
Magnetic Tweezers in a Microplate Format

Published: February 09, 2022


Here, we describe the use of a novel microplate assay to enable mechanical manipulation of biomolecules while performing ensemble biochemical assays. This is achieved using a microplate lid modified with magnets to create multiple static magnetic tweezers across the microplate.


Mechanobiology describes how the physical forces and mechanical properties of biological material contribute to physiology and disease. Typically, these approaches are limited single-molecule methods, which restricts their availability. To address this need, a microplate assay was developed that enables mechanical manipulation while performing standard biochemical assays. This is achieved using magnets incorporated into a microplate lid to create multiple magnetic tweezers. In this format, force is exerted across biomolecules connected to paramagnetic beads, equivalent to a typical magnetic tweezer. The study demonstrates the application of this tool with FRET-based assays to monitor protein conformations. However, this approach is widely applicable to different biological systems ranging from measuring enzymatic activity through to the activation of signaling pathways in live cells.


Mechanobiology focuses on understanding how the propagation of physical forces within and between cells regulates cellular activity1,2 and how this correlates with the organization and dynamics of both proteins and cells.

Single-molecule force measurements have revealed how force is used in biological systems, from single proteins to whole cells and tissues3,4,5,6,7. These challenging experiments require specialized equipment and technical expertise. Conversely, standard biochemical assays can be performed at higher throughput in readily available commercial equipment.

Here, the study describes a mechanobiology assay that enables magnetic tweezer-based manipulation and biochemical assays to be performed together8. Magnets are placed on a 3D printed microplate lid (Figure 1AD), enabling the use of commercial plate readers for the assays. Force is applied across the biomolecule of interest by coupling the molecule to paramagnetic particles. The magnets then exert tension across the molecule. Altering the distance between the particles and magnets adjusts the exerted force across the biomolecule (Figure 1E).

We represent the use of this assay using the actin-based molecular motor, Myosin VI. Myosin VI is regulated by intramolecular backfolding9. Myosin VI has been shown to exist in an auto-inhibited state, whereby the binding of partner proteins, such as NDP52, triggers the unfolding of myosin VI10,11. To perform these assays, we will use a dual-labeled construct of the myosin VI tail domain with an N-terminal GFP and a C-Terminal RFP whereby backfolding of the protein generates Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) between GFP and RFP. The N-terminus also carries a biotinylation tag to immobilize the protein on the surface. We use this assay in combination with FRET measurements to show how force can impact myosin VI back-folding.


Sample proteins required for this experiment and a list of reagents are found in the Table of Materials. Equivalent proteins should be produced for the user's system of study to measure conformation changes. 1. 3D printed magnetic lid Design a microplate lid to house the magnets within a 24-well microplate. An example CAD file can be downloaded from GitHub12. The measurements are shown in Figure 1</s…

Representative Results

Figure 2 shows an example of a well-scan measurement where the fluorescence intensity of GFP has been recorded at 1 mm intervals across the microplate well. Typical fluorescence measurements are performed at the center position of the microplate well (position 8,8 in Figure 2); it is, therefore, important that there is bound protein at this location. As shown in Figure 2, the intensity is highest in the center of the well within a r…


This approach enables force-based measurements to be readily applied in a microplate using fluorescent plate readers. Importantly, this assay format assumes there is functional protein when it is bound to a surface. Therefore, prior knowledge is required before embarking on these measurements to ensure there is protein activity. It is also beneficial to make sure that the binding of molecules to the paramagnetic beads and surface is optimized for each system.

This concept can be modified to f…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We thank Cancer Research UK (A26206), the MRC (MR/M020606/1), and the Royal Society (RG150801) for funding.


24 well glass-bottom microplate Cellvis P24-1.5H-N Multiple sources are available. Unless needed, it is best to avoid treated surfaces and we use Imaging grade glass N1.5.
Anti-RFP antibody Abcam ab290 Multiple sources are available but must ensure there is minimal reactivity with GFP.
Bench top light microscope Optika IM-3
Bench top Rotator Cole-Palmer-Stuart SB3
Biotin-BSA Sigma Aldrich A8549
CAD Software – Sketch Up Educator Sketch Up Alternative CAD softwares can be used. Users should ensure the file formats are compatiable with their 3D printer.
Dynabeads Protein A Fisher Scientific 10746713 2.8 µm paramagnetic beads with recombinant Protein A
Impact contact adhesive EVO-STIK
MagnaRack magnetic separation rack ThermoFisher Scientific CS15000 Magnetic Isolator
NaCl Fisher Scientific 10316943
Neodymium N42 5mm cube Magnets Supermagnete W-05-N
Plate Reader – ClarioStar BMG Labtech All plate reader systems can be used where measurements are possible from under the microplate. The magnet lid excludes standard measurements from above
Streptavidin Sigma Aldrich 189730
Tris-HCl Fisher Scientific 10142400
Ultimaker PETG Filament Ultimaker
Ultimaker S3 – 3D printer Ultimaker


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  8. Dos Santos, A., Fili, N., Pearson, D. S., Hari-Gupta, Y., Toseland, C. P. High-throughput mechanobiology: Force modulation of ensemble biochemical and cell-based assays. Biophysical Journal. 120, 631-641 (2021).
  9. Fili, N., Toseland, C. P. Unconventional myosins: How regulation meets function. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21 (1), 67 (2019).
  10. Fili, N., et al. Competition between two high- and low-affinity protein-binding sites in myosin VI controls its cellular function. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 295, 337-347 (2020).
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  13. Toseland, C. P. Fluorescent labeling and modification of proteins. Journal of Chemical Biology. 6, 85-95 (2013).
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dos Santos, Á., Toseland, C. P. Magnetic Tweezers in a Microplate Format. J. Vis. Exp. (180), e62994, doi:10.3791/62994 (2022).

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