The present protocol describes a method for assessing ovarian reserve in patients under 25 years old who require fertility preservation through ovarian tissue cryopreservation. This method involves: (1) histological assessment of ovarian reserve in cortical samples, (2) comparison to a reference dataset, and (3) calculation of Z-scores.
Women are born with a non-renewable pool of ovarian follicles, referred to as the ovarian reserve. This reserve consists of primordial follicles in the ovaries and can be affected by many factors, such as genetic and endocrine disorders, medical interventions, and endocrine disruptors. Fertility preservation is recommended when gonadotoxic treatments are necessary. The preferred options for women are oocyte and embryo cryopreservation. However, in very young, sexually immature patients, ovarian tissue cryopreservation is the only option. Knowing the follicular density of cryopreserved tissue samples is essential in fertility counseling for young patients. This protocol demonstrates the use of Z-scores for cortical follicle density as a tool to evaluate the quality of ovarian tissue in girls and young women aged 25 years and below who are undergoing fertility preservation. Follicle density in patient samples is compared to age-normalized reference standards, developed by Hassan et al. to estimate possible deviations from the standard. The follicle density is measured through histological quantification. For this, a small piece of ovarian cortical tissue (~2 mm x 2 mm x 2 mm) is fixed in either Bouin's or formaldehyde solution, embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 4 µm thickness, stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and digitized using a slide scanner. Follicular stages present in the cortex range from primordial to primary follicles. The cortical area was 1 mm from the surface epithelium on histological sections. Follicle density is calculated using a modified formula presented by Schmidt et al., and the Z-score is determined using the reference mean and standard deviation. The Z-score indicates how much the measured value deviates from the reference mean, determining reduced (<-1.7 Z-score) ovarian reserve. With this method, follicle densities can be used as a valuable measure of ovarian reserve for young patients requiring fertility preservation.
The ovary is a dynamic, endocrinologically active organ, consisting of an outer cortex and an inner medulla. Heterogeneously distributed within the ovaries are follicles, which contain the gonadal oocyte surrounded by stromal granulosa cells1. All follicles are already formed during fetal development, peaking at around 20 weeks of gestational age, followed by an exponential decline. At birth, 1-2 million primordial follicles remain within the cortex, and only a few hundred thousand follicles survive until puberty2. The non-growing follicle pool, also referred to as the ovarian reserve, influences a woman's fertility, among other factors. The ovarian reserve resides within the cortex and moves into the medulla as the follicles grow and mature. Some researchers recognize the ovarian reserve as being comprised of primordial follicles only, while others include all unilaminar follicles (i.e., primordial, intermediary, and primary)3,4,5,6. During a woman's lifetime, only 300-400 follicles mature and survive to eventually undergo ovulation. Menopause commences when the follicle number drops to around a thousand, which typically occurs at around 50 years of age2,7. There is currently an ongoing debate regarding the presence of oogonial stem cells (OSCs) in adult human ovaries that can form oocytes after xenotransplantation. Some studies suggest isolating cells that express a gene profile of primitive germ cells and differentiate into oocytes8,9, while others indicate that the alleged OSCs are perivascular cells of the blood vessels10,11,12.
Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) is defined by the discontinuation of the menstrual cycle with raised FSH levels before the age of 40 years13. The causes of POI are multifactorial and can occur idiopathically; however, it often arises as a result of medical conditions14. For example, certain congenital genetic conditions are associated with POI due to a reduced ovarian reserve already at birth, such as Turner's syndrome15. POI can also occur as a side effect of gonadotoxic treatments, which is particularly problematic in very young patients as it may lead to an inability to undergo normal puberty and drastically impair the ovarian reserve. Depending on the risk of POI and the patient's age, several fertility preservation options are available, such as cryopreservation of mature oocytes, cryopreservation of embryos after in vitro fertilization, and ovarian tissue cryopreservation (OTC). For pre-pubertal patients, OTC is the only feasible option due to their sexual immaturity16,17. In the United States, fertility preservation through OTC has recently been considered an acceptable clinical routine18. However, OTC is still considered experimental in many European countries, and ethical approval is required, particularly for auto-transplantation19,20. Therefore, inclusion criteria for OTC protocols must be carefully considered, and a risk-benefit analysis should be performed for each patient. Not all children receiving gonadotoxic therapies are eligible for fertility preservation. In Sweden, only patients with high or very high risk are recommended to undergo fertility preservation in accordance with the guidelines on fertility preservation of the Nordic Society of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology21. This group includes (1) pre- and post-pubertal children requiring stem cell transplantation or receiving radiation therapy with the ovary in the field of range, and (2) post-pubertal children with high cumulative doses of alkylating chemotherapy. For girls before menarche, inclusion criteria for very high risk of infertility include those treated with any of the following: radiation dose >10 Gy to the ovary, or allogeneic or autologous hematopoietic stem cell therapy (HSCT). Exclusion criteria include those who need additional blood products for other anticoagulant preparations before surgery or have a neutrophil count <1. For girls/women after menarche, inclusion criteria for high or very high risk of infertility include those treated with any of the following: radiation dose >10 Gy to the ovary, or allogeneic HSCT, cyclophosphamide >9 g/m², ifosfamide >60 g/m², procarbazine, or nitrosourea compounds (BCNU/CCNU) >360 mg/m². Exclusion criteria include those with an increased risk of bleeding, increased risk of infection, increased risk of surgical complications, or increased risk of pain problems as assessed by the physician in charge.
