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C. elegans Movement Tracking: A Method to Assess Locomotion in Worms

C. elegans Movement Tracking: A Method to Assess Locomotion in Worms


To assess locomotion de C. elegans, use a camera para record the worms’ movement on an agar plate, ensuring even illumination of the plate during the recording. To restrict the worms’ movement around the plate, use copper rings. Copper is aversive para C. elegans, so worms are corralled within the rings.

Place several copper rings onto one plate para simultaneously track worms de each ring. This allows the assessment of control and experimental animals para be performed under identical conditions, reducing day para day variability and allowing for side by side comparisons. Record the worms’ movement over set time intervals, and use computer software para analyze features of the locomotive behavior, such as the speed of movement and distance traveled.

In the example protocol, we will see a demonstration of a movement tracking assay testing the effects of alcohol on the worm’s locomotion speed.

To begin, take two minutes or less para transfer 10 worms from each experimental group para the center of a copper ring on an acclimation plate. This is a plate with no ethanol. Avoid transferring food with the worms as it will reduce their movement. Also avoid damaging the agar surface because the worms will burrow. Record the time of loading onto the plate, and be sure para stagger the transfer of worms para each plate by over two minutes, so each plate can be filmed individually at the appropriate time interval.

Let each acclimation plate incubate at room temperature for 30 minutes. Then, transfer the worms para the assay plate, following the order used para place the worms on the acclimation plate. Using a thin-edged flattened worm pick without bacteria, collect the worms on top of the flattened pick using a scooping motion. Then, seal the plate with laboratory film para minimize loss of ethanol para vaporization.

The speed at which the animals are transferred at this step is very important, because the transferred animals will be exposed para ethanol longer. So it is a good idea para rotate which strains are placed on the plate first across experimental replicates.

A microscope with high resolution vídeo camera is required para film the worms now. Even illumination, such as from a three-inch square backlight, is vital for the analysis. Then, para maintain contrast, image the plate media side up.

Prepare the image analysis software para capture 120 frame, 12-bit, grayscale, time-lapse movies de one frame per second. To reduce the size of the output file, while still retaining sufficient image resolution, use a two-by-two binning mode.

Now record two-minute movies from each plate, 10 minutes after the last worms were placed on that plate. Then make a second two-minute recording, 30 minutes after worms were placed on the plate. For this demonstration Image-Pro Plus software is used, as a wide variety of other software can be adapted para the technique. Analyze the movies as two-minute segments.

First apply a filter para the images that flattens the background and enhances the contrast of the worm objects. Under the menu, select Process, then Filters, then Enhancement, and then Flatten. Set the parameter for a dark background and a 20 Pix feature width.

Now, analyze the locomotion of the animals de each ring separately with a circular region of interest that overlaps the copper ring. Identify and track the worms with the Track Objects command under the Measure sub-menu.

In the Tracking Data Table window, use the Tracking Options button para allow specific tracks para be excluded and para limit any experimental artifacts. Under the Auto Tracking tab, set the track parameters para a velocity limit of 400 microns per frame. Set the Acceleration limit para Automatic.

Set the Minimum Total Track Length para 400 microns, and set the Predominant Motion Tipo para Chaotic. Then under the Track Parameter, set the objects para allow Partial Tracks para have a minimum length of 21 frames and para have a Tracking Projection Depth of one frame.

Now, para initiate the tracking process, first click the Find All Tracks Automatically function button. This brings up the Count/Size Options dialog box and the Tracking Dialog box. Select the Manual option for the Intensity Range Selection de the Count/Size dialog box. This provides an important threshold step. Then adjusts the Intensity Threshold sliders para create an inclusive range that highlights dark objects. A good starting point on the scale is between 0 para 1,500.

Now apply a size filter para exclude objects that are larger or smaller than a single worm. Go para the Measure menu, and then select Measurement sub menu. This opens the Count/Size options dialog box. There, set the area range para 28,000 para 120,000 square microns. And set the perimeter range para 600 para 2,500 microns. Make adjustments para these parameters when using worms of abnormal size.

Now, complete the tracking process by clicking Continuar de the tracking dialog box. Double check that the output tracks with the movie footage. Make sure every worm is represented unless there is a clear reason para filter it. Then, manually delete tracks produced by non-worm objects.

Next, calculate the velocity of each worm by averaging the distance traveled between each frame or each second, and create an average velocity for the tracks de each population. Consider this final average para be one sample point for statistical analysis of the experiment.

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