The present protocol describes procedures used to study and characterize cell wall-related enzymes, mainly β-1,3-glucanase and peroxidase, in wheat plants. Their activity levels increase during wheat-RWA interaction and are involved in the plant defense response through cell wall reinforcement, which deters aphid feeding.
Wheat plants infested by Russian wheat aphids (RWA) induce a cascade of defense responses, including the hypersensitive responses (HR) and induction of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins, such as β-1,3-glucanase and peroxidase (POD). This study aims to characterize the physicochemical properties of cell wall-associated POD and β-1,3-glucanase and determine their synergism on the cell wall modification during RWASA2-wheat interaction. The susceptible Tugela, moderately resistant Tugela-Dn1, and resistant Tugela-Dn5 cultivars were pregerminated and planted under greenhouse conditions, fertilized 14 days after planting, and irrigated every 3 days. The plants were infested with 20 parthenogenetic individuals of the same RWASA2 clone at the 3-leaf stage, and leaves were harvested at 1 to 14 days post-infestation. The Intercellular wash fluid (IWF) was extracted using vacuum filtration and stored at -20 °C. Leaf residues were crushed into powder and used for cell wall components. POD activity and characterization were determined using 5 mM guaiacol substrate and H2O2, monitoring change in absorbance at 470 nm. β-1,3-glucanase activity, pH, and temperature optimum conditions were demonstrated by measuring the total reducing sugars in the hydrolysate with DNS reagent using β-1,3-glucan and β-1,3-1,4-glucan substrates, measuring the absorbance at 540 nm, and using glucose standard curve. The pH optimum was determined between pH 4 to 9, temperature optimum between 25 and 50 °C, and thermal stability between 30 °C and 70 °C. β-1,3-glucanase substrate specificity was determined at 25 °C and 40 °C using curdlan and barley β-1,3-1,4-glucan substrates. Additionally, the β-1,3-glucanase mode of action was determined using laminaribiose to laminaripentaose. The oligosaccharide hydrolysis product patterns were qualitatively analyzed with thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and quantitatively analyzed with HPLC. The method presented in this study demonstrates a robust approach for infesting wheat with RWA, extracting peroxidase and β-1,3-glucanase from the cell wall region and their comprehensive biochemical characterization.
Russian wheat aphids (RWA) infest wheat and barley, causing significant yield loss or grain quality reduction. Wheat responds to infestation by inducing several defense responses, including increasing the β-1,3-glucanase and peroxidase activity levels in the resistant cultivars, while susceptible cultivars reduce the activity of these enzymes at early infestation period1,2,3,4. The key functions of β-1,3-glucanase and POD in the wheat plant included regulating callose accumulation in the resistant cultivar and reactive oxygen species (ROS) quenching at the cell wall and apoplastic regions during RWA infestation1,3,5,6,7. Mafa et al.6 demonstrated that there was a strong correlation between the increased POD activity and increased lignin content in the resistant wheat cultivar upon RWASA2 infestations. In addition, increased lignin content indicated that the cell wall of the infested resistant wheat cultivar was reinforced, leading to reduced RWA feeding.
Most researcher groups extracted and studied apoplastic β-1,3-glucanase and POD during the wheat/barley-RWA interaction; in addition, most of these studies claimed that these enzymes influence the cell wall of the wheat plant infested with RWA without measuring the enzyme presence in the cell wall region. Only a few studies have used microscopic techniques to show that β-1,3-glucanase activity levels were linked to callose regulation7,8,9 or extracted major cell wall components to demonstrate the correlation between POD activities and cell wall modification in the resistant6,10. The lack of probing the β-1,3-glucanase and POD association to the cell wall indicates a need to develop methods that allow researchers to measure the cell wall-bound enzymes directly.
The current method proposes that removing the apoplastic fluid from the leaf tissue before extracting the cell wall-bound enzymes is necessary. The extraction procedure of apoplastic fluid must be performed twice from the leaf tissue, which is used for extracting the cell wall-bound enzymes. This process reduces contamination and confusion of the apoplastic enzymes with those found in the cell wall regions. Thus, in this study, we extracted cell wall-bound POD, β-1,3-glucanase, and MLG-specific β-glucanase and performed their biochemical characterization.
