Compound muscle action potential (CMAP) and motor unit number estimation (MUNE) are electrophysiological techniques that can be used to monitor the functional status of a motor unit pool in vivo. These measures can provide insight into the normal development and degeneration of the neuromuscular system. These measures have clear translational potential because they are routinely applied in diagnostic and clinical human studies. We present electrophysiological techniques similar to those employed in humans to allow recordings of mouse sciatic nerve function. The CMAP response represents the electrophysiological output from a muscle or group of muscles following supramaximal stimulation of a peripheral nerve. MUNE is an electrophysiological technique that is based on modifications of the CMAP response. MUNE is a calculated value that represents the estimated number of motor neurons or axons (motor control input) supplying the muscle or group of muscles being tested. We present methods for recording CMAP responses from the proximal leg muscles using surface recording electrodes following the stimulation of the sciatic nerve in mice. An incremental MUNE technique is described using submaximal stimuli to determine the average single motor unit potential (SMUP) size. MUNE is calculated by dividing the CMAP amplitude (peak-to-peak) by the SMUP amplitude (peak-to-peak). These electrophysiological techniques allow repeated measures in both neonatal and adult mice in such a manner that facilitates rapid analysis and data collection while reducing the number of animals required for experimental testing. Furthermore, these measures are similar to those recorded in human studies allowing more direct comparisons.
马达单元数估计(MUNE)最初是由麦科马斯等人所述 。超过三十年以前1。原来的技术是,使用的刺激逐渐增加,以获得次最大增量的复合肌肉动作电位(CMAP)记录技术的改进。这些增量进行相加并进行平均,以确定一个马达单元电位(SMUP)的估计大小。这个大小被分为CMAP响应来估计电动机单元的数目支配被测试的肌肉。以下的原始描述,同时使用电生理反应和增量力许多变化(机械)测量已用于人类研究和动物模型2。该MUNE技术是由Shefner和同事改性调查肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS)3,4的小鼠模型。
有收购的CMAP和MUNE反应的过程中的几个关键步骤。正确的和一致的记录电极放置和用后腿足够的电极接触肢是幅度和减小背景噪声重现的测量是至关重要的。因此,后肢皮肤和电极之间的密切接触,应始终如一地证实。我们已发现,表面电极提供更加一致和CMAP MUNE录音比针电极。由于非常薄的皮下组织,针记录表面的小的移动可导致在CMAP的幅度很大的差异。此外,针状电极更侵入性是不是最佳的新生小鼠或纵向研究,由于潜在的肌肉破坏和伤害。的非选择性,表面电极记录一个潜在缺点涉及的减弱表现型分辨率的可能性,如果一个特定肌肉是或多或少参与与另一个相比,这已被报道的ALS小鼠模型21。
增量MUNE技术的一个潜在的缺点包括高估的功能的运动单位的数量,由于摩托车的交替的可能性R单元。我们已经使用类似于Shefner 等人的技术。在每个反应,应再现地看出,共3次,以减少这种现象3的影响。
根据我们的经验,临床电生理系统本文所述由于改善考官,电学系统接口的人体工程学设计,允许容易控制的研究进行了优化。在我们的实验室中使用的双通道系统配备有使用的放大器具有24比特模拟到数字转换器和每个通道48 kHz的采样率的两个非切换放大器通道。硬件增益可以从10nV调整到100 mV /分。低频滤波器具有范围从0.2赫兹-5千赫和高频滤波器设置范围从30赫兹-10千赫。恒定电流刺激时(强度:0〜100毫安,持续时间:0.02-1毫秒)。大多数临床系统具有类似的适当的功能,并且可以进行调整,以充分地记录和CMAP MUNE响应。一个dditionally,标准电生理钻机可组装到适当记录和CMAP MUNE,但接口可能需要调整为便于刺激调整和快速识别和CMAP SMUP响应。
The authors have nothing to disclose.
WDA is supported by grant funding from NIH-NICHD (5K12HD001097-17) and Cure SMA. SJK is supported by grant funding from NINDS (K08NS067282 and U01NS079163).
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