Many intrinsically disordered proteins have been shown to participate in the formation of highly dynamic biomolecular condensates, a behavior important for numerous cellular processes. Here, we present a single-molecule imaging-based method for quantifying the dynamics by which proteins interact with each other in biomolecular condensates in live cells.
Biomolecular condensates formed via liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) have been considered critical in cellular organization and an increasing number of cellular functions. Characterizing LLPS in live cells is also important because aberrant condensation has been linked to numerous diseases, including cancers and neurodegenerative disorders. LLPS is often driven by selective, transient, and multivalent interactions between intrinsically disordered proteins. Of great interest are the interaction dynamics of proteins participating in LLPS, which are well-summarized by measurements of their binding residence time (RT), that is, the amount of time they spend bound within condensates. Here, we present a method based on live-cell single-molecule imaging that allows us to measure the mean RT of a specific protein within condensates. We simultaneously visualize individual protein molecules and the condensates with which they associate, use single-particle tracking (SPT) to plot single-molecule trajectories, and then fit the trajectories to a model of protein-droplet binding to extract the mean RT of the protein. Finally, we show representative results where this single-molecule imaging method was applied to compare the mean RTs of a protein at its LLPS condensates when fused and unfused to an oligomerizing domain. This protocol is broadly applicable to measuring the interaction dynamics of any protein that participates in LLPS.
A growing body of work suggests that biomolecular condensates play an important role in cellular organization and numerous cellular functions, e.g., transcriptional regulation1,2,3,4,5, DNA damage repair6,7,8, chromatin organization9,10,11,12, X-chromosome inactivation13,14,15, and intracellular signaling16,17,18. In addition, the dysregulation of biomolecular condensates is implicated in many diseases, including cancers19,20,21 and neurodegenerative disorders22,23,24,25,26. Condensate formation is often driven by transient, selective, and multivalent protein-protein, protein-nucleic acid, or nucleic acid-nucleic acid interactions27. Under certain conditions, these interactions can lead to liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS), a density transition that locally enriches specific biomolecules in membraneless droplets. Such multivalent interactions are often mediated by the intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) of proteins1,28,29. Biophysical characterization of these interactions at the molecular level is critical to our understanding of numerous healthy and aberrant cellular functions, given the pervasiveness of condensates across them. Although techniques based on confocal fluorescence microscopy, e.g., fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP)30,31,32, have been widely used to qualitatively show that the molecular exchanges between condensates and the surrounding cellular environment are dynamic, quantifying the interaction dynamics of specific biomolecules within condensates is generally not possible using conventional confocal microscopy or single-molecule microscopy without specialized data analysis methods. The single-particle tracking (SPT) technique described in this protocol is based on live-cell single-molecule microscopy33 and provides a uniquely powerful tool to quantify the interaction dynamics between specific proteins within condensates. The readout of SPT for such measurement is the mean residence time of a protein of interest in the condensates.
The protocol can be broken down into two parts – data acquisition and data analysis. The first step of imaging data acquisition is to express in cells a protein of interest that is fused to a HaloTag34. This enables labeling of the protein of interest with two fluorophores, where a majority of the protein molecules are to be labeled with a non-photoactivatable fluorophore (e.g., JFX549 Halo ligand35) and a small fraction of them are to be labeled with a spectrally distinct, photoactivatable fluorophore (e.g., PA-JF646 Halo ligand36). This allows for the simultaneous acquisition of all condensate locations in the cell and the acquisition of single-molecule movies of the protein of interest binding and unbinding to the condensates. Meanwhile, the same type of cells are modified to stably express Halo-tagged H2B, a histone that is largely immobile on chromatin. The cells are then stained with the PA-JF646 Halo ligand to enable single-molecule imaging of H2B. As will be discussed in detail below, this experiment accounts for the contribution of photobleaching to enable precise quantification of the interaction dynamics of the protein of interest. Cells for imaging experiments must then be cultured on clean coverslips, stained with HaloTag ligand(s), and assembled into a live-cell imaging chamber. From there, the sample is imaged under highly inclined and laminated optical sheet (HILO) illumination on a total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscope capable of two-channel imaging and single-molecule detection. The emission is then split onto two cameras, one tracking condensate positions and one tracking single molecules. Acquisition is performed with a long integration time (on the order of hundreds of ms) to blur out freely-diffusing proteins and only capture proteins that are less mobile due to binding to stable structures in the cell37.
