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Materials Engineering
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JoVE Science Education Materials Engineering
X-ray Diffraction
  • 00:08Visão Geral
  • 01:08Principles of X-ray Diffraction
  • 04:43Instrument, Sample and Beam Parameters
  • 05:57Selection of the Parameters for the Acquisition
  • 06:24Acquisition and Analysis
  • 07:04Resultados
  • 07:48Applications
  • 08:58Summary




Visão Geral






十分に小さい波長の光波が結晶格子に入ると、格子点から拡散します。発生の特定の角度では、回折された平行波は建設的に干渉し、強度の検出可能なピークを作成します。W.H. Bragg は図 1 に示す関係を特定し、対応する方程式を導き出しました。

nλ = 2dhkl罪 θ [1]

ここでλは使用するX線の波長であり、dhkl(hkl)ミラー指数*を有する特定の平面セット間の間隔であり、θは回折ピークが測定される入射角である。最後に、nは回折の「調和の順序」を表す整数である。たとえば、n=1 では、最初の高調波があり、結晶を通して回折されたX線の経路(2dhkl sinに相当)は正確にであり、n=2では回折経路はです。通常は n=1 を想定し、一般に θ < sin-1(2λ/dh’k’l’)の n=1 は、回折実験で最初のピーク (最低 2θ値) を示す平面のミラーインデックスです。 ミラーインデックスは、結晶内の方向と平面を識別するための表記システムを構成する3つの整数のセットです。方向の場合、[h k l]ミラー インデックスは、方向に沿った 2 点のそれぞれの x、y、z 座標 (デカルト座標系) の正規化された差を表します。平面の場合、平面のミラーインデックス(h k l)は、平面に垂直な方向の h k l 値にすぎません。


Figure 1



dhkl と単位細胞パラメータの関係は、7つの結晶クラス、立方体、四角形、六角形、菱形、オルソロンビック、単項およびトライクリニックの式2-7に以下に示されています。単位セル パラメータは、7 つの結晶クラスの(a,b,c)の長さと (α, β, γ) の間の角度で構成されます (図 1x は、結晶クラスの 1 つの例を示しています。複数の回折ピーク位置(すなわち、いくつかの異なるd hkl値)を使用して、単位セルパラメータの値を一意に解決することができる。

Figure 2

3 次 (a = b = c; α = β = γ = 900):

Equation 1[2]

四角形 (a = b ≥ c; α = β = γ = 900):

Equation 2[3]

六角形 (a = b ≥ c; α = β = 900; γ = 1200):

Equation 3[4]

オルソホンビック (a ≥ b ≥ c; α = β = γ = 900):

Equation 4[5]

ロンボヘドラル (a = b ≥ c; α = β = γ = 900):

Equation 5[6]

モノクリニック (a ≥ b ≥ c; α = γ = 900≥ β):

Equation 6[7]

トライクリニック (a ≥ b ≥ c; α ≥ β ≥ γ ≥ 900):

      Equation 7[8]



Figure 3

XRDピークの相対的な強度に材料のユニークな構造寄与を運ぶ唯一の要因として、構造因子は非常に重要であり、より詳しく見る必要があります。図2では、1ブラッグ回折条件(これはn=1に相当することを覚えておいてください)が、距離dで区切られたh00方向の2つの原子平面に散乱されるレイ11′とレイ22′の間で満たされていると仮定します。この条件では、レイ11′とレイ22′のパス長さの差は δ(22′-11′) = SA + AR = λ です。したがって、回折線1と2の間の位相シフトは、Φ22′-11’=(δ(22′-11′)/λ)2π=2π(立方対称を仮定し、したがって、h00方向のd=a/h])である。

解析ジオメトリのいくつかのステップで、任意の距離xに間隔を空けた原子の任意の平面によって線 3 が回折される位相シフト、Φ (33′-11′)が与えられるように、Φ(33′-11′) = 2π hu、u=x/a(a(h00)方向の単位セル パラメータ)によって示されます。 他の 2 つの直交方向 (0k0) と (00l) と v=y/a と w=z/a を y 方向と z 方向の分数座標として受け取ると、位相シフトの式は Φ = 2π(hu+kv+lw)まで拡張されます。さて、単位セル内のj-th原子によって散乱されるX線波は、fjの散乱振幅及びΦjの位相を有することになっており、それを記述する関数となるEquation 8。したがって、私たちが求める構造因子は、単位セル内のすべての固有の原子に起因するすべての散乱関数の合計です。この構造係数 F は、次のように指定されます。

