

Published: May 22, 2020


电化学发光免疫测定(ECLIA)是一种定量检测内源和外源应用的MeCP2蛋白变异的新方法,在广泛的工作范围内产生高定量、准确和可重复的测量,检测内误差低。此处介绍了 MeCP2-ECLIA 的 96 井格式的协议。


ECLIA 是一种多功能方法,能够以 96 孔格式量化内源和重组蛋白量。为了证明ECLIA的效率,该测定用于分析小鼠脑组织中MeCP2的内在水平和TAT-MeCP2在人类皮肤纤维细胞中的接受。MeCP2-ECLIA 可生成高精度和可重复的测量,具有较低的内部和内部测定误差。总之,我们开发了一种定量方法,用于评估MeCP2蛋白变异,可用于高通量屏幕。


电化学发光免疫测定(ECLIA)基于一个过程,该工艺利用标签,设计在电化学刺激时发出发光。它是一种广泛适用的生物分析物定量检测技术,用于基础工业和学术研究、食品工业以及临床诊断1。通常,使用带有碳墨水电极的一次性 96 孔板。这些电极充当免疫测定的固相载体。二次抗体与电化学发光标签结合,当电应用于系统时,触发化学标签的光发射。超低噪声电荷耦合装置(CCD)记录光强度与与捕获抗体结合的抗原成正比,从而对样品2的目标解解物进行定量。与酶相关的免疫吸附剂测定(ELISA)相比,ECLIA被认为是有利的,因为它提供了更高的灵敏度和可重复性,以及更好的自动化和一致性3。




澳大利亚韦斯特米德儿童医院人体研究伦理委员会批准了为研究目的进行皮肤活检采购。动物实验的同意得到了奥地利联邦科学、研究和经济部的同意,这些实验是根据当地动物福利条例(GZ:66.009/0218-II/3b/2015)进行的。 注:图1中描述了ECLIA系统的原理。 1. 抗体选择 评估各种 MeCP2 抗体的信号噪声比,并在主小鼠单克隆 MeCP2…

Representative Results

图1描述了ECLIA系统的原理。图 2显示了两个 MeCP2 变体的标准曲线。在广泛的浓度(1~1,800纳克/mL)上可以精确定量。在图3中,分析了从小鼠大脑和HDF中提取的MeCP2水平裂灰。图3A对来自异质细胞、野生型和敲空小鼠的脑核结扎液中的MeCP2表达进行了对比,而图3B中,使用ECLIA的MECP2缺乏人…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




1,4-Dithiothreitol (DTT) Sigma-Aldrich D9779 Hypotonic lysis reagent, Extraction Buffer
Bio-Rad Protein Assay Dye Reagent Concentrate Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc. 500-0006 Sample preperation
Detection AB SULFO-TAG labeled anti-rabbit Meso Scale Diagnostics R32AB-1 Antibody
Discovery workbench 4.0 Meso Scale Discovery Software
DMEM (1X) gibco by Life Technologies 41966-029 Sample preperation
Dulbecco’s PBS (sterile) Sigma-Aldrich D8537-500ML Sample preperation, Washing solution, Coating solution
EDTA Sigma-Aldrich EDS Extraction Buffer
Fetal Bovine Serum Sigma-Aldrich F9665 Sample preperation
Glycerol Sigma-Aldrich G2025 Extraction Buffer
Gold Read Buffer T (1x) with surfactant Meso Scale Diagnostics R92TG MeCP2 ECLIA protocol
HEPES Sigma-Aldrich H3375 Hypotonic lysis reagent, Extraction Buffer
KIMBLE Dounce tissue grinder set Sigma-Aldrich D8938 Sample preperation
Laboratory Shaker, rocking motion (low speed) GFL 3014 MeCP2 ECLIA protocol
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate (MgCl*6H20) Sigma-Aldrich M2670 Hypotonic lysis reagent, Extraction Buffer
MeCP2 (Human) Recombinant Protein (P01) Abnova Corporation H00004204-P01 Cell treatment
Microseal B seal Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc. MSB1001 for plate sealing
Monoclonal Anti-MeCP2, produced in mouse, clone Mec-168, purified immunoglobulin Sigma-Aldrich M6818-100UL; RRID:AB_262075 Antibody, Coating solution
MSD Blocker A Meso Scale Diagnostics R93BA-4 Blocker
MSD SECTOR Imager 2400 Meso Scale Diagnostics I30AA-0 MeCP2 ECLIA protocol
Multi-Array 96-well Plate Meso Scale Diagnostics L15XB-3/L11BX-3 MeCP2 ECLIA protocol
Penicillin-Streptomycin gibco by Life Technologies 15140122 Sample preperation
Polyclonal Anti-MeCP2, produced in rabbit Eurogentec S.A. custom-designed Antibody
Potassium chloride (KCl) Merck KGaA 1049361000 Hypotonic lysis reagent
Primary AB Mouse, anti-MeCP2 (1B11) Sigma-Aldrich SAB1404063; RRID:AB_10737296 Antibody
Primary AB Mouse, anti-MeCP2 (4B6) Sigma-Aldrich WH0004204M1; RRID:AB_1842411 Antibody
Primary AB Mouse, anti-MeCP2 (Mec-168) Sigma-Aldrich M6818; RRID:AB_262075 Antibody
Primary AB Mouse, anti-MeCP2 (Men-8) Sigma-Aldrich M7443; RRID:AB_477235 Antibody
Primary AB Rabbit, anti-MeCP2 (D4F3) Cell Signaling Technology 3456S; RRID:AB_2143849 Antibody
Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (100X) Sigma-Aldrich 8340 Hypotonic lysis reagent, Extraction Buffer
Secondary AB, Rabbit, anti-MeCP2 Eurogentec S.A. custom Antibody
Secondary AB, Rabbit, anti-MeCP2 Merck 07-013 Antibody
Sodium chloride (NaCl) Sigma-Aldrich S3014 Extraction Buffer
SULFO-TAG Labeled Anti-Rabbit Antibody (goat) Meso Scale Diagnostics W0015528S Antibody
TAT-MeCP2 fusion protein in-house production Cell treatment
Trypsin EDTA 0.25% (1X) gibco by Life Technologies 25200-056 Cell treatment
Tween 20 Sigma-Aldrich P9416 Washing solution


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Cite This Article
Steinkellner, H., Beribisky, A. V., Mausberg, P., Christodoulou, J., Scheiber-Mojdehkar, B., Huber, A., Sarne, V., Laccone, F. An Electrochemiluminescence-Based Assay for MeCP2 Protein Variants. J. Vis. Exp. (159), e61054, doi:10.3791/61054 (2020).

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