Combined precursor isotopic labeling and isobaric tagging (cPILOT) is an enhanced sample multiplexing strategy that is capable of increasing the number of samples that can be analyzed simultaneously with available isobaric tags. Incorporation of a robotic platform has greatly increased experimental throughput, reproducibility, and quantitative accuracy.
We have introduced a high throughput quantitative proteomics workflow, combined precursor isotopic labeling and isobaric tagging (cPILOT) capable of multiplexing up to 22 or 24 samples with tandem mass tags or isobaric N,N-dimethyl leucine isobaric tags, respectively, in a single experiment. This enhanced sample multiplexing considerably reduces mass spectrometry acquisition times and increases the utility of the expensive commercial isobaric reagents. However, the manual process of sample handling and pipetting steps in the strategy can be labor intensive, time consuming, and introduce sample loss and quantitative error. These limitations can be overcome through the incorporation of automation. Here we transferred the manual cPILOT protocol to an automated liquid handling device that can prepare large sample numbers (i.e., 96 samples) in parallel. Overall, automation increases feasibility and reproducibility of cPILOT and allows for broad usage by other researchers with comparable automation devices.
Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics is an indispensable research tool in identifying disease specific biomarkers, understanding disease progression, and creating leads for therapeutic development. This can be achieved from a range of disease-related clinical samples such as blood serum/plasma, proximal fluids, and tissues1,2. Proteomics biomarker discovery and validation have recently gained significant consideration due to the power of sample multiplexing strategies3,4. Sample multiplexing is a technique that enables simultaneous comparison and quantification of two or more sample conditions within a single MS injection5,6. Sample multiplexing is achieved by barcoding peptides or proteins from multiple samples with chemical, enzymatic, or metabolic tags and obtaining MS information from all samples in a single MS or MS/MS experiment. Among the available isobaric tags are isobaric tagging reagents (iTRAQ), commercial tandem mass tags (TMT), and in house synthesized isobaric N,N-dimethyl leucine (DiLeu) reagents with capabilities up to 16-plex7 and 21-plex8, respectively.
Combined precursor isotopic labeling and isobaric tagging (cPILOT) is an enhanced sample multiplexing technology. cPILOT combines isotopic labeling of peptide N-termini with light [−(CH3)2] and heavy [−(13C2H3)2] isotopes at low pH (∼2.5), which keeps the lysine residue available for subsequent high pH (8.5) isobaric labeling using TMT, DiLeu, or iTRAQ tagging3,9,10,11,12,13,14. The dual labeling scheme of the cPILOT strategy is depicted in Supplemental Figure 1 with two samples using an example peptide. The accuracy and precision of the TMT based quantification at the MS2 level can be compromised due to the presence of contaminating co-isolated and co-fragmented ions termed as the interference effect15. This limitation in inaccurate reporter ion ratios can be overcome with the help of tribrid Orbitrap mass spectrometers. For example, the interference effect can be overcome by isolating a peak in a dimethylated pair at the MS1 level in the mass spectrometer, subjecting the light or heavy peak to MS2 fragmentation in the linear ion trap and then subjecting the most intense MS2 fragment for HCD-MS3 to obtain quantitative information. In order to increase the chances of selecting the peptides without lysine amines available for generating reporter ions, a selective MS3 acquisition based on the y-1 fragment also can be used and is an approach which can result in a higher percentage of peptides quantifiable with cPILOT9. The combination of light and heavy labeling increases sample multiplexing capabilities by a factor of 2x to that achieved with individual isobaric tags. We have recently used cPILOT to combine up to 24 samples in a single experiment with DiLeu reagents16. Additionally cPILOT has been used to study oxidative post-translational modifications14 including protein nitration17, other global proteomes9, and has demonstrated applications across multiple tissue samples in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model11.