The study was conducted with the approval and permission of the Environmental and Biosafety Research Ethics Committee of the University of the Free State (UFS-ESD2022/0131/22). The details of the reagents and the equipment here are listed in the Table of Materials.
1. Plant growth conditions
2. Wheat cultivars infestation with RWASA2
3. Extraction of intercellular wash fluid (IWF) from the apoplast
4. Extraction of the cell wall-associated β-1,3-glucanase and POD
NOTE: The leaf residues left after IWF extraction were used to extract total cell wall protein.
5. Determination of the protein standard
6. Prepare glucose standard for β-1,3-glucanase activity
7. Determining β-1,3-glucanase activity assay
NOTE: The enzyme activity of the cell wall-bound β-1,3-glucanase extracted from Tugela, Tugela-Dn1, and Tugela-Dn5 was determined by the amount of released total reducing sugars released from hydrolysis of 0.5% (w/v) mixed linked β-1,3-1,4-glucan (MLG) and 0.4% (w/v) β-1,3-glucan substrates using a modified method as described by Miller et al.15. Always keep the tubes with protein aliquots on the ice. If the samples were frozen, thaw them on ice and proceed immediately after thawing.
8. Determining Peroxidase (POD) activity
NOTE: The cell wall-bound peroxidase activity of Tugela, Tugela-Dn1, and Tugela-Dn5 wheat cultivars was determined by quantifying the formation of the tetra-guaiacol produced per unit time from guaiacol16.
9. POD characterization
NOTE: POD characterization assays were conducted using 3 days post-infestation (dpi) enzyme extracts of Tugela, Tugela-Dn1, and Tugela-Dn5 following similar methods described in step 8, with minor changes in the reaction buffers and temperatures. The enzyme samples were always kept on ice while the experiments were being conducted. Run the reactions in quadruplicates with a parallel blank reaction.
10. β-1,3-glucanase characterization
NOTE: Conduct the characterization assays following the method described in step 7 using 3 dpi enzyme extracts, with some modifications in the reaction buffers and temperatures. Run the reactions in quadruplicates, with a parallel blank reaction for each substrate.
11. Assessing β-1,3-glucanase mechanism of action on different glucan substrates
NOTE: Glucan substrates contain the same glucose residue in their backbone, but the glycosidic linkages between glucopyranose units are diverse and can take the α or β orientation17. The glycosidic bonds can form between several carbon atoms of glucose molecules, defining their chemical structure, e.g., β-1,3-glucan, β-1,4-glucan, and mixed linked-β-1,3-1,4-glucan (MLG)18,19,20. The β-1,3-glucanase mechanism of action was determined using RWASA2-infestated Tugela, Tugela-Dn1, and Tugela-Dn5 samples (enzyme sources) and the following substrates β-1,3-glucan (CM-curdlan), MLG (from barley), and β-1,4-glucan (AZO-CM-Cellulose). The mechanism of action is determined under optimal assay conditions (25 °C and 40°C, pH 5.0), using 0.1% (w/v) β-1,4-glucan, 0.4% (w/v) β-1,3-glucan, or 0.5% (w/v) MLG substrates.
12. Determining β-1,3-glucanase mode of action
NOTE: The RWASA2-infested Tugela, Tugela-Dn1, and Tugela-Dn5 induced β-1,3-glucanase mode of action were assayed with laminarin-oligosaccharides (LAMs) with the degree of polymerization (DP) between 5 and 2. Use Thin layer chromatography (TLC), liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), and glucose oxidase peroxidase (GOPOD) kit to determine the DP required for β-1,3-glucanase to hydrolyze the substrate. The TLC was used for qualitative analysis, and the LC-MS was used for quantitative analysis, which determined the concentration of the oligosaccharides in the hydrolysate after the reaction21.
