Here, we demonstrate how to combine transfection of primary hippocampal rodent neurons with live-cell confocal imaging to analyze pathological protein-induced effects on axonal transport and identify mechanistic pathways mediating these effects.
Bidirectional transport of cargos along the axon is critical for maintaining functional synapses, neural connectivity, and healthy neurons. Axonal transport is disrupted in multiple neurodegenerative diseases, and projection neurons are particularly vulnerable because of the need to transport cellular materials over long distances and sustain substantial axonal mass. Pathological modifications of several disease-related proteins negatively affect transport, including tau, amyloid-β, α-synuclein, superoxide dismutase, and huntingtin, providing a potential common mechanism by which pathological proteins exert toxicity in disease. Methods to study these toxic mechanisms are necessary to understand neurodegenerative disorders and identify potential therapeutic interventions.
Here, cultured primary rodent hippocampal neurons are co-transfected with multiple plasmids to study the effects of pathological proteins on fast axonal transport using live-cell confocal imaging of fluorescently-tagged cargo proteins. We begin with the harvest, dissociation, and culturing of primary hippocampal neurons from rodents. Then, we co-transfect the neurons with plasmid DNA constructs to express fluorescent-tagged cargo protein and wild-type or mutant tau (used as an exemplar of pathological proteins). Axons are identified in live cells using an antibody that binds an extracellular domain of neurofascin, an axon initial segment protein, and an axonal region of interest is imaged to measure fluorescent cargo transport.
Using KymoAnalyzer, a freely available ImageJ macro, we extensively characterize the velocity, pause frequency, and directional cargo density of axonal transport, all of which may be affected by the presence of pathological proteins. Through this method, we identify a phenotype of increased cargo pause frequency associated with the expression of pathological tau protein. Additionally, gene-silencing shRNA constructs can be added to the transfection mix to test the role of other proteins in mediating transport disruption. This protocol is easily adaptable for use with other neurodegenerative disease-related proteins and is a reproducible method to study the mechanisms of how those proteins disrupt axonal transport.
Neurons depend on the bidirectional transport of cargo along the axon to maintain functional synapses and neural connectivity. Axonal transport deficits are thought to be critical contributors to the pathogenesis of several neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other tauopathies, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and Huntington's disease1,2,3. Indeed, pathological modifications to several disease-related proteins negatively affect transport (reviewed in 4). Developing methods to investigate the mechanisms by which pathological proteins exert toxicity in disease is necessary to understand neurodegenerative disorders and identify potential targets for therapeutic intervention.
Several important insights into axon transport, including the discovery of conventional kinesin, the kinase- and phosphatase-dependent pathways regulating motor proteins, and mechanisms by which pathological proteins disrupt the regulation of axon transport, were made using the isolated squid axoplasm model4,5. Perfusion of squid axoplasm with pathological forms of tau protein inhibits anterograde fast axonal transport (FAT), an effect dependent on the exposure of the phosphatase-activating domain of tau, which activates protein phosphatase 1 (PP1)6,7,8. PP1 activates glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), which in turn phosphorylates kinesin light chains causing the release of cargo. Another pathological protein in AD is amyloid-β. Oligomeric forms of amyloid-β inhibit bidirectional FAT through casein kinase 2, which phosphorylates kinesin light chains9. Furthermore, pathological huntingtin protein harboring a polyglutamine expansion and a familial ALS-linked SOD1 mutant each disrupt axonal transport in the squid axoplasm through c-Jun N-terminal kinase and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activity, respectively10,11.
While the squid axoplasm model continues to be a valuable tool in understanding the effects of pathological proteins on axonal transport, limited access to the equipment and specimens prevents it from being more widely used. We developed a transport assay using live-cell confocal microscopy imaging of rodent (mouse and rat) primary neurons. This model represents an easily adaptable and manipulatable mammalian neuron-based approach using widely available cell sources and microscopy systems. For example, a variety of pathological proteins (e.g., harboring disease-related modifications) are expressed to identify how specific modifications of these proteins affect transport in axons. Similarly, a variety of fluorescently-tagged cargo proteins can be used to examine cargo-specific changes. Moreover, the underlying molecular mechanisms are studied relatively easily by targeting expression (i.e., knockdown or overexpression) of selected proteins that may mediate these effects. This method also is easily adapted for primary neurons derived from a wide variety of animal models.
