Here, we describe a simple and economical protocol to perform unbiased quantification of pulmonary microvascular density for whole mice lung tissue using single staining of Isolectin B4.
The abnormal alternation of pulmonary angiogenesis is related to lung microvascular dysfunction and is deeply linked to vascular wall integrity, blood flow regulation, and gas exchange. In murine models, lung lobes exhibit significant differences in size, shape, location, and vascularization, yet existing methods lack consideration for these variations when quantifying microvascular density. This limitation hinders the comprehensive study of lung microvascular dysfunction and the potential remodeling of microvasculature circulation across different lobules. Our protocol addresses this gap by employing two sectioning methods to quantify pulmonary microvascular density changes, leveraging the size, shape, and distribution of airway branches across distinct lobes in mice. We then utilize Isolectin B4 (IB4) staining to label lung microvascular endothelial cells on different slices, followed by unbiased microvascular density analysis using the freely available software ImageJ. The results presented here highlight varying degrees of microvascular density changes across lung lobules with aging, comparing young and old mice. This protocol offers a straightforward and cost-effective approach for unbiased quantification of pulmonary microvascular density, facilitating research on both physiological and pathological aspects of lung microvasculature.
Endothelial cells (ECs) are a special type of cell located on the inner lining of blood vessels, covering the entire arterial and venous tree and playing a crucial role in maintaining the stability of blood vessels and organs1. The lungs are highly vascularized organs and play essential physiological and pathological roles in the lungs, such as forming the vascular wall, regulating blood flow, facilitating gas exchange, modulating inflammatory responses, controlling platelet activity, secreting regulatory substances involved in vascular growth, repair, and maintaining coagulation balance.
Lung microvascular endothelial cells (LMECs) are specific endothelial cells of pulmonary tissue, particularly in the microvasculature (capillaries) of the lungs, distinguishing them from the more generalized arterial and venous endothelial cells in the lungs. These cells have various functions, including regulating vascular tone, controlling vascular permeability, participating in the regulation of inflammatory responses, and regulating thrombus formation. They play a crucial role in pulmonary circulation, regulating gas exchange and the transport of nutrients, and are involved in various physiological and pathological processes related to the lungs, likely for aging2. Moreover, the abnormal alternation of pulmonary angiogenesis is related to lung microvascular dysfunction3. Employing the conventional endothelial cell marker CD31 and spatial localization (specifically, the peripheral regions of the lungs), Larissa L. et al. observed a significant decrease in microvascular endothelial cell density in aged mice (18 months old) compared to their younger counterparts (4 months old)4. In the context of the pulmonary pathology associated with asthma, Makoto H. et al. demonstrated a substantial increase in vessel induction in bronchial biopsy specimens stained with anti-collagen IV from asthmatic patients in comparison to control subjects5. Recently, by introducing the techniques of transmission and scanning electron microscopy, Maximilian A. et al. reported a notable increase in the numeric density of features related to intussusceptive and sprouting angiogenesis in patients who died from Covid-19 or Influenza A (H1N1)6. Evidently, the abnormal microvascular genesis is linked with pulmonary dysfunction. However, there is currently no simple, economical method available for quantifying changes in microvascular density.
In murine models, the lungs are conventionally segmented into five distinct lobes: right cranial, right middle, right caudal, left cranial, and left caudal. Each lobe exhibits unique characteristics in terms of size, shape, location, and likely vascularization, contributing to efficient gas exchange and potentially synergistic regulation of pulmonary circulation. However, to the best of our knowledge, no methodologies account for the differences among these lung lobes when investigating Lung microvascular changes.
This study presents a new method for sectioning lobules in mice, utilizing IB4, a well-defined marker of lung micro-endothelial cells7, for unbiased quantitative assessment of pulmonary microvascular density. This innovative approach addresses the need for a more comprehensive understanding of microvascular alterations in murine lungs by considering the distinct properties of individual lobes of mice. As a demonstration, in aging mice, a significant reduction in pulmonary
microvascular density is observed specifically within both the caudal lobe and left lobe. The protocol underscores the importance of integrating lobe-specific analyses into investigations of changes in the microvascular landscape of murine lungs. Notably, this method provides valuable research references for investigators seeking a comprehensive understanding of both physiological and pathological progression of lung developments and lesions, extending beyond angiogenesis.
All the experiments were carried out following the ethical guidelines of the Sichuan University Animal Research Committee (No K2023023).
1. Preparation of paraffin sections for mouse lung lobes
2. Immunofluorescence staining for detection of pulmonary microvasculature
3. Quantification of pulmonary microvascular density
To distinguish between the lesions in the main bronchi and small airway branches, it is crucial to ensure that the continuous structure of lesions in these two types of airways is observed. This can be achieved by following the cutting and embedding procedures outlined in Figure 1. Given the numerous lung lobes in mice, which are oriented in various directions and possess a mesh-like structure, they are more susceptible to collapse compared to other solid tissues. To achieve a clear and intuitive observation of lesions in the target area, it is advisable to fix the tissue samples for several hours prior to cutting.