For OTC, ovarian tissue is collected during abdominal surgeries by laparotomy or laparoscopy through unilateral oophorectomy or biopsy. The medulla is removed from the collected ovarian tissue, and the remaining cortex is then sectioned into smaller fragments for cryopreservation through controlled-rate freezing or vitrification for later use in fertility restoration22. The samples are then stored in liquid nitrogen until the patient recovers from her treatment and wishes to start a family. Depending on the type of cancer and in the absence of contraindications to ovarian tissue transplantation, the tissue is then thawed and autografted to restore hormonal and ovarian function. OTC has been proven successful, with a 50% pregnancy rate and more than 200 live births reported after grafting of cryopreserved ovarian tissue collected during adulthood23,24,25. Reported live births after auto-transplantation of ovarian tissue collected during childhood are few, and none have been reported after auto-transplantation of undoubtedly pre-pubertal ovarian tissue26,27,28,29,30. Tissue quality is a prerequisite for successful fertility restoration31. Therefore, it is essential to study the quality of the collected tissue samples.
Currently, a way of estimating the quality of the ovarian tissue is through histological sections and manual counting of the follicles. However, assessing the normality of follicle density is difficult due to the natural decline of the reserve with increasing age and the heterogeneous distribution of follicles. Additionally, comparison to reference values is challenging as they are not standardized for biopsy size and age. Other assessment options, such as AMH serum levels or staining of digested tissue with calcein or neutral red, are either not well established or come with their own limitations. Wallace and Kelsey previously published a model of normal ovarian reserve over age by collecting data on follicle numbers from whole ovaries of patients with no known ovarian pathologies2. Furthermore, as biopsies are not representative of the whole ovary, Schmidt et al. developed a method for estimating the total number of follicles based on cortical biopsies32. Using a modified version of this method and the model of normal ovarian reserve, a reference dataset for follicle density of women aged 0-25 years was established33.
This article describes the strategy for assessing the normality of follicle density based on small ovarian samples by (1) direct quantification of the follicles using histology and (2) comparison of the results to age-normalized standard references via Z-scores. The use of Z-scores describes the relationship of an ovarian biopy's follicle density to an age- and size-standardized reference group mean. This will be of great value for physicians in counseling their patients for auto-transplantation and further treatment after fertility preservation.
All of the procedures conducted were approved by the Swedish Ethical Review Authority (Sveafertil patients, Dnr: 2019-03802) and by the Ethics Committee of Helsinki University Hospital (HCH patients, Dnr 340/13/03/03/2015). Written and oral information about the study were provided by the research nurses, and informed consent was obtained in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. For patients under 18 years old, informed consent was obtained from the legal guardians. All samples were pseudonymized and processed according to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The details of the reagents and equipment used in this study are listed in the Table of Materials.
1. Ovarian tissue collection and processing
NOTE: Identify all eligible patients for fertility preservation when there is an indication for a high or very high risk of infertility following local guidelines (e.g., Nordic, European, or international specific guidelines). In Europe, recruit underage patients only as part of fertility preservation research programs. Determine the risk of infertility using your country's guidelines for fertility preservation.
2. Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) staining
3. Follicle counting
4. Follicle density, cortical volume, and Z-score calculations
Ovarian follicles are quantified after successful sectioning, staining, and scanning of slides. The different stages and health of the follicles are distinguished and further analyzed. In Figure 4A, an HE-stained cross-section of a Bouin-fixed ovary from an adult is displayed, with examples of cortical and medullary tissue. Figure 4B shows a representative picture of a child's ovary with an example of surface epithelium. The ovarian reserve (i.e., the non-growing follicle pool) and the small growing follicles reside in the cortex. Using a virtual microscope, follicles are magnified and classified to ensure the inclusion of the ovarian reserve only. Figure 5 represents the stages of follicles found and counted in Bouin's- (Figure 5A) and formaldehyde-fixed (Figure 5B) ovarian cortical tissues: (1) primordial follicles (around 40 µm in diameter), (2) intermediary, and (3) primary. Follicles 4-6 are examples of follicles to be excluded from counting due to an inability to assign them a maturation stage correctly. Figure 6 displays representative images of ovarian cortical tissues with the absence of or a low number of follicles (Figure 6A) and ovarian tissues with a medium to high number of follicles (Figure 6B). Figure 7 displays representative images of tissue sections to be excluded due to presence of only the medullary tissue (Figure 7A) or poor quality of tissue (Figure 7B). Figure 2 shows screenshots of the Follicle Z-score calculator Excel file. The calculated numbers and associated Z-scores are automatically computed from inputted data. A Z-score <1.7 indicates reduced ovarian reserve based on the area under the curve-receiver operating characteristic (AUC-ROC) curve of patients with Turner's syndrome16.