We present a detailed protocol describing the live-cell axon transport assay that was previously used in primary hippocampal neurons to show that mutant tau proteins associated with frontotemporal lobar dementias (FTLD; P301L or R5L tau) increase the pausing frequency of fluorescently-labeled cargo proteins bidirectionally12. Furthermore, the knockdown of the PP1γ isoform rescued the pausing effects12. This provides support for the model of pathological tau-induced disruption that is mediated through aberrant activation of a signaling pathway initiated by PP1 as described above6,7,12. In a separate study, we showed that pseudophosphorylation of tau at S199/S202/T205 (the pathogenic AT8 phosphoepitope relevant to tauopathies) increased cargo pause frequency and anterograde segment velocity. These effects were dependent on the N-terminal phosphatase activating domain of tau13. These examples highlight the utility of this model for identifying the mechanisms of how pathological proteins disrupt axon transport in mammalian neurons.
This paper provides a detailed description of the method beginning with the harvest, dissociation, and culturing of primary mouse hippocampal neurons, followed by the transfection of the neurons with cargo proteins fused with a fluorescent protein, and finally, the live-cell imaging and image analysis approach. We demonstrate how this method is used to study the effects of modified tau on the bidirectional transport of the vesicle-associated protein, synaptophysin, as an example. However, there is flexibility in the pathogenic protein and transport cargo protein of interest, which makes this a versatile approach to study axonal transport.
These protocols were approved by the Michigan State University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. This protocol has been successfully applied to Tau Knockout mice in the C57BL/6J background and wild-type Sprague Dawley rats. Other strains should be acceptable as well.
1. Primary hippocampal neuron harvest
2. Primary hippocampal neuron dissociation and plating
3. Neuron transfection
NOTE: Neurons can be transfected on DIV 7 or DIV 8 without notable changes in transfection efficiency or transport results. These volumes are for four wells of a four-well glass-bottom chamber slide in 750 µL volume/well. This protocol describes transfection using lipid transfection reagents. Allow media and transfection reagents to warm to room temperature prior to use.
4. Neuron imaging
5. Generate and analyze Kymographs
NOTE: Kymographs can be generated and analyzed using a variety of different programs. We briefly describe the freely-available KymoAnalyzer (v. 1.01) software using six ImageJ (v. 1.51n) plugins16. These plugins can be downloaded from the developers at the Encalada lab website ( More detailed instructions on the use of this software can be found at this site.
Using these methods, we characterized axonal transport in the presence of wild-type or disease-related forms of tau protein to examine potential mechanisms of pathological tau-induced neurotoxicity in disease12,13. The KymoAnalyzer software calculates and pools a variety of different parameters from all kymographs within a given folder. Transport rates are calculated only when cargo is in motion (segmental velocity) as well as the overall rate, including pauses (net velocity). The amount of cargo is calculated as a total, density (#tracks/µm), or flux (#tracks∙µm-1∙s-1). The run length is calculated individually or combined to determine the mean distances traveled between pauses. The cargo pauses are characterized by duration and frequency as well as the percent of time the cargo is not in motion (i.e., moving < 0.1 mm/s). Most measurements are calculated in the anterograde and retrograde directions, as well as in totals (both directions combined). Additionally, the frequency and timing of reversals in direction are calculated. Together, this provides a robust characterization of cargo transport within a specific region of the axon in the presence of a protein of interest.