Robust sample preparation is a critical step in a cPILOT experiment and can be time-consuming, laborious, and extensive. Enhanced sample multiplexing requires extensive pipetting and highly skilled laboratory personnel, and there are several factors that can heavily influence the reproducibility of the experiment. For example, careful handling of samples is necessary to ensure similar reaction times for all samples and to maintain appropriate buffer pH for light and heavy dimethylated samples. Furthermore, manual preparation of tens to hundreds of samples can introduce high experimental error. Therefore, to reduce sample preparation variability, improve quantitative accuracy, and increase experimental throughput, we developed an automated cPILOT workflow. Automation is achieved using a robotic liquid handling device that can complete many aspects of the workflow (Figure 1). Sample preparation from protein quantification to peptide labeling was performed on an automated liquid handler. The automated liquid handler is integrated with a positive pressure apparatus (PPA) for buffer exchanges between the solid-phase extraction (SPE) plates, orbital shaker, and a heating/cooling device. The robotic platform contains 28 deck locations to accommodate plates and buffers. There are two pods with a gripper to transfer the plates within the deck locations: a 96-channel fixed volume pipetting head (5-1100 µL) and 8 channel variable volume probes (1-1000 µL). The robotic platform is controlled using a software. The user needs to be professionally trained prior to using the robotic liquid handler. The present study focuses on automating the manual cPILOT workflow, which can be labor intensive for processing more than 12 samples in a single batch. In order to increase the throughput of the cPILOT approach11, we transferred the cPILOT protocol to a robotic liquid handler to process more than 10 samples in parallel. The automation also allows similar reactions for each sample in parallel during various steps of the sample preparation process, which required highly trained users to achieve during manual cPILOT. This protocol focuses on the implementation of the automated liquid handling device to carry out cPILOT. The present study describes the protocol for using this automated system and demonstrates its performance using a 22-plex “proof-of-concept” analysis of mouse liver homogenates.
All animal protocols were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of Pittsburgh. One male control mouse (C57/BLJ) was purchased commercially and housed in the Division of Laboratory Animal Resources at the University of Pittsburgh. Mice were fed standard rodent laboratory chow ad libitum and kept in a 12 h light/dark cycle. Liver tissue was harvested and stored at −80 °C.
1. Protein extraction
NOTE: These steps are performed manually.
2. Sample reduction, alkylation and digestion
3. Desalting step 1
4. Dimethylation Labeling (peptide N-termini)
5. Desalting step 2
6. Isobaric tagging (Lys residues)
7. Desalting step
8. Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and MS3
9. Data analysis
Figure 2 shows representative MS data of a peptide identified in all 22 reporter ion channels from a 22-plex cPILOT experiment, including workflow replicates. Figure 2 (top) depicts a doubly charged peak pair separated by 4 Da m/z spacing indicating a single dimethyl group incorporated into the peptide. The light and heavy dimethylated peak pairs were isolated and fragmented independently to yield the sequence of the peptide. The sequence of the peptide is G(dimethyl)AAELMQQK(TMT-11plex) and corresponds to the protein Betaine-homocysteine S-methyl transferase. The most intense fragment ions for both the light and heavy dimethylated peaks (not shown) were further isolated for MS3 fragmentation and the reporter ions (m/z 126-131) are shown in Figure 2 (bottom). The reporter ion intensities are directly proportionate to the peptide abundance in the sample. The peptide abundance of the samples implies the pipetting ability of the robotic platform is fairly uniform across the 22 samples. Overall, this 22-plex cPILOT experiment resulted in 1326 (1209-light/1181-heavy) proteins identifications resulting from 3098 (6137-light/5872-heavy) peptides (Table 4). Figure 3 shows the box plot of log10 abundance versus total reporter ion intensities across all the 22 channels showing lesser inter-well/inter-sample variability. Evaluation of the total automation was done by examining the error in reporter ion abundance across each protein in the 22 samples. Figure 4 shows that sample processing with the robotic platform resulted in very low CV values. Specifically, across the 3098 peptides identified the average CV in reporter ion abundance was 12.36 % and 15.03 % for light and heavy dimethylated peptides, respectively. Among these peptides 2032 of these peptides had reporter ion signal above the minimum threshold and were deemed quantifiable.
Figure 1. Experimental workflow to process 22 samples in parallel with an automated cPILOT protocol. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2. Quantification of peptides across 22 samples. Example MS (top) and MS3 (bottom) spectra of the peptide G(dimethyl)AAELMQQK(TMT-11plex) quantified in 22-plex automated cPILOT experiment for light dimethylated (bottom left) and heavy dimethylated (bottom right) peaks. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3. Box plot of total reporter ion intensities versus log10 abundance of 22 samples using proteome discoverer 2.3. The RAW file was searched twice for light and heavy peptides, proteins IDs separately with TMT as dynamic modification, light (+28.031 Da) and heavy (+36.076 & +35.069 Da) dimethylation at peptide N-termini as static modification. A combined search with all the above modifications was run using Proteome Discover 2.3 to obtain the Log 10 Abundance of peptide intensities across all the channels. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4. Violin plots of co-efficient of variation of peptide abundance from summed reporter ion intensities across channels 126-131 m/z. The peptide was quantified with an average CV value of 12.36 and 15.03 for light (2373) and heavy (2533) quantifiable peptides. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplemental Figure 1. Illustration of the cPILOT with a single peptide. Showing the isotopic labeling of two different samples and isobaric tagging with TMT126, the resulting mixture was injected to MS for LC-MS3. Please click here to download this file.
