JoVE 과학 교육
Environmental Microbiology
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JoVE 과학 교육 Environmental Microbiology
Culturing and Enumerating Bacteria from Soil Samples
  • 00:00개요
  • 01:25Principles of Culturing and Enumerating Soil Bacteria
  • 03:33Preparation of Soil Dilutions
  • 04:29Making Spread Plates for Bacterial Culture
  • 06:20Bacterial and Actinomycetes Counts
  • 07:09Isolation of Pure Cultures
  • 08:41Applications
  • 10:31Summary

토양 샘플에서 박테리아 배양 및 나열


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출처: 이안 페퍼 박사와 찰스 게르바 박사의 연구소 – 애리조나 대학교
시연 저자: 브래들리 슈미츠와 루이사 이크너

표면 토양은 이차 골재를 형성하기 위해 함께 결합무기와 유기 입자의 이질 혼합물이다. 골재 안팎은 공기와 물을 시각적으로 포함하는 공극또는 모공이 있습니다. 이러한 조건은 박테리아에 대 한 이상적인 생태계를 만듭니다., 그래서 모든 토양 박테리아의 광대 한 인구를 포함, 일반적으로 이상 1 백만 토양의 그램 당.

박테리아는 프로카요테로 알려진 미생물의 가장 간단합니다. 이 대핵계 그룹 안에는 actinomycetes로 알려진 필라멘트 미생물이 있습니다. 액티노미세테는 실제로 박테리아이지만, 종종 자궁균을 형성하기 위해 함께 매달려 여러 세포로 구성된 필라멘티드 구조 때문에 박테리아분류 내에서 독특한 그룹으로 간주됩니다. 이 실험은 희석 및 도금 중에 액티노마이세테 콜로니를 선택하는 글리세롤 케이스 미디어를 사용합니다. 전형적으로, actinomycetes는 전체 세균성 인구의 대략 10%입니다. 박테리아와 액티노미세테는 지구상의 모든 환경에서 발견되지만 토양에 있는 이 미생물의 풍부하고 다양성은 비교할 수 없습니다. 이 세균은 또한 인간의 생활에 필수적이며 사람들이 먹고, 마시거나, 호흡하거나, 만지는지에 영향을 미칩니다. 또한, 사람을 감염시키고 질병을 일으킬 수 있는 세균성 종도 있으며, 사람을 치유할 수 있는 천연제품을 생산할 수 있는 박테리아가 있다. Actinomycetes는 연쇄상 구균과 같은 항생제를 생산하기 위해 특히 중요합니다. 박테리아는 영양 순환에 대 한 중요 한, 식물 성장, 그리고 유기 오염 물질의 저하.

박테리아는 토양에서 찾을 수 있는 종의 수측면에서 매우 다양, 부분적으로 그들은 생리및 대사 다양 하기 때문에. 박테리아는 이종성 위축될 수 있습니다, 그(것)들이 음식과 에너지를 위해 포도당과 같은 유기 화합물을 이용한다는 것을 의미합니다, 또는 autotrophic, 음식과 에너지를 위해 원소 황과 같은 무기 화합물을 이용한다는 것을 의미합니다. 그(것)들은 또한 호흡을 위한 산소를 이용하는, 또는 혐기성, 질산염 또는 황산염과 같은 산소의 결합한 양식을 이용하는, 호흡하기 위하여 호기성일 수 있습니다. 일부 박테리아는 산소 또는 산소의 결합 된 형태를 사용할 수 있으며, 능력 성 혐제로 알려져 있다.



1. 토양 희석제 준비 절차를 시작하려면 토양 샘플 10g의 무게를 측정하고 95 mL의 탈온 화 물을 추가합니다. 서스펜션을 잘 흔들어 “A”라고 표시합니다. 토양이 정착하기 전에 멸균 파이펫으로 서스펜션 1mL를 제거하고 9mL 의 증분 비워로 옮기습니다. 소용돌이를 철저히 표시하고”B”로 라벨을 붙입니다. 이 희석 단계를 세 번 반복하며, 매번 이전 서스펜션의 1mL및 9mL ?…


A 10-g sample of soil with a moisture content of 20% on a dry weight basis is analyzed for viable culturable bacteria via dilution and plating techniques. The dilutions were made as shown in Table 1. 1 mL of solution E is pour-plated onto an appropriate medium and results in 200 bacterial colonies.