We expressed wild-type tau and found that these transport parameters did not typically change compared to GFP-expressing control neurons (Figure 3). However, expression of FTLD mutant tau (Figure 3) or pseudophosphorylated tau (data not shown) induced little to no impact on velocity in either direction (Figure 3A,B) but increased total cargo pause frequency compared to WT tau and GFP neurons (Figure 3C)12,13. This effect occurred in cargo traveling in the anterograde and retrograde direction (Figure 3D,E).
This protocol can be adapted to include gene silencing techniques to knock down the expression of other proteins and identify their role in mediating potentially toxic effects. We co-transfected the neurons with plasmids to express shRNAs targeted toward specific isoforms of PP112. Pathological forms of tau disrupt fast axonal transport in a squid axoplasm model of transport and the effect is dependent on PP1 and GSK3β activity6,7,12,17,18. In our model, pathological tau aberrantly activates a PP1-GSK3β-kinesin light chain phosphorylation-based signaling pathway that disrupts normal transport7,19. We found that knocking down the PP1γ1 isoforms, but not the PP1α isoform, rescued the increased pause frequency caused by mutant tau protein (Figure 4)12. In our hands, shRNA-mediated knockdown of GSK3β was toxic to transport in all conditions demonstrating the need for proper controls to accurately interpret results.
Figure 1: Fluorescent cargo and tau proteins expressed by transfected neurons. (A) A live-cell image of a transfected neuron expressing mApple-synaptophysin (red). The NF-186 antibody and a fluorescent secondary antibody label the external domain of neurofascin in the axon initial segment (cyan)12. The rectangular box labels the axonal region of interest for imaging of cargo transport. (B) After imaging, the cells are fixed and stained via immunofluorescence to confirm co-expression of the protein of interest (tau, green) and cargo protein (mApple-synaptophysin; red). Scale bar = 50 µm (A,B). Abbreviations: mA-Syn = mApple-synaptophysin; NF = neurofascin. This figure is modified from Combs et al.12. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Kymographs generated and analyzed using the KymoAnalyzer software. (A) A kymograph of a representative transport movie from a neuron expressing mApple-synaptophysin and wild-type (WT) full-length tau (left). Tracks show cargo moving in the anterograde (green) and retrograde (red) directions, as well as those that underwent reversals (i.e., tracks containing anterograde and retrograde movements; yellow; right)12. (B) A kymograph displaying transport of mApple-synaptophysin in a neuron expressing tau with the pathological P301L mutation and tracks of the cargo after KymoAnalysis (right). Vertical scale bar = 8 s; horizontal scale bar = 28 µm of length. Abbreviation: WT = wild-type. This figure is modified from Combs et al.12. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Sampling of parameters characterizing transport of mApple-synaptophysin in the presence of tau or GFP. (A) Anterograde segment velocity represents the rate of cargo transport when it is in motion toward the synapse. WT or P301L tau expression did not change anterograde velocity when compared to GFP expression. (B) Retrograde segment velocity increased slightly in tau-expressing neurons (WT and P301L tau) compared to GFP-expressing neurons. (C) Total pause frequency, which is defined as the number of pauses per track per second, increased with P301L tau expression compared to GFP and WT tau. Directional pause frequency can also be measured. P301L tau expression increased pause frequency in the (D) anterograde and (E) retrograde directions compared to GFP and WT tau-expressing neurons. Each data point represents an independent replicate (n = 6). The data are represented as mean ± SD. Data are analyzed using a one-way ANOVA with Tukey's multiple comparison test to compare each group. * p < 0.05, ** p ≤ 0.01, *** p ≤ 0.001, **** p ≤ 0.0001. Abbreviations: GFP = green fluorescent protein; WT = wild-type. This figure is modified from Combs et al.12. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Knockdown of gene expression to identify molecular mechanisms of transport disruptions12. Co-transfection of neurons with isoform-specific protein phosphatase 1 shRNAs or a control shRNA was used to test the role of PP1 in P301L tau-mediated transport disruptions. (A) Anterograde and (B) retrograde segment velocities were unaffected by all shRNAs. (C) Knockdown of PP1γ, but not PP1α, rescued P301L tau-induced increases in total pause frequency. Each data point represents an independent replicate (n = 5). The data are represented as the mean ± SD. Data are analyzed using a two-way ANOVA with Tukey's multiple comparison test to compare the three tau groups within each shRNA treatment group. * p < 0.05, ** p ≤ 0.01, *** p ≤ 0.001, **** p ≤ 0.0001. Abbreviations: PP1 = protein phosphatase 1; shRNA = short hairpin RNA. This figure is modified from Combs et al.12. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
There is growing evidence that multiple pathological proteins associated with a variety of neurodegenerative disorders disrupt fast axonal transport in neurons. This represents a potential common mechanism of neurotoxicity across these diseases. To better understand the process by which these proteins disrupt transport, we need tools and models that allow us to address specific questions. The method described here allows the examination of mechanisms engaged by pathological proteins to negatively affect cargo transport in primary hippocampal neurons from rodents.