Variable Name | Value | Description |
DesaltSamp1 | 1065 | Volume to be used for desalt step 1 |
DesaltSamp2 | 392 | Volume to be used for desalt step 2 |
DesaltSamp3 | 100 | Volume to be used for desalt step 3 |
DevMode | FALSE | False will cut-down the incubation times to 30sec- True will follow the incubation timing in the protocol. |
DTTVol | 3 | Volume of DTT |
FilterPlate | Targa | Plate used for desalting |
FilterPlateVol | 600 | Volume for desalting |
HAWaterWashes | FALSE | Number of water washes on the SPE plate |
IAMVol | 2 | Volume of iodoacetamide |
PeptideTMTVol | 12.5 | Volume of peptide for TMT labelling |
pressure | 100 | mbar pressure at PPA |
TempOffSet | 1 | Change in temperature |
TMTVol | 10 | Isobaric tag volume to be added |
TrisVol | 800 | Volume to dilute sample prior to digestion |
TrypsinVol | 2 | Volume of trypsin |
UsePopTimer | TRUE | True displays the options to apply pressure on plate if required |
Table 1. List of variables used in automated cPILOT protocol.
DilSource | DilWell | Dest | DestWell | DilVolume | StockSource | StockWell | SampleVol | SampleID |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | A1 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 1 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | A2 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 2 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | A3 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 3 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | A4 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 4 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | A5 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 5 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | A6 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 6 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | A7 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 7 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | A8 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 8 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | A9 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 9 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | A10 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 10 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | A11 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 11 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | A12 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 12 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | B1 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 13 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | B2 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 14 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | B3 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 15 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | B4 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 16 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | B5 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 17 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | B6 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 18 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | B7 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 19 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | B8 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 20 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | B9 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 21 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | B10 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 22 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | B11 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 23 |
8M_Urea | 1 | Samples | B12 | 90 | Stock_Samples | A1 | 10 | 24 |
Table 2. Volume of mouse liver homogenate and 8 M urea.
SourceWell | SourceWell2 | Reporter Ion | DestWell1 | DestWell2 | Volume | SampleID |
A1 | C1 | 126 | A1 | E1 | 10 | 1 |
A3 | C3 | 127N | A2 | E2 | 10 | 2 |
A5 | C5 | 127C | A3 | E3 | 10 | 3 |
A7 | C7 | 128N | A4 | E4 | 10 | 4 |
A9 | C9 | 128C | A5 | E5 | 10 | 5 |
A11 | C11 | 129N | A6 | E6 | 10 | 6 |
B2 | D2 | 129C | A7 | E7 | 10 | 7 |
B4 | D4 | 130N | A8 | E8 | 10 | 8 |
B6 | D6 | 130C | A9 | E9 | 10 | 9 |
B8 | D8 | 131N | A10 | E10 | 10 | 10 |
B10 | D10 | 131C | A11 | E11 | 10 | 11 |
Table 3. Total number of peptides, proteins and peptide spectral matches (PSMs).
Automated cPILOT | ||
Light | Heavy | |
Proteins | 1209 | 1181 |
Peptides | 6137 | 5872 |
PSMs | 14948 | 16762 |
Table 4. Barcoding the isobaric tags with the light and heavy labelled samples.
cPILOT is an enhanced multiplexing strategy that can analyze up to 24 samples in a single experiment. The multiplexing capacity depends on the number of available isotopic and isobaric tagging combinations. Introduction of the TMTpro7, which is capable of tagging 16 samples in single experiment, can push the limits of cPILOT to 32-plex. cPILOT consists of multiple pipetting steps and requires extensive care and user skills to perform sample preparation. Even with an expert user, manual errors are inevitable, which invites the use of robotic platforms to process samples in the cPILOT strategy. Since cPILOT utilizes pH dependent tagging of the peptides, the pH needs to be maintained for the light and the heavy dimethylated set of samples. Mildly acidic-basic pH can result in dimethylation of both N-termini and lysine residues. An advantage of cPILOT is that it requires only half of the isobaric tags since peptide N-termini are occupied with the dimethyl groups. This affords a greater number of samples to be labelled at half the cost. Handling larger sample numbers requires that reagent exposure times are similar for the first and the last sample in a batch. A pipette dispenser that can accommodate up to 32 samples in parallel can best be achieved with the use of robotic liquid handling devices.
