Условные страх может быть уменьшена через тормозной процесс называется вымирания, но может возродиться в таких условиях, как с течением времени или воздействия стресса. Наш протокол представляет собой новый способ предотвращения страха восстановления путем введения вымирание в течение уплотнение окна (повторное хранения фазу реактивации памяти).
Fear is maladaptive when it persists long after circumstances have become safe. It is therefore crucial to develop an approach that persistently prevents the return of fear. Pavlovian fear-conditioning paradigms are commonly employed to create a controlled, novel fear association in the laboratory. After pairing an innocuous stimulus (conditioned stimulus, CS) with an aversive outcome (unconditioned stimulus, US) we can elicit a fear response (conditioned response, or CR) by presenting just the stimulus alone1,2 . Once fear is acquired, it can be diminished using extinction training, whereby the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented without the aversive outcome until fear is no longer expressed3. This inhibitory learning creates a new, safe representation for the CS, which competes for expression with the original fear memory4. Although extinction is effective at inhibiting fear, it is not permanent. Fear can spontaneously recover with the passage of time. Exposure to stress or returning to the context of initial learning can also cause fear to resurface3,4.
Our protocol addresses the transient nature of extinction by targeting the reconsolidation window to modify emotional memory in a more permanent manner. Ample evidence suggests that reactivating a consolidated memory returns it to a labile state, during which the memory is again susceptible to interference5-9. This window of opportunity appears to open shortly after reactivation and close approximately 6hrs later5,11,16, although this may vary depending on the strength and age of the memory15. By allowing new information to incorporate into the original memory trace, this memory may be updated as it reconsolidates10,11. Studies involving non-human animals have successfully blocked the expression of fear memory by introducing pharmacological manipulations within the reconsolidation window, however, most agents used are either toxic to humans or show equivocal effects when used in human studies12-14. Our protocol addresses these challenges by offering an effective, yet non-invasive, behavioral manipulation that is safe for humans.
By prompting fear memory retrieval prior to extinction, we essentially trigger the reconsolidation process, allowing new safety information (i.e., extinction) to be incorporated while the fear memory is still susceptible to interference. A recent study employing this behavioral manipulation in rats has successfully blocked fear memory using these temporal parameters11. Additional studies in humans have demonstrated that introducing new information after the retrieval of previously consolidated motor16, episodic17, or declarative18 memories leads to interference with the original memory trace14. We outline below a novel protocol used to block fear recovery in humans.
В протоколе мы представили здесь позволяет создавать простые условная реакция страха на нейтральный стимул в паре с результатом отвращение. Через день мы возобновлена страха памяти для того, чтобы вызвать ее уплотнение. На этом этапе мы индуцированных помех в виде исчезновения обу…
The authors have nothing to disclose.
Мы благодарим Д. Джонсон и К. Doelling за помощь в сборе данных. Мы также благодарим M.-H. Монфис, Дж. Леду, Ю. Нив и М. Милад за консультацией по поводу экспериментальных протоколов. Это исследование было профинансировано Джеймс С. Макдоннелл фонда и Национального института здоровья (NIH), грант R21 MH072279 (EAP), NIH гранты R37 MH038774, P50 MH058911, RO1 MH046516 и K05 MH067048 (гель), аспирантов стипендии NSERC, CIHR и AHFMR (М.-HM), а Фулбрайта и Блаватник награды (DS).