Primary neurons provide a system that is easily manipulatable while still maintaining all the functional aspects of fast axonal transport regulation. Liposome-based transfections of neurons are not particularly efficient (we typically observe 5-15 transfected neurons/well) but do provide several advantages over other methods. First, the relatively low efficiency allows the user to visually follow processes projecting from an individual cell body of an isolated neuron. When used in conjunction with the live-cell marker of the AIS (i.e., neurofascin) the axon can be clearly identified for imaging. Prior work demonstrated that live-cell imaging of the AIS using this approach does not affect AIS functionality20.
Second, lipofection also allows for co-transfection of multiple DNA plasmids in nearly all cells expressing the fluorescent cargo protein. These plasmids are easily interchangeable, making it simple to prepare plasmids for multiple modified forms of a protein and compare their effects within the same cell preparations or test multiple cargo proteins. We have successfully imaged Rab proteins, amyloid precursor protein, and TrkB, among other cargo proteins. The choice of specific cargo proteins may be an important factor in experimental design. Cargo proteins can differ in the subcellular locations they are trafficked to and in their affinity for individual motor protein subunits among many other potential differences. Care should be taken to choose an appropriate cargo marker for the specific experimental questions that are being asked.
Third, lipofection also provides the user with greater flexibility to test multiple protein modifications or cargo proteins in a way that is less labor-intensive than purifying lentiviruses. However, we have also successfully adapted the protocol to use lentiviruses for use with older neurons (DIV21) that are less tolerant of lipofection. Older neurons can also be transfected with a reduced efficiency.
Other adaptations to the protocol are easily made based on the user's needs. We have successfully used rat and mouse neurons isolated from the hippocampus and cortex. Additionally, constructs that modulate the expression of endogenous genes can be added to the mix to identify mechanistic pathways involved in changes to axonal transport. For example, we successfully used shRNA-mediated gene knockdown to determine that a pathological tau-based effect was dependent on the PP1γ isoform12.
There are limitations to transfections that should be considered as well. Neurons are sensitive to lipid-based transfections and may experience some toxicity. Paying particular attention to the gentle mixing of reagents and slow pipetting can help reduce this toxicity. There are also considerations related to the relatively high and sometimes variable levels of protein expression. Care should be taken to choose cells that display enough expression to effectively detect fluorescent cargoes, but not those that are extremely weak or bright (i.e., expressing too little or too much of the exogenous proteins). The highly transfected neurons may experience toxicity due to the high levels of protein expression making it difficult to isolate protein-based effects. Additionally, these cells are more difficult to image due to excess background signal. Ideally, the investigator will utilize the same inclusion and exclusion parameters for all conditions to help maintain comparability and consistency.
Care should be taken to choose constructs that can control for the effects of overexpressing proteins. We used GFP as a non-related protein and then confirmed that overexpression of WT tau did not alter cargo transport when compared to GFP12,13. The inclusion of a control protein and the wild-type version of the protein of interest provides a robust means to identify effects induced by the pathological protein and helps to rule out protein overexpression as a cause. There is some potential that overexpressing the cargo protein may alter behavior to a certain extent, but this can be mitigated by reducing the levels of overexpression and testing other cargo proteins as well.