Equation 9[9]

構造係数によって寄与される強度係数は I = F2です。

特定の平面上の原子の位置(u,v,w)(h,k,l)に基づいて、建設的、破壊的、または中間の散乱波間の干渉の可能性があり、この干渉はXRDピークの振幅に直接影響を与えます。(hkl) 平面を表します。



次の手順は、特定のXRD計測器とそれに関連するソフトウェアに適用され、他の計測器を使用する場合は、いくつかのバリエーションがある場合があります。 分析用Alpha-1 XRD機器のNi粉末サンプルを調べます。 まず、サンプルの直径に応じてビームサイズを固定するマスクを選択します。ビームは、最小θ値(通常~7 0-100)でサンプルより大きいフットプリントを持つことはできません。幅 ε のサンプルの場合、ビーム サイズは < ε sinθ である必要があります。 サンプルスピナーステージにサンプルをロードし、サンプルを所定の位置にロックします。サンプルスピナーは、X線源へのサンプルの露出を空間的にランダム化するのに役立ちます。 XRD スキャンの角度範囲を選択します。たとえば、15 ~ 90 度が一般的な範囲です。 ステップサイズ、つまり2θの増分、および積分(カウント)時間を選択します。一般に、0.05 度のステップ サイズと 4 秒の統合は、広角スキャンのデフォルトです。 この初期スキャンによってすべてのピーク位置が決定されると、その後のスキャンは、これらのピークからの高解像度データが必要な場合、より小さなステップサイズの角度を使用して、特定のピークの周りの狭いスキャン範囲に焦点を当てることができます。


In Figure 4 we see the XRD peaks for the Ni powder sample. Note that the peaks that are observed (e.g. {111}, {200}) are for those that have either all even or all odd combinations of h, k, and l. Ni is face-centered cubic (FCC), and in all FCC structures, the peaks corresponding to {hkl} planes where h, k, and l are mixtures of even and odd integers, are absent due to the destructive interference of the scattered X-rays. Peaks corresponding to planes, such as {210} and {211} are missing. This phenomenon is called the systematic presence and absence rules, and they provide an analytical tool for assessing the crystal structure of the sample.

Figure 4
Figure 4: An XRD scan of Ni with a face-centered cubic structure is shown.

Applications and Summary

This is a demonstration of a standard XRD experiment. The material examined in this experiment was in a powder form, but XRD works equally well with solid piece of material as long as the sample has a flat surface that can be set parallel to the plane of the sample stage.

XRD is a fairly ubiquitous method for determining the presence (or absence) of crystallographic order in materials. Beyond the standard application of determining the crystal structure, XRD is often used to obtain a variety of other structural information such as:

  1. Whether or not the structure of a material is amorphous (characterized by a broad hump in the diffraction intensity and a lack of discernable crystallographic peaks),
  2. Whether the sample is a composite material consisting of multiple crystallographic phases and, if so, determine the fraction of each phase,
  3. Determining whether a material is an amorphous/crystalline composite
  4. Determining the grain/particle size of the material,
  5. Determining the degree of texture (preferred orientation of grains) in material.


X-Ray diffraction is a technique used to determine the atomic and molecular structure of materials. Solids have a crystalline structure, which corresponds to a microscopic arrangement of atoms that is repeated periodically. By staking planes, a 3-D structure of specific symmetry can be formed.

These structural arrangements result in a specific packing geometry that dictates the physical and chemical properties of the material. Such as magnetization, thermal conductivity, or malleability. Reflecting x-rays off of materials can reveal the inner details of their structure.

This video will illustrate the general principles of x-ray diffraction on a material and how this phenomenon is used in the laboratory to determine the structure and chemical composition of materials.

To begin, let’s have a closer look at a crystal. It is formed of atomic lattices disposed in planes periodically separated by a distance dhkl of a few angstroms. H, k, l are Miller indices, a set of three integers the constitute a notation system for identifying directions and planes within crystals. The smallest repeating structure in a crystal is called the unit cell. Different angles, alpha, beta, gamma, and lengths a, b, c, of a unit cell forming the lattice will give rise to different symmetries. There are seven crystal systems. Cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, rhombohedral, monoclinic, triclinic, and hexagonal.