13. Data collection and analysis
Four biological replicates of wheat cultivars (Tugela, Tugela-Dn1, and Tugela-Dn5) were infested with RWASA2 at the 3-leaf growth stage. After infestation, the leaves were harvested at 1-, 2-, 3-, 7-, and 14 dpi. The control treatments were not infested with RWASA2 to make the experiment results comparable to wheat plants not exposed to stress. The experiments were conducted in quadruplicates, and the results were presented as the mean values.
The protein concentrations of both RWASA2-infested and control extracts were quantified using BSA as a protein standard. This was useful when determining the enzyme activity for β-1,3-glucanase and POD and to ensure that the protein concentrations used in every reaction were known for every sample; the differences were negligible. The data can be presented in a graph or table format. The first graph format was used to express the enzyme-specific activities (y-axis) plotted against days post-infestation (x-axis) for both enzyme activity and characterization assay results. The increased specific activity of β-1,3-glucanase, MLG-specific β-glucanase, and POD in RWASA2-infested resistant Tugela-Dn5 samples showed that the enzymes played a role in the defense response (Figure 1 and Figure 2). In addition, both enzymes significantly lost activity over time in the susceptible Tugela infested with RWASA2.
The biochemical characterization of the cell wall-associated β-1,3-glucanase and POD were determined by expressing the activity in percentages relative-activity or specific enzyme activity, which were represented by line and bar graphs, respectively (Figure 3). The result showed that both β-1,3-glucanase and POD had pH-similar optimum conditions (pH 5) corresponding to the acidic cell wall conditions (Figure 3). It is important to note that the MLG-specific β-glucanase also showed a specific activity at pH 5. However, it was more stable at basic conditions than the β-1,3-glucanase, which lost up to 80% relative activity in the same condition. The results confirmed that two enzymes that catalyzed the MLG and β-1,3-glucan substrates were successfully extracted from the cell wall region based on the pH optimum. This claim was validated by thermostability assay results (Figure 4), which confirmed that β-1,3-glucanase could only tolerate temperatures up to 50 °C and lost more than 80% relative activity at 70 °C (POD had the same profiles). In contrast, the MLG-specific β-glucanase enzyme displayed the highest activity at 25 °C followed by a gradually decreased activity, but this enzyme retained more than 50% relative activity at 50 °C and 70 °C. The observations confirmed that the MLG-specific β-glucanase displayed unique biochemical properties compared to β-1,3-glucanase and POD extracted from Tugela, Tugela-Dn1, and Tugela-Dn5.
The β-1,3-glucanase mode of action was demonstrated with laminarin-oligosaccharides with a DP between 5 and 2 (referred to as LAM5 to LAM2). The TLC results showed infested Tugela, Tugela-Dn1, and Tugela-Dn5 had a β-1,3-glucanase enzyme that mostly hydrolyzed longer oligosaccharides (LAM5 and LAM4) compared to shorter ones (LAM3). The intensity of the blue-violet spots visualized on the TLC plate showed that LAM5 and LAM4 had less intense bands, followed by LAM3 in the resistant and moderately resistant cultivars (Figure 5). The susceptible Tugela cultivar showed that β-1,3-glucanase hydrolyzed the LAM5 better than other oligosaccharides (LAM4-LAM2), which showed higher intense bands. The mode of action is also expressed as the concentrations of the hydrolysates, presented in a table with a heat map showing efficient hydrolysis of Laminarin oligosaccharides with higher DP and moderate activity during the hydrolysis of shorter oligosaccharides (LAM3 and LAM2) (Table 1).
