PBS 0.2X and PBS 1X solutions containing protease inhibitors (Roshe) 2 tablets per 50 ml
Eppendorfs for 1.5 ml
Sterilized plastic dishes 35 mm
Dissecting tools including: scissors and fine forceps
Binocular and table light
Mouse anti-GFAP clone G-A-5 was from Sigma (G6171). Rabbit anti-Albumin was from Cedarlane (CLAG5140). Mouse anti-Tubulin β3 and rabbit anti-gERK were from Sigma (T2200 and M5670 respectively).
Rishal, I., Michaelevski, I., Rozenbaum, M., Shinder, V., Medzihradszky, K. F., Burlingame, A. L., Fainzilber, M. Axoplasm isolation from peripheral nerve.Dev Neurobiol. 70, 126-133 (2010).