The KymoAnalyzer software16 was used with high success in our group, but other methods may also be used to generate and analyze kymographs from the transport movies. Additionally, there are other software methods to track cargo movement that do not use kymographs21. KymoAnalyzer provides a robust characterization of cargo transport but with some limitations due to the low throughput nature of the manual addition of tracks over the images. Other methods using automatic detection miss some critical aspects of transport such as the increased pause frequency we identified in response to pathological tau expression. However, it is important to reduce the potential introduction of biases by the user. Determine, in advance, the level of detail in assigning tracks. Too little detail misses potential pausing but too great of detail introduces noise that is beyond the level of resolution in the movies and can affect the transport rates in the final analysis. Additionally, a protocol to blind the user to experimental conditions should be included.
While a strength of this method is its adaptability to user needs, there are some critical parts of the protocol that will help ensure success. Neuron cultures should have high viability and very few clumps during the plating step. Use antibiotic-free media throughout the culturing of the neurons. For transfections, either reduced- or serum-free media can be used to dilute reagents and DNA. The transfection reagents are highly diluted when added to the wells, which also reduces any toxic effects from the transfection. Liposome/DNA mixtures should be handled and added to cultures gently to minimize toxicity to the cells. An extracellular marker of the AIS should be used to positively identify the axon to help avoid mistakenly imaging dendrites. Furthermore, conditioned media, not fresh media, from cells grown in parallel should be used during the primary and secondary antibody addition steps to limit stress to the cells. An axon selected for imaging should be isolated and relatively straight. Make sure that the depth of field is wide enough to capture the full extent of transport in the ROI (i.e., increase the pinhole size in a confocal system). This will prevent issues deciphering the traces from individual cargo on the kymograph. The direction of transport moving into the ROI must be noted, as well as the actual frame rate, as this information will be important for the accurate assignment of transport direction and velocity, respectively. Finally, low laser power should be used during movie collection to prevent phototoxicity to the cell and photobleaching of the fluorescently-tagged cargo. Highly sensitive GaAsP detectors on our system allow extremely low laser powers of ~1.5% typically. By avoiding excessive imaging of the neuron and limiting imaging to the small ROI of the axon, phototoxicity can be avoided. We are able to successfully image neurons beyond 10 min without observing phototoxicity. Again, it is important to confirm neuronal health throughout the imaging process by choosing only neurons displaying healthy transport and confirming their health by postimaging fixation and immunostaining.
This protocol provides a powerful tool to analyze the molecular mechanisms of fast axonal transport disruption in primary neurons. These disruptions are linked to multiple pathological proteins found in a variety of neurodegenerative diseases, including AD. It is easily adaptable to identify the effects of specific disease-related protein modifications, elucidate mechanistic details of these effects, and test potential therapeutic interventions.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We thank Chelsea Tiernan and Kyle Christensen for their efforts in developing and optimizing aspects of these protocols. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grants R01 NS082730 (N.M.K.), R01 AG044372 (N.M.K.), R01 AG067762 (N.M.K.), and F31 AG074521 (R.L.M.); NIH/National Institute on Aging, Michigan Alzheimer's Disease Research Center Grant 5P30AG053760 (N.M.K. and B.C.); Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs through the Peer Reviewed Alzheimer's Research Program Award W81XWH-20-1-0174 (B.C.); Alzheimer's Association Research Grants 20-682085 (B.C.); and the Secchia Family Foundation (N.M.K.).