Figure 1: The specific activity of peroxidase extracted from RWASA2-infested Tugela (A), Tugela-Dn1 (B), and Tugela-Dn5 (C) 14 days after infestation. The experiments were performed in quadruplicates; the values and error bars represent means ± SD, respectively. U in U/mg protein represents µmol tetra-guaiacol/min. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: The β-1,3-glucanase specific activity measured in RWASA2-infested Tugela, Tugela-Dn1, and Tugela-Dn5 cultivars. The enzyme activity was conducted using two chemically distinct glucan substrates, i.e., mixed-linked β-1,3-1,4-glucan (A–C) and curdlan (D–F). The experiments were performed in quadruplicates; the values and error bars represent means ± SD, respectively. U in U/mg protein represents µmol/h. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: The pH optimum assays of β-1,3-glucanase enzyme extracted from RWASA2 infested Tugela, Tugela-Dn1, and Tugela-Dn5 at 3 days after infestation. The experiments were conducted using mixed-linkage-β-1,3-1,4-glucan (A–C) and curdlan (D–F) substrates. The experiments were performed in quadruplicates; the values and error bars represent means ± SD, respectively. U in U/mg protein represents µmol/h. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Thermostability assay. The thermostability assays of β-1,3-glucanase sourced from RWASA2 infested Tugela, Tugela-Dn1, and Tugela-Dn5 3 days after infestation, investigated on β-1,3-1,4-glucan (A–C) and β-1,3-glucan (D–F). The experiments were performed in quadruplicates; the values and error bars represent means ± SD, respectively. U in U/mg protein represents µmol/h. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Analysis of β-1,3-glucanase mode of action on laminarin oligosaccharides. Laminarin oligosaccharides were represented by L5, L4, L3, and L2, which were equivalent to Laminaripentaose (LAM5), Laminaritetraose (LAM4), Laminaritriose (LAM3), and Laminaribiose (LAM2), respectively. The red arrow shows the glucose (GLU), and the blue arrow shows the profiles of the enzyme without the oligosaccharides. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Table 1: Laminarin-oligosaccharides produced with concentrated β-1,3-glucanase extracted from wheat cultivars infested with RWASA2 for 3 days. The concentrations of the oligosaccharides in the hydrolysate were determined with LC-MS. LAM5, LAM4, LAM3, LAM2 and GLU represent laminaripentaose, laminaritetraose, laminaritriose, laminaribiose and glucose, respectively. Please click here to download this Table.
Wheat and barley are cereal crops frequently infested by aphid species, including Russian wheat aphids (Diuraphis noxia)7,24. Resistant wheat plants induce the upregulation of POD and β-1,3-glucanase activities as defense responses throughout the infestation period to modify the cell wall by regulating callose and lignin accumulation6,25,26,27. It is important to note that most studies extracted the POD and β-1,3-glucanase enzymes from the apoplast3,12,28, making their cell wall functions highly speculative. The current study developed a method that extracted the cell wall-bound β-1,3-glucanase, MLG-specific β-glucanase, and POD as part of the total protein. These enzymes were highly active in the resistant wheat cultivars compared to the control, while their activity was delayed in the susceptible cultivars. Using the controls in the experiments helped with understanding the infestation's effects on the wall-bound enzymes' activity levels. Sampling the third and second leaf tissues for infested or control samples is important because it brings consistency. Also, sample the infested and the control with the same period because the POD, β-1,3-glucanase, and MLG-specific β-glucanase activity increase the wheat seedlings' growth.
The curdlan substrate used in this study has a chemical structure similar to that of callose, a polymer deposited in the cell wall region during the wheat-RWA interaction7,24. The barley MLG substrate represents the part of the cell wall hemicellulose present in low proportion compared to xylan in most monocots. The substrates were dissolved in sodium citrate pH 5 buffer to mimic the acidic condition of the plant cell wall region29. If the β-1,3-glucanase and MLG-specific β-glucanase were removed with the IWF, the total protein extracted from the remaining leaf tissue would not have activity on the MLG and curdlan substrates. Also, if the protein extracts were sourced from the cytoplasmic region, they would show activity at the neutral pH range. Interestingly, both enzymes were present in the total protein extract because they successfully hydrolyzed the MLG and curdlan substrates. The hydrolysis of the MLG and curdlan by the respective enzymes produced the reducing sugars, which were detected by the DNS reagent following a modified method by Mafa et al.6. When samples have higher total reducing sugars concentration, the DNS reagent color changes from yellow to dark brown or color changes from yellow to light brown (looks dark orange) when reducing sugars concentration is low.