Equation 1

But, for 10 g of moist soil,

Equation 2


Equation 3

Step Dilution
10 g soil (weight/volume) 95 mL saline (solution A) 10-1
1 mL solution A (volume/volume) 9 mL saline (solution B) 10-2
1 mL solution B (volume/volume) 9 mL saline (solution C) 10-3
1 mL solution C (volume/volume) 9 mL saline (solution D) 10-4
1 mL solution D (volume/volume) 9 mL saline (solution E) 10-5

Table 1: Dilution and plating of the samples.

Applications and Summary

There are two fundamental applications of dilution and plating of soil bacteria. The first application is the enumeration of culturable bacteria within a particular soil. The quantification of the number of soil bacteria gives an indication of soil health. For example, if there are 106 to 108 culturable bacteria present per gram of soil, this would be considered a healthy number. A number less than 106 per gram indicates poorer soil health, which may be due to a lack of nutrients as found in low organic matter soils; abiotic stress imposed by extreme soil pH values (pH < 5 or > 8); or toxicity imposed by organic or inorganic anthropogenic contaminants.

The second major application is the visualization and isolation of pure cultures of bacteria. The pure cultures can subsequently be characterized and evaluated for specific characteristics that may be useful in either medical or environmental applications. Examples include: antibiotic production; biodegradation of toxic organics; or specific rhizobia useful for nitrogen fixation by leguminous crops, such as peas or beans.

내레이션 대본

Determining an accurate count of environmental bacteria is critical to assessing the health of a soil ecosystem. This can be accomplished by culturing bacterial colonies with appropriate dilutions.

Soil bacteria are an important part of a healthy soil ecosystem, playing roles in decomposition, nitrogen fixing, and nutrient cycling. Surface soils are a substrate of organic and inorganic particles forming a complex matrix surrounding pores that fill with air or water. These conditions create an ideal ecosystem for bacteria, with surface soils typically containing upwards of a million bacteria per gram.

Because of this high concentration of bacteria, dilution is necessary before plating onto growth media. Serial dilutions can reduce the concentration of the original soil sample to levels low enough for single colonies to be grown on media plates, allowing for the calculation of the initial counts of bacteria in the soil sample.

This video will illustrate how to prepare serial dilutions of soil samples, how to plate these bacterial samples, and how to calculate soil bacterial counts from the dilution plates.

Bacteria are simple prokaryotic organisms, but highly diverse in terms of species and ecosystem. Actinomycetes are a subset of bacteria that are frequently considered a unique group due to their filamentous structure, where they grow strung together to form hyphae.

Typically, actinomycetes account for 10% of the total bacterial population in soil. Bacteria and actinomycetes are abundant in almost every environment on Earth, but are found in unparalleled diversity and abundance in soil.

Soil bacteria are enumerated, and potentially cultured and identified by dilution plating. Here, a soil sample is serially diluted in water, and then dispersed onto agar growth plates. The resulting colonies are then counted. This value, along with the dilution factor, is used to elucidate the initial concentration of bacteria in soil.

Dilution plating is a common, inexpensive, and simple method for bacterial enumeration, but it does suffer from several drawbacks. The soil should not be allowed to settle during dilutions, which could lead to biased growth. Some soil bacteria will not culture on the plates, or grow too slow to be observed. Additionally, this method assumes that colonies are formed from a single bacterium, but they may arise from clumps of multiple cells.

Certain bacterial species grow better on different growth media. A common substrate to culture a wide range of bacteria is an agar-peptone yeast plate. Actinomycetes preferentially grow on glycerol-casein based plates, which better suit the growth of these filamentous bacteria.

Now that you understand the concept behind bacterial enumeration, let’s see how this process is carried out in the laboratory.

To begin the procedure, weigh out 10 g of soil sample, and add to 95 mL of deionized water. Shake the suspension well, and label as “A”. Before the soil settles, remove 1 mL of the suspension with a sterile pipette and transfer it to 9 mL of deionized water. Vortex thoroughly, and label as “B”.

