Live-celle måling af lugtstof Receptor aktivering ved hjælp af en Real-time lejr Assay
JoVE Journal
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JoVE Journal Neurociência
Live-cell Measurement of Odorant Receptor Activation Using a Real-time cAMP Assay

09:11 min

October 02, 2017

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  • 00:05Título
  • 00:50Plating and Transfection of Hana3A Cells
  • 03:03Transfection of Plasmids
  • 05:24Stimulation and Measuring OR Activity Using the Real-time cAMP Assay
  • 07:27Results: Kinetic Measurements of the Response of OR5AN1 to Muscone
  • 08:23Conclusion


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Kendetegner funktionen af lugtstof receptorer serverer en uundværlig del i deorphanization-processen. Vi beskriver en metode til at måle aktivering af lugtstof receptorer i realtid ved hjælp af en lejr assay.

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