Guaiacol substrate was used to measure POD activity. Due to POD's high catalytic efficiency, we measured its activity using the kinetic mode of the spectrophotometer. POD is activated by the low concentration of H2O2 in the presence of the substrate (Guaiacol). The activity of this enzyme converts guaiacol to form tetra-guaiacol, which is a brown-orange color compound. The production of the tetra-guaiacol confirms that POD cross-links phenolic compounds to produce oligomers or incorporates phenolic compounds into lignin. POD showed higher activity levels in the RWASA2-infested resistant Tugela-Dn5, followed by moderately resistant Tugela-Dn1 compared to controls. However, POD activity levels were significantly reduced over time in the infested susceptible Tugela. The findings of this study were supported by the claim that RWASA2-infested resistant wheat cultivars use POD to strengthen their cell wall by cross-linking the lignin or lignin-hemicellulose connections6. POD required H2O2 to function, which indicates that it reduced oxidation or bleaching of the cell wall structural carbohydrates by regulating levels of H2O2 in the cell wall region.
Different pH and temperature conditions were used to determine biochemical optimum conditions for these cell wall-bound enzymes. The optimum conditions showed that the enzymes have optimum activities at acidic pH ranges (pH 5), which suggests they were associated with the cell wall region. The optimum temperature for β-1,3-glucanase was obtained at 25 °C and 40 °C when hydrolyzing β-1,3-1,4-glucan and β-1,3-glucan substrates, respectively. This observation confirmed that the β-1,3-glucanases and MLG-specific β-glucanase were two different enzymes induced in the cell wall region of resistant wheat cultivars during RWASA2 infestation. Even though biochemical characterization is a promising method for discovering or identifying different enzymes with similar substrates, we still recommend using other laborious but accurate methods, including western blotting and zymogram assays. Lastly, we could not quantify the mode of enzyme activity for MLG-specific β-glucanase due to a lack of MLG-oligosaccharides. However, the β-1,3-glucanases extracted from the RWASA2-infested Tugela-Dn5 and Tugela-Dn1 displayed higher activity on LAM5, LAM4, and LAM3, while the one sourced from susceptible Tugela displayed higher activity on LAM5 and LAM4. This confirms that studying the mode of enzyme activity can also pick up subtle differences between the β-1,3-glucanases induced in the RWA-infested resistant and susceptible cultivars.
The current study gives a detailed procedure for extracting the cell wall-bound enzymes from wheat leaf tissue. After extraction, we identified three cell wall-bound enzymes, namely β-1,3-glucanase, MLG-specific β-glucanase, and POD. The activity levels of these enzymes were significantly higher in the RWASA2-infested moderately resistant Tugela-Dn1 and resistant Tugela-Dn5 cultivars than controls. These confirmed that the cell wall-bound enzymes contributed to the defense response in the resistant cultivars. The characterization findings give an insight that cell wall POD and β-1,3-glucanase function under the same conditions, suggesting they synergistically reinforce the cell wall during the wheat-RWASA2 interaction.
Some limitations have been identified that interfere with the current protocols discussed. The shortage of wheat plants can limit the leaf material available to extract the enzyme samples. If the IWF from the apoplast is not successfully extracted from the leaf samples before extracting the cell wall enzymes, it can lead to the combination of both apoplast and cell wall enzymes. The combination of the IWF and the cell wall region enzymes makes it difficult to study the cell wall-bound enzymes that are bound in the cell wall. No other limitations were identified in the current protocol.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
M. Mafa received funding from the NRF-Thuthuka (Reference Number: TTK2204102938). S.N. Zondo received the National Research Foundation Postgraduate Scholarship for his MSc degree. The authors are grateful to the Agricultural Research Council – Small Grain (ARC-SG) Institute for providing the seeds used in this study. Any opinion, findings, and recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s), and therefore, the funders do not accept any liability in regard thereto.
