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Biologia do Desenvolvimento
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JoVE Science Education Biologia do Desenvolvimento
An Introduction to Organogenesis
  • 00:00Visão Geral
  • 01:01Historical Highlights
  • 04:12Key Questions
  • 06:59Prominent Methods
  • 09:51Applications
  • 11:43Summary

An Introduction to Organogenesis



Visão Geral

Organogenesis is the process by which organs arise from one of three germ layers during the later stages of embryonic development. Researchers studying organogenesis want to better understand the genetic programs, cell-cell interactions, and mechanical forces involved in this process. Ultimately, scientists hope to use this knowledge to create therapies and artificial organs that will help treat human diseases.

This video offers a comprehensive overview of organogenesis, including historical highlights starting with breakthrough studies done in the 1800s. Next, key questions asked by developmental biologists are introduced, followed by a discussion of how tissue transplantations, imaging, and in vitro culture techniques can be used to answer these queries. Finally, we describe how these methods are currently being employed in developmental biology laboratories.


Scientists in the field of organogenesis investigate the development of organs with highly specialized forms and functions. Organs arise relatively late during development, after the embryonic cells have arranged themselves into three discrete cell layers known as the germ layers. By considering how organs are formed, researchers can better understand how individual organs function, and create therapies that will correct human disease related to organ failure. This video presents a brief history of organo…


No conflicts of interest declared.



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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. An Introduction to Organogenesis. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).

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