This protocol describes a simple and quick method to isolate and characterize mouse antral GV (Germinal Vesicle) oocytes as able (SN, Surrounded Nucleolus) or unable (NSN, Not Surrounded Nucleolus) to develop to the blastocyst stage after in vitro maturation (IVM) and in vitro fertilization (IVF). It makes use of Hoeschst33342 (or any other DNA intercalating dye) able to bind to the heterochromatin of the nucleolus showing a ring in the SN oocytes or not, like in the NSN oocytes. This represents the easiest and quickest way to sort both antral oocytes that can be eventually used for IVM or IVF procedures.
Briefly, the protocol consists of the following steps: hormone injection to stimulate follicular growth; isolation of the oocytes at the GV stage from the antral compartment by puncturing the ovary with a sterile needle; preparation of thin glass pipettes for mouth pipetting of the oocytes; sorting of the oocytes with Hoechst33342 prepared at a supravital concentration; IVM, IVF or any other molecular/cellular analysis.
Unfortunately there are still few evidences to sort SN and NSN oocytes using less invasive techniques. If and once they will be identified, they could be potentially applied to human assisted reproductive technologies, although with several aspects that should be modified. To date, this technique has potential implications to dramatically increase IVM and IVF successful procedures in both endangered and species with economic interest.
その美しい外観で最も胞状卵母細胞にもかかわらず、すべてではないが、減数分裂を完了し、胚盤胞段階に到達することができます。受精が3-5が発生した場合 、実際には、人間1,2を含む多くの哺乳動物種において、それらのおよそ30%が、2細胞期で、その開発を逮捕します。今日までに、いくつかのパラメータは、そうすることができないものから胚発生を維持することができる卵母細胞を区別するために使用されます。
例えば、クレシルブルー染色(BCB)はBCB +またはBCB-染色に関連し、このソート方法の有用性はあるが、グルコース-6-リン酸デヒドロゲナーゼの活性に基づいて、卵母細胞を分類するための有効な方法であり、まだ研究室に依存6-8。
このプロトコルは、マウス洞のGV卵母細胞を分離し、分類するために使用される方法について説明します。いくつかの例外を除いて、下線する特段の重要なステップはありません。 A)卵母細胞の活力を維持し、b)に用いられる培地中のpH変化を避ける:まず:にこの手順は、可能な限り迅速に実行する必要があります。第二:卵母細胞は、IVMおよびIVFは、次の手順がある場合は特に、クロマ…
The authors have nothing to disclose.
M.M. and C.A.R. acknowledge the financial support of the Ministero della Salute, Ricerca Finalizzata/giovani ricercatori anno 2009 of the Fondazione IRCCS Ospedale San Matteo, Pavia (I). M.M and C.A.R. wish to thank Marianna Longo for helping with the images preparation.
PMSG | Sigma | G4527 | |
EmbrioMax M2 | Millipore | MR-015-PD | |
Hoechst33342 | Thermo Scientific | 62249 | |
Mineral Oil | Sigma | M8410 | |
Cell Culture Dish 35mmx10mm | Corning | 430165 | |
µ-Dish 35mm, high glass bottom | Ibidi | 81158 | |
Pipette Pasteur Borosilicate | Corning | 7095D-9 | |
Aspirator tube assemblies for calibrated micropillary pipettes | Sigma | A5177 |