10 kDa Centrifuge concentrating membrane device | Sigma-Aldrich | R1NB84206 | For research use only. Not for use in Diagnostic procedures. For concentration and purification of biological solutions. |
2 g Laminaribiose | Megazyme (Wicklow, Ireland) | O-LAM2 | High purity laminaribiose for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis. |
3 g Laminaritriose | Megazyme (Wicklow, Ireland) | O-LAM3 | High purity laminaritriose for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis. |
3,5 Dinitro salicylic acid | Sigma-Aldrich | D0550 | Used in colorimetric determination of reducing sugars |
4 g Laminaritetraose | Megazyme (Wicklow, Ireland) | O-LAM4 | High purity laminaritetraose for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis. |
5 g Laminaripentaose | Megazyme (Wicklow, Ireland) | O-LAM5 | High purity laminaripentaose for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis. |
95% Absolute ethanol | Sigma-Aldrich | 107017 | Ethanol absolute for analysis |
acetic acid | Sigma-Aldrich | B00063 | Acetc acid glacial 100% for analysis (contains acetic acid) |
Azo-CM-Cellulose | Megazyme (Wicklow, Ireland) | S-ACMC | The polysaccharide is dyed with Remazolbrilliant Blue R to an extent of approx. one dye molecule per 20 sugar residues. |
Beta glucan (barley) | Megazyme (Wicklow, Ireland) | G6513 | A powdered substrate, less soluble in water. Used in determining β-1,3-glucanase activity. |
Bio-Rad Protein Assay Dye | Bio-Rad Laboratories, South africa | 500-0006 | Colorimetric assay dye, concentrate, for use with Bio-Rad Protein Assay Kits I and II |
Bovine serum albumin (BSA) | Gibco Europe | 810-1018 | For Laboratory use only |
Citrate acid | Sigma-Aldrich | C0759 | For Life Science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. |
CM-curdlan | Megazyme (Wicklow, Ireland) | P-CMCUR | Powdered substrate for determining β-1,3-glucanase activity. Insoluble in water. |
D-Glucose | Sigma-Aldrich | G8270 | For Life Science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. |
Guaiacol | Sigma-Aldrich | G5502 | Oxidation indicator. Used for determining peroxidase activity. |
Hydrogen peroxide | BDH Laboratory Supplies, England | 10366 | Powerful oxidising agent. |
Mikskaar Professional Substarte | Mikskaar (Estonia) | NI | Peat moss-based seedling substrate. |
Multifeed fertiliser (5.2.4 (43)) | Multifeed Classic | B1908248 | A water soluble fertiliser for young developing plants and seedlings with a high phosphorus (P) requirement to ensure optimum root development. |
Naphthol | Merck, Germany | N2780 | Undergoes hydrogenations in the presence of a catalyst. |
Phenol | Sigma-Aldrich | 33517 | Light sensitive. For R&D use only. Not for drug, household, or other uses. SDS available |
Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate (Rochelle salt) | Sigma-Aldrich | S2377 | used in the preparation of 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid solution used in the determination of the reducing sugar. |
Silica plate (TLC Silica gel 60 F254) | Sigma-Aldrich | 60778-25EA | Silica gel matrix, with fluorescent indicator 254 nm |
Sodium hydroxide | Sigma-Aldrich | S8045 | For R&D use only. Not for drug, household, or other uses. |
Sodium metabisulfite | Sigma-Aldrich | 31448 | Added as an antioxidant during the preparation of 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid solutions. |
Sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate | Sigma-Aldrich | S9390 | Used as a buffer solution in biological research to keep the pH constant. |
Sodium phosphate monobasic heptahydrate | Sigma-Aldrich | 71500 | An inorganic compound, which is soluble in water. Used as a reagent in the development of silicate-based grouts. |
Statistical analysis software | TIBCO Statistica | version 13.1 | |
Sulfuric acid | Merck, Darmstadt, Germany | 30743 | Sulfuric acid 95-97% for analysis of Hg, ACS reagent. |
Tris-HCl | Sigma-Aldrich | 10812846001 | Buffering agent in incubation mixtures. It has also been used as a component of lysis and TE (Tris-EDTA) buffer. For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. |
UV–Visible Spectrophotometer | GENESYS 120 | ||
NI = not identified. |