Figure 1: The representative photograph of mouse lung lobes depicts a total of 5 distinct lobes. The left lung is a single lobe, while the right lung has four lobes (from top to bottom: cranial lobe, middle lobe, accessory lobe, and caudal lobe). The arrows below indicate the cutting and embedding directions for each lobe, ensuring precise placement within the designated embedding frames. The right lung lobe is bisected into left and right halves in the sagittal plane, while the left lung is horizontally divided into upper and lower halves. Each lobe is individually embedded according to the indicated positions in the diagram. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
This protocol leverages the specific binding capability of Isolectin B4 with glycans on the surface of pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells. This enables precise localization and observation of pulmonary microvasculature under a microscope (Figure 2). Moreover, incorporating fluorescence technology in this method enhances the brightness of fluorescent signals from pulmonary microvasculature, facilitating more intuitive and accurate observations and analysis. Lastly, the utilization of special slicing methods in this protocol allows for comprehensive observation and unbiased analysis of pulmonary microvasculature, thereby contributing to improved assessment of pulmonary microvascular circulation dysfunction.
Figure 2: Immunofluorescence labeling of tissue sections to identify IB4-positive cells in each lung lobe. Blue represents the DAPI dihydrochloride signal of the cell nucleus; red represents the IB4 signal of micro-endothelial cells. The scale bar is 100 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
After quantifying the visual microvascular signals using open-source software Image J, the microvascular density of each lobe is determined as the ratio of the total number of microvascular positive foci to the corresponding total number of DAPI staining foci (Figure 3A). To evaluate lung micro-endothelial signals, the percentage of IB4 positive foci is utilized. The data is then grouped and summarized by age and lung lobes in Supplementary Table 1. Unpaired t-tests are conducted to compare the differences in lung microvascular density between the two age groups of the indicated lung lobes (Figure 3B).
Figure 3: The percentage of the IB4-positive foci in the cranial lobe, middle lobe, caudal lobe, accessory lobe, and left lobe between the young and middle-aged groups. A: example data table for data organization and calculation, B: bar graph (*p < 0.05; ns: not significance, unpaired t-test;SD corresponding to Error Bar). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplemental Figure 1: Screenshot of the operation workflow for quantifying pulmonary microvascular density. The left side of the composite image shows the DAPI channel operation, while the right side displays the IB4 channel operation. The numbers above the images correspond to the method steps in section 3. Please click here to download this File.
Supplementary Table 1: Compilation of pulmonary microvascular density data. Please click here to download this File.
The study of pulmonary microvascular density holds significant implications for understanding pulmonary physiological processes and also for defining biomarker(s) for respiratory diseases. The pulmonary circulation boasts an extensive capillary surface area enveloped by a slender layer of endothelial cells. The harmonious juxtaposition of these cells and alveolar epithelial cells gives rise to a fragile alveolar-capillary membrane specifically designed to facilitate the intricate process of gas exchange3. Such intercellular communication plays a pivotal role in modulating a spectrum of pulmonary physiological processes, underscoring the significance of this close association in maintaining the delicate balance of respiratory functions. Therefore, studying the pulmonary microvascular changes is crucial to assess the lung basic function of the gas exchange process. Moreover, the change in microvascular density is directly linked to the regulation of blood flow. Alterations in microvascular density may affect blood perfusion, potentially leading to conditions such as hypoxia or impaired oxygen delivery to the lung and other tissues. Endothelial cells are recognized to be the center for signaling centers that coordinate regeneration and help to prevent deregulated, disease-promoting processes9,10. Conducting robust evaluations of aberrant lung microvascular density is important for assessing vascular homeostasis within the pulmonary milieu.
This protocol provides a simple and economical approach for unbiased quantification of pulmonary microvascular density in mice through IB4 staining. It is crucial to recognize that mice possess a distinctive anatomical structure of the lung: the left lung is single-lobed, while the right lung has four lobes. Additionally, the mouse lung's reticular structure can pose challenges in accurately determining lesion location and development via longitudinal or transverse sections. To address this, careful consideration must be given to the size, shape, and location of mouse lung lobes, as well as the distribution of airway branches. Two slicing methods have been devised to assist in locating pulmonary lesion development. To distinguish lesions in the main bronchi from those in small airway branches, the right caudal lobe is cut in half along the sagittal plane, with the cutting direction facing upward. Subsequently, the cranial lobe, middle lobe, and accessory lobe of the right lung's tail lobe are embedded separately (Figure 1). To obtain a complete horizontal section of the entire lung lobe from top to bottom and to observe the continuous structure of lesions in the main bronchi and small airway branches, the left lung is divided into three sections. The first cut is made horizontally above the junction of the main bronchi, the second cut is made horizontally above the junction of the main bronchi, and the third cut is made at the end of the lung lobe, discarding the top tissue. The remaining three pieces of tissue are embedded in paraffin blocks with the section facing up (Figure 1). One limitation of this protocol is the direct utilization of 4% paraformaldehyde as a fixative for generating paraffin sections. Despite being one of the most commonly employed fixatives due to its simplicity, time efficiency, and cost-effectiveness, the common methods show a high potential to induce denaturation and damage to lung tissue structure8. Moreover, it may lead to protein cross-linking, resulting in antigen loss and morphological disruption. Hence, it is highly advisable to utilize the approach of air inflation for murine lungs with vascular perfusion-fixation if corresponding types of equipment are accessible8.
