the retinylidene protein (rhodopsin). In summary, these techniques and experimental approaches can elucidate the kinetics of membrane receptor-dependent transport of dietary retinoids through the liver and into the eye, facilitating the generation of rhodopsin (Figure 8). They also aid in understanding the mechanisms and ocular consequences of mutations in vitamin A receptors and opsin proteins, particularly in binding to their respective ligands. These interactions may influence the generation of the retinylidene protein, which is crucial for visual function.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
The authors thank Dr. Beata Jastrzebska, Ph.D. (Department of Pharmacology, Case Western Reserve University, OH) for her advice on the rhodopsin absorbance protocol. This work was supported by an NIH-NEI grant (EY030889 and 3R01EY030889-03S1) and, in part, by the University of Minnesota start-up funds to G.P.L.
2-D Quant Kit | Cytiva | 80648356 | |
Amine Coupling Kit | Cytiva | BR100050 | |
Biacore evaluation software | Biacore S200 | Version 1.1 | |
Biacore Sensor chip CM5 | Cytiva | BR100530 | |
Bis tris propane | Sigma | B6755-25G | 20 mM |
BL21 DE3 competent cells | Thermo Scientific | EC0114 | |
CD spectrophotometer | Jasco | J-815 Spectropolarimeter | |
Glycine HCL | Fisher Bioreagents | BP381-1 | |
GraphPad Prism | Model fitting, data analysis | ||
LB broth | Fisher Bioreagents | BP1426-500 | |
n-dodecyl-β-d-maltoside (DDM) | EMD Millipore | 324355-1GM | 2-20 mM |
pET28a His-tag Kanamycin-resistant expression vector | Addgene | 69864-3 | |
Plasmid purification kit | Qiagen | 27106 | |
Rho1D4 MagBeads | CubeBiotech | 33299 | |
Slide-A_Lyzer 10K dialysis cassette | Thermo Scientific | 66810 | |
Tween20 | Fisher Bioreagents | BP337-500 | 0.05% |
UV vis Spectrophotometer | Agilent | Cary 60 UV-Vis | |
Peptide name | Peptide sequence | HPLC-purity | Mass Spec |
92.14% | Conforms |
90.84% | Conforms |
0.92% | Conforms |