The first step of data analysis is using an established single-particle tracking (SPT) algorithm38,39 to localize individual protein molecules in each frame of the movie and assemble the localizations into a trajectory for each molecule over its detectable lifetime. The trajectories are then sorted into those representing molecules inside and those representing molecules outside the condensates by comparing the localizations of the molecules throughout their trajectories to the localizations of all the condensates at the corresponding times1.
Next, a survival curve (1 – CDF) is generated using the lengths of all the in-condensate trajectories. The apparent mean residence time of the molecules is then extracted by fitting the survival curve to the following two-component exponential model of protein binding,
with A as the fraction of molecules non-specifically bound and with kobs,ns and kobs,s as the observed dissociation rates of the non-specifically bound and specifically bound molecules, respectively. Only kobs,s is considered from here onward. The dynamics of both protein dissociation, ktrue,s, and photobleaching of the fluorophore, kpb, contribute to kobs,s as
thus, to isolate the effects of protein dissociation, the specific dissociation rate of H2B-Halo in the cell line mentioned prior is measured.
H2B is a protein that is stably integrated into chromatin and that experiences minimal dissociation in the time scale of a single-molecule movie acquisition37. Its specific dissociation rate is then equal to the photobleaching rate of the PA-JF646 Halo ligand, or
The mean in-condensate residence time of the protein of interest, , is then
Representative results from Irgen-Gioro et al.40 are shown, where this protocol was applied to demonstrate that fusing an oligomerization domain to IDR results in longer residence times of the IDR in its condensates. This result suggests that the added oligomerization domain stabilizes the homotypic interactions of the IDR that drives LLPS. In principle, the same method with slightly modified protocols can be applied to characterize the homotypic or heterotypic interactions of any protein that participates in the formation of any types of condensates.
1. Labeling of proteins in cells
2. Preparation of coverslips
3. Preparation of cells for microscopy
NOTE: Perform steps from this section in a biosafety cabinet to prevent contamination of the cells.
4. Single-molecule imaging
NOTE: Independent experiments measuring the residence times of both H2B and the protein of interest should be conducted across multiple (≥3) days to generate statistically significant results. Before imaging cell samples on the microscope, align the two cameras using 0.1 µm stained microspheres (Table of Materials) or a similar calibration standard.
5. Analysis of single-molecule imaging data
NOTE: The parameters used throughout section 5 are specific to this experiment and included as an example. Appropriate parameters should be chosen according to the criteria listed in the discussion.
Here, we present representative results from Irgen-Gioro et al.40, where we used this SPT protocol to compare the interaction dynamics of two proteins in their respective self-assembled LLPS condensates. TAF15 (TATA-box binding protein associated factor 15) contains an IDR that can undergo LLPS upon overexpression in human cells. We hypothesized that fusing TAF15(IDR) to FTH1 (ferritin heavy chain 1), which forms a 24-subunit oligomer, would lead to more stable homotypic protein-protein interactions that drive LLPS. To test this hypothesis, we transiently expressed in U2OS cells either Halo-TAF15(IDR) or TAF15(IDR)-Halo-FTH1 fusion and performed two-color single-molecule imaging of each protein following the above protocol. A representative frame from a TAF15(IDR)-Halo-FTH1 movie is shown in Figure 1A. Molecules detected in the PA-JF646 channel were localized, and those localizations were assembled into trajectories. The resulting trajectories were then sorted between in-condensate and out-of-condensate populations by comparison against a binary mask highlighting condensate locations (Figure 1B). While we only show a small fraction of the trajectories for good visibility, there is a clear distinction between the trajectories of molecules bound to the condensates and bound outside the condensates. Next, a survival curve of in-condensate trajectory lengths was fitted against the two-component exponential model (Figure 1C). Finally, mean residence times after correction for photobleaching were extracted and plotted for both proteins (Figure 1D). We found that the mean residence time of Halo-TAF15(IDR) in its LLPS condensates was 10.23 s ± 1.10 s while that of TAF15(IDR)-Halo-FTH1 was 64.15 s ± 11.65 s. This result suggests that the addition of the oligomerizing domain to TAF15(IDR) does indeed stabilize protein-condensate binding.