To the best of our knowledge, there is currently no consensus on a specific marker for pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells, especially considering the complexity of endothelial cell diversity as identified in single-cell studies11. However, in comparison to methodologies utilizing single general endothelial cells marker CD31 with consideration of the spatial structure of the lung (lung periphery)4, the method employing the microvascular endothelial cells marker IB47,12 offers a more comprehensive assessment of microvascular density across the entire lung. Given the focus of this methodology on the development of a new approach based on the different lung lobules in mice, we acknowledge the limitations associated with IB4 in delineating microvascular endothelial cells. Therefore, it is necessary to utilize complementary endothelial cells' markers likely for CD31 and ICAM-1 to enhance the specificity and reliability of microvascular density analysis in quantifying lung microvascular endothelial cells.
Moreover, the approach described in this study exhibits drawbacks when contrasted with advanced but unconventional techniques such as transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Only through immunofluorescence (IF) can detailed microvascular structural information, including aspects like thickening or narrowing of vessel walls and modifications at vessel junctions that are indicative of vessel remodeling, be ensured. To overcome these limitations, it is anticipated that the integration of IF-based imaging with other advanced techniques13,14, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and positron emission tomography (PET), coupled with the development of highly selective and specific probes targeting pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells, is anticipated to be instrumental. This collective approach, complemented by the ability to monitor lung microvascular dysfunction changes, such as reduced oxygen consumption or hypoxia, will yield a more comprehensive understanding of pulmonary microvascular pathology.
In summary, a straightforward and cost-effective protocol for the unbiased quantification of pulmonary microvascular density across the entire lung tissue in mice is described. This is achieved through specific methods for cutting and embedding different lobes coupled with the staining of IB4. Implementing this protocol ensures the enhancement of the informativeness of studying how the pulmonary microvascular circulation undergoes remodeling in various lobules of the lung.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
The authors express their gratitude for the invaluable support received from the public experimental platform at West China School of Pharmacy. Special appreciation is extended to Wendong Wang for providing critical and highly valuable advice on pathology. This research has been made possible through the funding from the Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province (grants 2023NSFSC0130 and 2023NSFSC1992) and "the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities" to TJ.
4% Paraformaldehyde | Biosharp | BL539A | Tissue Fixative |
4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole | MCE | HY-D0814 | Nucleic Dyes |
Alexa-647 Fluor Conjugated Isolectin B4 | Thermo | I32450 | Binding Microvessels |
Anti-fluorescent Tablet Sealer | Abcam | AB104135 | Sample Fixation |
Antigen Repair Fluid | Biosharp | BL151A | Repair of Antigenic Sites |
Biopsy Cassette | ActivFlo | 39LC-500-1 | Fixing and Positioning Tissue Samples |
Bovine Serum Albumin | Sigma | B2064-50G | Sealing Solution |
Cold Plate | Leica | HistoCore Arcadia H | Freezing Samples |
Constant Temperature Electric Drying Oven | Taisite | 101-0AB | High Temperature Repair |
Disposable Microtome Blade | Leica | 14035838383 | Cutting Tissue Samples to Prepare Sections |
Embedding Molds | Shitai | 26155166627 | Fixing Tissue Samples |
Ethanol | Kelong | CAS 64-17-5 | Tissue Dehydration Solution |
Heated Paraffin Embedding Station | Leica | EG1150 | Embedding Tssue Samples in Paraffin |
HistoCore Water Bath | Leica | HI1220 | Flatten and Fix Tissue Samples |
ImageJ (Fiji) | NIH | 1.54f | Quantitative Tool |
Immunohistochemistry Pens | Biosharp | BC004 | Water-blocking Agent |
Medical Forceps | Shanghai Medical Equipment | N/A | Grasping, Manipulating, or Moving tissue samples |
Microscope | Nikon | Ts2 | Imaging Device |
Mounting Media | Jiangyuan | Tasteless | Fixing and Preserving Tissue Sections |
Paraffin Wax | SCHLEDEN | 80200-0014 | Fixing Tissue Structure |
PBS | Beyotime | C0221A | Wash Buffer |
Pentobarbital Sodium | Beijing Chemical Reagent Company | Q/H82-F158-2002 | Anesthetic |
Rotary Microtome | Biobase | Bk-2258 | Preparing Slices |
Sterile Scissors | Shanghai Medical Equipment | N/A | segmenting Tissue Samples |
Surgical Scalpel | Shanghai Medical Equipment | N/A | Cutting Tissue Samples |
Triton | Solarbio | T8200 | Permeabilization Solution |
Wash-Free Slide | PLATINUM PRO | PRO-04 | Fixing Samples for Staining |
Xylene | SUM | XK13-011-00031 | Tissue De-waxing Solution |