Implantation of Cranial Imaging Window in Mouse Model: A Surgical Procedure to Implant Glass-based Coverslip for Stable Optical Access to Regions of Murine Brain

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Alieva, M. et al. Longitudinal Intravital Imaging of Brain Tumor Cell Behavior in Response to an Invasive Surgical Biopsy. J. Vis. Exp.  (2019)

This video presents a surgical procedure to implant cranial window in a mouse model for stable optical access to different regions of the brain.


All procedures involving animal models have been reviewed by the local institutional animal care committee and the JoVE veterinary review board. 1. Tumor Cell Implantation and Cranial Imaging Window Preparation Surgical Preparation Use adult mice (>6 weeks old) of any strain or gender. Sedate a mouse by injecting fluanisone [neuroleptic] + fentanyl [opioid]) (0.4 mL/kg) + benzodiazepine sedative (2 mg/kg) at a dose of 1:1:2 in steri…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


25G x 16 mm hypodermic needles  BD Microlance 
Absorbable gelatin sponge  Pfizer  300600
Coverslips round 6 mm   VWR international Gelfoam
Cyanoacrylate glue  Pattex  631-0168 Pattex Ultra gel
Dental cement Vertex Dental  Vertex Self-Curing
Drill  Dremel  Dremel 3000 (dental drill may be more convenient) + 105 Engraving Cutter
Fine curved Tweezers  Dumont 
Silicone Oil  Sigma Aldrich  AGT508
Stereotaxic frame Stoelting  181838
Surgical stereo microscope  Olympus Lab standard stereotaxic, rat and mouse
Opthalmic ointment  Kela Veterinaria  Duodrops veter kela 10 m
Xylocaine (Lidocaine 1% + Epinephrine 1:100,000) Local anesthetic  Astrazeneca Xylocaine (Lidocaine 1% + Epinephrine 1:100,000)
Hypnorm   VetaPharma Ltd Hypnorm (Fentanyl citrate 0.315 mg/mL + Fluanison 10 mg/mL)
Midazolam  Actavis  Midazolam Actavis 5 mg/mL


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Implantation of Cranial Imaging Window in Mouse Model: A Surgical Procedure to Implant Glass-based Coverslip for Stable Optical Access to Regions of Murine Brain. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e20625, doi: (2023).

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