Figure 1: SPT-based method resolves differences in the residence times of proteins in their condensates. A. Representative frames from a two-color single-molecule movie of TAF15(IDR)-Halo-FTH1. Proteins were labeled with a combination of a higher concentration of non-photoactivatable dye (100 nM JFX549, yellow) to visualize the locations of condensates, and a lower concentration of photoactivatable dye (20 nM PA-JF646, magenta) to visualize individual proteins, enabling SPT. Movies under the same imaging conditions were acquired for Halo-TAF15(IDR) and single-channel, PA-JF646 movies were acquired for H2B-Halo. A white dashed line outlines the nucleus. B. Representative merged image overlaying a binary mask of condensate position (grey) and trajectories (multicolored). C. Representative survival curve of TAF15(IDR)-Halo-FTH1 fitted with the two-component exponential model. D. The mean residence time of Halo-TAF15 in was significantly shorter than that of TAF15(IDR)-Halo-FTH1 in their respective condensates. The value for each protein was averaged from 20 cells measured in independent experiments performed across three days. Error was propagated as standard error of the mean and the asterisk represents a significant difference in the residence time of the two proteins (p<0.05, Wilcoxon rank-sum test). This figure has been adapted with permission from Irgen-Gioro et al.40. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
The protocol as presented here is designed for systems like those investigated in Irgen-Gioro et al.40. Depending on the application, some components of the protocol can be modified, e.g., the method for generating fluorescently labeled cell lines, the fluorescent labeling system, and the style of coverslip used. Halo-tagging of a protein in a cell can be done using two strategies, depending on which is more suitable for a given experiment. 1) Exogenous expression: fusing the protein of interest to a HaloTag and expressing the fusion in a target cell line either transiently using transfection or stably using transposons or viral transduction. 2) Genome editing: knock in a HaloTag at the gene locus encoding the endogenous protein of interest in a target cell line using genome editing techniques, e.g., CRISPR44. The benefits and drawbacks of each are discussed elsewhere45, but briefly, the exogenous expression strategy is less time-consuming but produces a population of cells with a broad range of expression levels that are often non-physiological. The genome editing strategy takes much longer, but labels endogenously expressed proteins of interest at their native expression levels.
In addition, this protocol does not specifically require the use of a HaloTag; rather, it is compatible with any tag that enables simultaneous single-molecule and ensemble labeling of the same protein in the cell. Thus, the protocol can be modified for use with other self-labeling tags like SNAP-tag46. Finally, precleaned, commercial glass-bottom dishes for cell culture, such as MatTek dishes (MatTek Life Sciences, P35G-1.5-20-C), can be used instead of coverslip chambers provided that they are compatible with the microscope objective and immersion oil; however, coverslips can be cleaned more thoroughly immediately before use, thus are preferable.
While the above modifications to the protocol are optional, there are experimental and analysis parameters that must be optimized, namely, the concentrations of HaloTag ligands, the laser powers, the localization and tracking parameters, and tmin. The concentration of the non-photoactivatable HaloTag ligand should be chosen such that the condensate is labeled densely enough to enable mask generation. The concentration of the photoactivatable HaloTag ligand and the photoactivation laser power should be chosen such that protein molecules are labeled and photoactivated sparsely enough to generate quality single-particle trajectories, as an excess of localizations in each frame will result in inaccurate trajectory generation. For experiments shown in the representative results, there were generally fewer than five localizations per frame. The excitation laser power should be kept low enough to minimize rapid photobleaching but high enough to localize single molecules precisely. The single-molecule localization and tracking parameters should be adjusted depending on the density of excitations and the expected diffusion dynamics of the protein of interest. Finally, the values of should be computed across a range of tmin (starting from 0 s and increasing in increments of exposure time). The values of
should converge above some threshold of tmin; this tmin should be used in step 5.3.
The method outlined here quantifies the interaction dynamics of proteins within condensates with a precision that is inaccessible to conventional techniques. In addition, it can do so in live cells with minimal sample perturbation. This is critical, as the interaction behaviors of IDRs, including their condensate formation, are highly dependent on their local environment40.
The representative results from Irgen-Gioro et al.40 demonstrate this method's ability to extract residence times for proteins binding to their self-assembled LLPS condensates. Importantly, this method can be easily expanded to any protein binding to any type of condensates through homotypic or heterotypic interactions. Moreover, it is not limited to measuring the interaction dynamics of proteins undergoing LLPS. The fusion oncoprotein EWS::FLI1, which is known to cause Ewing Sarcoma, has been shown to form local, high-concentration hubs that play an essential role in its transcriptional activation and oncogenic transformation functions1,2. While the formation of these hubs is driven by transient, selective, and multivalent IDR-IDR interactions of EWS::FLI1, so far, there is still no convincing evidence that they are bona fide LLPS condensates1,2. Even so, we used the method presented here to measure the mean residence time of EWS::FLI1 at its hubs and showed that the mutation of specific residues and the deletion of its IDR significantly destabilized the binding of EWS::FLI1 to its hubs1.