Figure 1: Screenshots of QuPath software usage. (A) Displaying the process of opening an image file in QuPath and setting the image type. (B) Annotating follicles using the ellipse tool within the software. (C,D) Measuring the mean diameter of oocytes in the annotated images. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Screenshots of the follicle Z-score calculator Excel file. (A) The "Follicles in mm³" sheet shows the fields where data will be inputted (green cells) for sample ID, age, Nth section, final follicle count, area, mean oocyte diameter, section thickness, and every Nth section counted. The follicle density (follicles/mm³) is automatically calculated when all necessary data is inputted; it remains blank if any data is incomplete. (B) The "Z-score (Follicles per mm³)" sheet links ID, age, and follicle/mm³ data from the "Follicles in mm³" sheet and automatically calculates the Z-score for the sample. Corresponding reference values appear in the table on the right. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Screenshots of ImageJ software usage. (A) Transferring an image from QuPath to ImageJ. (B) Setting the image type within ImageJ. (C) Establishing the scale for measurement. (D,E) Auto-adjusting the brightness/contrast and threshold of the image. (F) Measuring the area within the adjusted image. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Representative images of ovarian tissue. (A) An image of an ovary from an adult undergoing gender reassignment surgery. The cortex, which has a higher density of somatic cells and contains the ovarian reserve, is visible along with the medullary tissue, which is characterized by a lower density and larger somatic cells and often contains more vessels. (B) An image of an ovary from a child undergoing fertility preservation. The cortex is determined by measuring 1 mm from the surface epithelium. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Representative images of follicles in the ovary fixed with different solutions. (A) Follicles fixed with Bouin's solution and (B) with 4% formaldehyde at various stages: (1) primordial stage follicle, (2) intermediary stage follicle, (3) primary stage follicle. Follicles (4) to (6) are excluded due to the absence of visible cytoplasm. Artifacts common in formaldehyde fixation include the separation of the basement membrane from the tissue (indicated by green arrows) and pyknotic granulosa cells (indicated by yellow dots). Scale bars represent 50 µm. This figure is adapted from Björvang et al.39. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6: Representative images of cortical biopsies of a child ovary. (A) A biopsy showing no to low follicle number and (B) a biopsy showing a medium to high follicle count. Follicles are marked with an asterisk (*). The blue dashed line indicates 1 mm from the surface epithelium, while the black line marks the surface epithelium. Scale bars represent 500 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 7: Representative image of tissue sections to be excluded. (A) An ovary piece where the medulla, rather than the cortex, was taken. This section is characterized as medulla due to the absence of surface epithelium and the low density of cells. (B) A tissue section of poor quality, identified by abrasions in the tissue. Scale bars represent 500 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplementary File 1: Follicle Z-score calculator. This file facilitates the calculation of follicle Z-scores. One needs to input data (sample ID, age, number of follicles per slide, section thickness, Nth section counted, and area) into the "Follicles in mm³" sheet. The Z-score is then automatically calculated and summarized in the "Z-Score (Follicles per mm³)" sheet. Please click here to download this File.
Women are born with a finite pool of oocytes, which cannot be replenished. Ovarian reserve is a key determinant of a woman's reproductive potential. This article outlines a method for the histological quantification of follicle density and its comparison to reference standards using Z-scores of ovarian cortical follicle densities in young patients and women up to 25 years of age.
In this protocol, ovarian tissue is obtained from girls and women at high or very high risk of infertility undergoing OTC for fertility preservation, or from patients undergoing gender reassignment surgery. A small piece of ovarian tissue is used to assess the cryopreserved material. Since ovarian reserve varies with age, converting follicle densities to Z-scores allows comparison with age-normalized reference values from birth to sexual maturity (Hassan et al.33). The use of Z-scores provides an age-standardized, cohort-independent method for estimating the normality of an ovarian reserve sample. A reference group mean based on age is established, which is then used for the Z-score calculation of an individual sample. This approach allows for the assessment of normality independent of the age distribution within the studied population. Age-standardized assessment of ovarian reserve enables the combination of data from patients with similar genetic backgrounds or chemotherapy exposures across different study populations, facilitating large-scale meta-analyses.
