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Electrical Safety
  • 00:04Visão Geral
  • 01:12Before Powering Up
  • 02:16Avoiding Electrical Shock
  • 02:59In Case of an Emergency
  • 04:29Summary

Segurança Elétrica



Visão Geral

Robert M. Rioux & Suprita Jharimune, Universidade Estadual da Pensilvânia, Parque Universitário, PA

Entre os muitos perigos presentes no laboratório, os riscos elétricos são um dos mais comuns que devemos estar cientes, já que a maioria dos equipamentos de laboratório que usamos requer eletricidade para operação. O manuseio inadequado ou a operação de dispositivos elétricos podem levar a choque elétrico com o risco potencial de ferimentos ou até mesmo morte. Faíscas elétricas podem levar a fogo ou explosão (já que muitos produtos químicos inflamáveis podem ser armazenados nas proximidades para instrumentação eletrificada). Portanto, o conhecimento sobre segurança elétrica e o que fazer em caso de emergência é essencial para o pessoal do laboratório. Precauções podem ser empregadas quando se trabalha em laboratório para evitar choque elétrico e fogo elétrico ou explosão.



1. Preparação para riscos elétricos Conheça a localização do painel de controle elétrico do laboratório e saiba como desligar a energia em caso de emergência. Localize a caixa do disjuntor no laboratório e identifique o circuito no qual o equipamento eletrificado está conectado. Todos os disjuntores devem ser rotulados adequadamente, identificando a área de laboratório ou equipamentos específicos com os quais está associado. Esteja familiarizado com o tipo e localização dos extintores…

Applications and Summary

Electrical devices are everywhere in the laboratory. It is essential to follow electrical safety principles to prevent electrical shock, electrical fire, or explosion. Be prepared about what steps should be taken in the case of emergency. Identify and mark the location of fire extinguishers in the laboratory. Be sure to use an extinguisher meant for a Class C fire. Always remember to get to personal safety first and then shut down the power to any malfunctioning electrical devices if it can be done in a safe manner.


  1. Electrical Safety in the Lab, 2009, Lab Manager. at http://www.labmanager.com/lab-health-and-safety/2009/11/electrical-safety-in-the-lab?fw1pk=2#.V7DGYT4rJcw
  2. Electrical Safety in the Laboratory, Environmental Health & Center, the University of Iowa. at https://ehs.research.uiowa.edu/electrical-safety-laboratory
  3. Portable Fire Extinguishers: Fire Extinguisher Use at https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/etools/evacuation/portable_use.html


Safe handling of electrical equipment is as important as the handling of chemical materials, however, the hazardous nature of electrical devices is often overlooked.

Improper operation of electrically-powered devices may potentially lead to injury or death by electric shock. Additionally, electrical sparks in the laboratory may lead to fire or explosions, especially when highly flammable or potentially explosive chemicals are placed in close proximity.

Prevention of electrical accidents involves inspection of electrical wiring, keeping power cords at distances safe from water or chemicals, and situational awareness.

This video will illustrate the necessary precautions to take before using electrically-powered devices, and the procedures used to prevent or handle shock-related accidents and electrical fires.

Before powering up any electrical device, make sure the power cord is in good condition. Do not use the device with a frayed cord or exposed wires.

Make sure the device is on a sturdy surface free from clutter or debris to prevent it from falling. Additionally, keep flammable and corrosive chemicals at a safe distance from electrical outlets.

Familiarize yourself with the emergency electrical shut off and the circuit breaker box in the event that a device needs to be shut down. Properly label the circuits to which each electrical outlet is connected.

Inspect all laboratory electrical equipment on a regular basis by checking for the wiring conditions. In case of damaged wire or defective device have the parts replaced by experienced personnel immediately.

To prevent electrical shock, keep plugged-in devices away from any water-filled sinks or tubs, and avoid touching them with wet hands.

Additionally, use only electrically-powered devices equipped with a grounding plug. Avoid forcing a plug into an ill-fitting socket, and replace any damaged sockets or plugs.

Always use surge protectors to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes, and never use extension cords for permanent laboratory equipment.

Electrical fires may be caused by contact with flammable chemicals, but also by overloaded circuits. Use no more than two electrical devices per outlet, or use surge protectors to prevent overload. Additionally, keep electrical devices away from open flames to avoid melting of the wire.

Always know the location of the fire extinguisher. In case of a small electrical fire, use a CO2 extinguisher or sand.

If a fire extinguisher needs to be used follow the PASS rule. Pull the pin first. Then take the nozzle and aim towards the base of the fire and squeeze the trigger. Slowly sweep the nozzle from side to side to cover the burning area.

In case of a large fire, sound the fire alarm, leave the area immediately, and call 911.

If a lab worker has been electrically shocked, ensure that the power is off, and call 911. Do not touch the victim with bare skin to avoid acting as a conduit for the electricity to reach ground. Always use non-conductive materials such as wood, glass or rubber to help the electrically shocked person.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s introduction to electrical safety. You should now understand safeguards against electrical safety hazards, how to be prepared in the event of an accident, what to do to prevent an electric shock and electrical fires. Thanks for watching!


Cite This
JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Electrical Safety. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).