The relationship between the unit cell parameters and the Miller indices can be calculated for each crystal class. Electromagnetic of wavelength lambda can have similar dimensions with the differences between planes within the crystal’s lattice. These correspond to wavelengths in the x-ray spectral range. When x-ray light waves irradiate a crystal at an incident angle theta, they propagate through the crystal and encounter lattice points from which they defract. Bragg’s Law relates these parameters where n is an integer that represents the harmonic order of the diffraction. For a given lambda, only specific angles theta give rise to diffraction. This is the unique signature of a crystalline structure.

In an experiment, the sample is rotated and the detector that collects the scattered x-rays records peaks in intensity when reaching these characteristic angles. One can then extract the lattice spacing DHKL for each angle satisfying the Bragg’s Law. Using multiple diffracted peak positions corresponding to several distinct DHKL values, the parameters of the unit cell can be solved uniquely.

Two main factors contribute to the relative intensity of the peaks. First, there are the non-structural contributions, which include the ability of the material to absorb x-ray light, and the geometry of the XRD experiment. These can be taken into account in the post-processing of the experimental data. Second, and most importantly, the structural contribution of the material is carried to the relative intensities of XRD. Each diffraction peak is in fact the sum of all the scattered amplitudes from multiple ray paths diffracted by all the unique atoms in a unit cell. If scattered lights are in phase, there is constructed interference. While if they are out of phase, there is destructed interference. These interferences directly affect the amplitude of the XRD peaks, representing the HKL planes of the crystal.

We will now see how these principles apply in an actual x-ray diffraction experiment.

Before starting, carefully inspect the XRD instrument and assess its status and safety. XRD users must be trained in basic radiation safety before having access to the instrument. Then proceed with sample preparation. In this experiment, we use a nickel powder sample in the form of a pressed pellet.

It is important that the sample is not thin and it should be at least three times thicker than the attenuation length of the x-rays. Note that the following procedure applies to a specific XRD instrument and its associated software and there may be some variations when other instruments are used.

Load the sample in the sample spinner stage and lock the sample into position, making sure the irradiated side of the sample is parallel to the sample stage. Use a mask to adjust the x-ray beam size of the instrument according to the sample diameter. At the smallest incident angle, the beam must have a footprint smaller than the sample width.

Now it is time to choose the acquisition parameters. First, select the angle range for the XRD scan. Typically, the range goes from 15 to 90 degrees. Then, select the degree step size as well as the integration time at each angle scanned.

Next, proceed to the data acquisition. After the scan, a graph of the intensity as a function of the angle to theta is obtained. From this initial scan, select specific peaks and determine peak positions.

Repeat the acquisition and focus this time on a narrower scan range around specific peaks. Using a smaller step size in angle to obtain higher resolution data. Once the data acquisition is finished, data can be analyzed to identify the structure of the material.

Using the instrument software and database library, each peak of the spectrum is identified and associated to a specific symmetry of crystal arrangement. In this particular case of the nickel powder sample, the spectrum shows a first peak corresponding to a one one one symmetry.

The second peak is associated to a two zero zero symmetry and so on. Then the software determines that this specific combination of symmetries corresponds to a face centered cubic structure and it identifies that the sample is a nickel powder.

X-ray diffraction is a standard method for determining the presence or absence of crystallographic order in materials. It is often used to obtain a variety of other structural information regarding internal stress and defects in a crystal, or multiple crystallographic phases in composite materials. XRD technique is also used in biology to determine the structure and spatial orientation of biological macromolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids.

In particular, this is how the double helix structure of DNA has been discovered, leading to the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1962. The study of the geochemistry of minerals either for mining purposes or even for planetary exploration also makes use of XRD technique. Think of the Rover Curiosity on Mars that has amongst its ten scientific instruments an XRD detector to analyze the composition of the martian soil.

You’ve just watched Jove’s introduction to x-ray diffraction. You should now understand the crystalline structure of a solid and the principles of x-ray diffraction. You should also know how the XRD technique is used in the laboratory to obtain the structure and chemical composition of materials.

Thanks for watching!


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. X-ray Diffraction. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).