This method has limitations. Follicle counts in ovarian tissues from patients with no known ovarian pathology are limited. The established reference standards are based on a small number of samples, particularly when considering different age groups, and are only applicable to women up to 25 years of age undergoing OTC. Consequently, this tool is not applicable to women older than 25 years. Additionally, it is possible that a small cortical tissue piece may not contain any follicles, even in women of reproductive age, due to the uneven distribution of follicles throughout the cortex32. Furthermore, the orientation of the tissue during the embedding process might obscure the correct identification of the cortex. Biopsies are often very small, and the method for biopsy collection is not standardized, leading to the possibility of receiving ovarian tissue that is primarily medullary, which would render it unsuitable for Z-score assessment.
Moreover, studies have not yet confirmed the use of ovarian biopsy for diagnosing remaining fertility40. It is important to note that this method only considers follicle density, not the health of the follicles. The use of formaldehyde-fixed tissue, known for causing tissue artifacts (as shown in Figure 5B), complicates the determination of whether abnormal morphology results from follicular atresia or the fixation procedure. This issue might be addressed in the future using label-free high-resolution imaging techniques, such as quantitative phase microscopy41, or alternative fixatives37. Additionally, the entire process, from biopsy collection to manual follicle counting, is invasive, time-consuming, and labor-intensive, making follicle density assessment through histology impractical for some patient groups.
Furthermore, it remains unclear which follicles are destined for maturation and how chemotherapy impacts ovarian reserve size and functionality. Further studies using this method on a larger scale and over a longer period are needed before any correlation with the success of ovarian tissue transplantation can be established.
Nevertheless, this method holds significant value in both ovarian biology research and clinical fertility counseling. The use of Z-scores enhances the interpretation of an individual's ovarian reserve by comparing it to a reference standard. This facilitates a comprehensive examination of the size and normality of the ovarian reserve across different patient groups and study populations. For instance, this method can be employed to evaluate associations between ovarian reserve and various exposures, such as environmental chemicals or gonadotoxic treatments39. Several clinics routinely obtain small biopsies for histological assessment during tissue preparation for cryopreservation. In such cases, this method could prove useful in determining the normality of the ovarian reserve before cryopreservation. In summary, follicle densities can be used to estimate ovarian reserve size at the population level39, making this method a valuable tool for epidemiological studies as well as fertility counseling.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We would like to thank the healthcare professionals who helped us with participant recruitment and tissue collection and all the patients who donated their ovarian tissue. We also acknowledge the Childhood Cancer Fund (PR2020-0096) and Karolinska Institutet PhD funding KID, whose funding made this work possible. We would also like to thank the Morphological Phenotype Analysis facility for the preparation of the histological slides. We acknowledge Nicola Byers for language editing this manuscript.
1x Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline | Thermo Fisher | 14190144 | |
1x Phosphate Buffered Saline w/ CaCl2, MgCl2, 1 g/L D-glucose, 36 mg/L pyruvate | Thermo Fisher | 14287-080 | |
37% Hydrochloric acid | Sigma-Aldrich | 1.09057.1000 | |
70% ethanol | Histolabs | 01370.01L | |
95% ethanol | Fisher scientific | 10572143 | |
Absolute ethanol | Histolabs | 01399.01L | |
Bouin's solution | Sigma-Aldrich | HT10132-1L | |
Eosin Y Free acid | Sigma-Aldrich | E4009-5G | |
Formaldehyde | Thermo Fisher | 28908 | |
Haematoxylin solution according to Delafield | Sigma-Aldrich | 03971-250ML | |
ImageJ | |||
Microsoft Excel | |||
Microtome | |||
Pertex mounting solution | Histolabs | 00840-05 | |
Propofol | Baxter Holding B.V. | N01AX10 | ATC-code provided instead of catalog number |
QuPath | | ||
Rocuronium bromide | B. Braun Melsungen AG | M03AC09 | ATC-code provided instead of catalog number |
Scott's tap water substitute concentrate | Sigma-Aldrich | S5134-6x100ml | |
Sevoflurane | Baxter Medical AB | N01AB08 | ATC-code provided instead of catalog number |
Slide scanner | |||
Sufentanil | Hameln Pharma gmbh | N01AH03 | ATC-code provided instead of catalog number |
Sugammadex | Baxter Holding B.V. | V03AB35 | ATC-code provided instead of catalog number |
SuperFrost plus white | Histolabs | 06400 | |
SuperFrost Plus White microscope slides | Histolabs | 06400 | |
Xylene | Saveen Werner | 131769.1611 |