Repeat this dilution step 3 times, each time with 1 mL of the previous suspension and 9 mL of deionized water. Label these sequentially as tubes C, D, and E. This results in serial dilutions of 10-1 through 10-5 grams of soil per mL.

To grow bacterial colonies, take 3 pre-prepared peptone-yeast agar plates and label them as C, D, and E. Vortex the corresponding samples and pipette 0.1 mL onto each plate. Since CFUs are reported per mL, using 0.1 mL further increases the dilution by a factor of ten.

Next, dip a glass spreader into ethanol. Place the spreader in a flame for a few seconds to ignite and burn off the ethanol. This will sterilize the spreader.

Hold the spreader above the first plate until the flame is extinguished. Open the plate quickly, holding the lid close by. Touch the spreader to the agar away from the inoculum to cool, and then spread the drop of inoculum around the surface until traces of free liquid disappear. Replace the plate lid.

Re-flame the spreader and repeat the process with the next plate, working quickly so as not to contaminate the plate with airborne organisms. Invert the plates to prevent moisture drops falling onto the agar, and incubate the plates at room temperature for one week.

To grow actinomycetes, take three pre-prepared glycerol-casein plates and label them as B, C, and D. Using the techniques shown previously, spread plate 0.1 mL from the suspensions B, C, and D. The lower dilutions are used because actinomycetes are typically present as 1/10th of the bacterial population.

Finally, invert these plates and store at room temperature for two weeks.

After incubation, examine all of the bacteria plates carefully, and note differences in colony size and shape. When grown on agar, bacteria produce slimy colonies ranging from colorless to bright orange, yellow, or pink. In contrast, actinomycete colonies are chalky, firm, leathery, and will break under pressure, where other bacterial colonies will smear. This allows colonies to be distinguished by touch with a sterile loop.

Count and record the number of bacterial colonies, including any actinomycetes. Only count plates with 30-200 colonies per plate.

To grow cultures of specific individual bacteria, select discrete colonies from any of the plates, choosing colonies that are well separated from neighboring colonies. Sterilize a spreading loop, then open the plate and touch the loop to an empty spot to cool. Next, pick a small amount of the colony of interest onto the loop.

Taking a fresh peptone-yeast plate, make a streak a few centimeters long on one side. Sterilize and cool again, then make a streak that crosses the initial streak only on the first pass. Repeat this process twice more in the same manner. This streaking “dilution” results in cells on the loop being separated from one another. Place the plate in a dark area to incubate at room temperature for two weeks.

From the bacterial and actinomycete colony counts, the Colony Forming Units per gram of soil can be determined. The number of colonies per gram of soil is equal to the number of colonies counted on the plate, multiplied by the reciprocal of the dilution plated. For example, if 46 colonies are counted on a dilution plate of 10-5 with a 0.1 mL inoculant, then the CFU per gram of soil is equal to 10-6 by 46, or 46 million CFUs per gram of soil.

Performing bacterial counts and cultures is a key first step in many scientific investigations or protocols.

Healthy soil contains between 106 and 108 bacteria per gram. Bacterial enumeration of soil can be used to determine the health of soils of interest, and counts of less than 106 and 108 bacteria per gram indicate unhealthy or poor soil. This may be caused by a lack of nutrients or organic matter, abiotic stress due to extreme soil pH, or soil contamination.

Many types of antibiotics used in medicine today were first identified from soil dwelling bacteria or fungi. Isolating pure strains from soil cultures can help in potentially help scientists identify new antibiotic compounds. Here, test bacteria or isolated compounds of interest can be added to plates grown with bacterial lawns, and their effects on the lawn growth recorded. Clear patches in bacterial lawns where growth was inhibited by the test bacteria or compound may indicate antibiotic activity.

Leguminous plants including peas and beans rely upon symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. These bacteria live freely in the soil or within nodules in the root system, and produce nitrogen compounds that are utilized by the plant. In poor soils, supplementing leguminous crops with cultured nitrogen-fixing bacteria from soils may boost the growth and health of the plants. This can result in bigger, hardier plants, which in turn give greater crop yield.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s introduction to bacterial enumeration. You should now understand how to perform dilutions of soil samples, how to plate for colony counting and colony isolation, and how to calculate the numbers of bacteria in soil samples. Thanks for watching!


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Culturing and Enumerating Bacteria from Soil Samples. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).