Despite the versatility of this method in characterizing the binding dynamics of proteins within condensates, caution should be exercised when choosing the model for protein binding in specific contexts. Existing biochemical data supports the idea that a two-component exponential distribution is often an appropriate model for many systems1,37,40,42, but the same distribution has also been shown to be an inappropriate representation of protein binding in other systems where alternative models such as three-component exponential47,48,49, and power-law distributions50 better match the experimental observations. To avoid drawing inaccurate conclusions, one should carefully choose and motivate a model, verify that the quality of fit supports the use of the model, and judiciously interpret the results.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant No. DGE-1745301 (S.Y.), Pew-Stewart Scholar Award (S.C.), Searle Scholar Award (S.C.), the Shurl and Kay Curci Foundation Research Grant (S.C.), Merkin Innovation Seed Grant (S.C.), the Mallinckrodt Research Grant (S.C.), and the Margaret E. Early Medical Research Trust 2024 Grant (S.C.). S.C. is also supported by the NIH/NCI under Award Number P30CA016042.
0.1 µm TetraSpeck microsphere | Invitrogen | T7279 | Single-molecule imaging |
25 mm Diameter, #1.5 Coverslips | Marienfeld Superior | 111650 | Preparation of coverslips |
593/40 nm bandpass filter | Semrock | FF01-593/40-25 | Single-molecule imaging |
676/37 nm bandpass filter | Semrock | FF01-676/37-25 | Single-molecule imaging |
6-Well TC Plate | Genesee | 25-105MP | Preparation of cells for microscopy |
Cell Line: U-2 OS | ATCC | HTB-96 | Labeling of proteins in cells |
ConvertASCII_SlowTracking_css3 .m |
Analysis of single-molecule imaging data: Available in Chong et al., 2018 | ||
Coverglass Staining Rack | Thomas | 24957 | Preparation of coverslips |
Deuterated Janelia Fluor 549 (JFX549) | Janelia Research Campus | Preparation of cells for microscopy | |
DMEM, Low Glucose | Gibco | 10-567-022 | Labeling of proteins in cells: Growth media used: DMEM with 5% fetal bovine serum, 1% penstrep |
Eclipse Ti2-E Inverted Microscope | Nikon | Single-molecule imaging | |
Ethanol 200 Proof | Lab Alley | EAP200-1GAL | Preparation of coverslips |
evalSPT | Analysis of single-molecule imaging data: Available in Drosopoulos et al., 2020 | ||
Fetal Bovine Serum | Cytiva | SH30396.03 | Labeling of proteins in cells: Growth media used: DMEM with 5% fetal bovine serum, 1% penstrep |
Fiji | Analysis of single-molecule imaging data | ||
Ikon Ultra CCD Camera | Andor | X-13723 | Single-molecule imaging |
Longpass dichroic beamsplitter | Semrock | Di02-R635-25×36 | Single-molecule imaging: Red/Far Red beamsplitter |
LUN-F Laser Unit | Nikon | Single-molecule imaging: 405/488/561/640 | |
MatTek glass-bottom dish | MatTek | P35G-1.5-20-C | Preparation of cells for microscopy: 35 mm, #1.5 coverslip dish for cell culture. |
NIS-Elements | Nikon | Single-molecule imaging: Microscope acquisition software | |
nucleus and cluster mask_v2.txt | Analysis of single-molecule imaging data: Available in Chong et al., 2018 | ||
Penicillin-Streptomycin | Gibco | 15-140-122 | Labeling of proteins in cells: Growth media used: DMEM with 5% fetal bovine serum, 1% penstrep |
Phosphate Buffered Saline | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 18912014 | Labeling of proteins in cells |
Photoactivatable Janelia Fluor 646 (PA-JF646) | Janelia Research Campus | Preparation of cells for microscopy | |
PLOT_ResidenceHist_css.m | Analysis of single-molecule imaging data: Available in Chong et al., 2018 | ||
Potassium Hydroxide | Mallinckrodt Chemicals | 6984-06 | Preparation of coverslips |
pretracking_comb.txt | Analysis of single-molecule imaging data: Available in Chong et al., 2018 | ||
SLIMfast | Analysis of single-molecule imaging data: Available in Teves et al., 2016 | ||
Stage-top incubation system | Tokai Hit | Single-molecule imaging: For live-cell imaging | |
TwinCam dual emission image splitter | Cairn Research | Single-molecule imaging | |
Ultrasonic Cleaner | Branson | 5800 | Preparation of coverslips |