0.4% Trypan blue | Gibco | 15250-061 | |
1.7 mL microcentrifuge tubes | DOT | RN1700-GMT | |
2.5% trypsin | Gibco | 15090-046 | |
3 mL syringe with 21 G needle | Fisher | 14-826-84 | |
10 mL plastic syringe | Fisher | 14-823-2A | |
14 G needle | Fisher | 14-817-203 | |
15 G needle | Medline | SWD200029Z | |
16 G needle | Fisher | 14-817-104 | |
18 G needle | Fisher | 14-840-97 | |
22 G needle | Fisher | 14-840-90 | |
32% paraformaldehyde | Fisher | 50-980-495 | |
AlexaFluor 647 goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) | Invitrogen | A21244 | RRID:AB_2535813 |
Amphotericin B | Gibco | 15290-026 | |
Arruga Micro Embryonic Capsule Forceps, Curved; 4" | Roboz | RS-5163 | autoclave |
B-27 Supplement (50x), serum free | Gibco | A3582801 | |
BioCoat 24-well Poly D lysine plates | Fisher | 08-774-124 | |
boric acid | Sigma | B6768-1KG | |
Calcium chloride | Sigma | C7902 | |
Castroviejo 3 1/2" Long 8 x 0.15 mm Angle Sharp Scissors | Roboz | RS-5658 | autoclave |
Cell counting device | automatic or manual | ||
Confocal microscope with live cell chamber attachment | |||
Confocal imaging software | |||
D-(+)-glucose | Sigma | G7528 | |
DNase I (Worthington) | Fisher | NC9185812 | |
Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline | Gibco | 14200-075 | |
EGTA | Fisher | O2783-100 | |
Fatal-Plus Solution | Vortech Pharmaceuticals, LTD | NDC 0298-9373-68 | sodium pentobarbital; other approved methods of euthanasia may be used |
Fetal bovine serum | Invitrogen | 16000044 | |
Gentamicin Reagent Solution | Gibco | 15710-072 | |
GlutaMAX | Gibco | 35050-061 | glutamine substitute |
Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution | Gibco | 24020-117 | |
ImageJ version 1.51n | ImageJ | Life-Line version 2017 May 30: | |
KymoAnalyzer (version 1.01) | Encalada Lab | Package includes all 6 macros: | |
Lipofectamine 3000 | Invitrogen | 100022050 | Use with P3000 transfection enhancer reagent |
Magnesium chloride | Fisher | AC223211000 | |
MES hydrate | Sigma | M8250 | |
Micro Dissecting Scissors 3.5" Straight Sharp/Sharp | Roboz | RS-5910 | autoclave |
Neurobasal Plus medium | Gibco | A3582901 | |
Neurofascin (A12/18) Mouse IgG2a | UC Davis/NIH NeuroMab | 75-172 | RRID:AB_2282826; 250 ng/mL; Works in rat neurons, NOT in mouse neurons |
Neurofascin 186 (D6G60) Rabbit IgG | Cell Signaling | 15034 | RRID:AB_2773024; 500 ng/mL; Works in mouse neurons, we have not tested in rat neurons |
newborn calf serum | Gibco | 16010-167 | |
Opti-MEM | Gibco | 31985-062 | |
P3000 | Invitrogen | 100022057 | |
Petri dish, 100 x 10 mm glass | Fisher | 08-748B | For dissection; autoclave |
Petri dish, 100 x 20 mm glass | Fisher | 08-748D | To place uterine horns in; autoclave |
Poly-D-lysine | Sigma | P7886-100MG | |
Polypropylene conical centrifuge tubes (15 mL) | Fisher | 14-955-238 | |
Polypropylene conical centrifuge tubes (50 mL) | Fisher | 14-955-238 | |
Potassium chloride | Fisher | P217-500 | |
Sodium acetate | Sigma | S5636 | |
sodium borate decahydrate | VWR | MK745706 | |
Straight-Blade Operating Scissors Blunt/Sharp | Fisher | 13-810-2 | autoclave |
Syringe Filters, 0.22 µm | VWR | 514-1263 | |
Thumb dressing forceps, serrated, 4.5" | Roboz | RS-8100 | autoclave |
µ-Slide 4 Well Glass Bottom | Ibidi | 80427 |