In order to process multiple samples by cPILOT, the manual workflow was amended to incorporate automation. The robotic liquid handler used in this study has two pods with 96-channel and 8-channel pipetting abilities, with a gripper to place the plates in the available 28 deck locations. The liquid handler is integrated with a positive pressure apparatus, orbital shaker, and a device to heat/cool samples in the 96 well plate. The positive pressure apparatus assists in performing buffer exchanges in the SPE plates during clean-up, while the orbital shaker helps to vortex/mix the samples. The robotic platform was programmed to aspirate and dispense buffers and samples to 96-well plates, incubate, vortex samples, and transfer plates. Liquids with different viscosities, such as acetonitrile and water, require specific pipetting considerations that can also be programmed into the method.
The cPILOT workflow, starting from protein quantification by BCA to labeling the peptides with isobaric tags (i.e., TMT), was performed on the liquid handler system. The complete protocol was scaled to use 96 deep well plates that can hold 2 mL per well. The buffers were prepared prior to the start of the experiment and added to the 96 well plate so as to allow parallel sample processing. In the present study, 22 workflow replicates of mouse liver homogenate were added to the deep well plates and taken through the cPILOT protocol. Finally, a single sample consisting of the 22-plex equimolar mouse liver tagged peptides was injected to the mass spectrometer. Reporter ion intensities corresponding to peptide abundances in the samples demonstrated that samples processed with the liquid handler have lower CVs than the manual protocol (data not shown). The robotic platform also greatly improved the reproducibility of sample processing. Reproducibility and robustness are very important factors while processing large numbers of samples. Pipetting errors can lead to complete mis-interpretation of the data and here the robotic platform provided low inter-sample variation. Also using the robotic platform for cPILOT reduced the time required to prepare samples. For example, after developing the automated method, it required 2.5 h to process 22 samples in comparison to 7.5 h for manual cPILOT. Experiments are on-going in our laboratory to further evaluate comparisons of the manual and automated cPILOT workflows. Based on previous reports from our laboratory, the CV%’s of protein reporter ion intensities in the manual cPILOT were on average 20% with some outliers exceeding this value12.
cPILOT is a chemical derivatization strategy at the peptide level, that can be used for any sample type such as cells, tissues, and body fluids. cPILOT offers enhanced sample multiplexing and with the incorporation of automation can facilitate high-throughput sample multiplexing in proteomics. This throughput is necessary to further advance disease and biological understanding and biomarker discovery.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
The authors acknowledge Vanderbilt University Start-up Funds and NIH award (R01GM117191) to RASR.
0.6 mL eppendorf tubes, 500 pk | Fisher Scientific | 04-408-120 | Any brand of 0.6 mL eppendorf tubes are sufficient |
0.65 µm Ultrafree MC DV centrifugal filter units | EMD Millipore | UFC30DV00 | |
1.5 mL eppendorf tubes, 500 pk | Fisher Scientific | 05-408-129 | Any brand of 1.5 mL eppendorf tubes are sufficient |
2 ml black deep well plate | Analytical Sales and Services, Inc. | 59623-23BKGC | Any brand of black 96-well plate is sufficient |
2 ml clear deep well plate | VWR | 75870-796 | |
Acetic Acid | J.T. Baker | 9508-01 | |
Acetonitrile – MS Grade | Fisher Scientific | A955-4 | 4 L quantity is not necessary |
Agilent 500µL plate | Agilent | 203942-100 | Reagent plate for adding buffers |
Ammonium formate | Acros Organics | 208-753-9 | |
Ammonium hydroxide solution (28 – 30%) | Sigma Aldrich | 320145-500ML | |
Analytical balance | Mettler Toledo | AL54 | |
BCA protein assay kit | Pierce Thermo Fisher Scientific | 23227 | |
Biomek i7 hybrid | Beckmann | Any liquid handling device with ability to use positive pressure, heating/cooling and Vortex the samples. | |
C18 packing material (2.5 µm, 100 Å) | Bruker | This item is no longer available from Bruker. Alternative packing material with listed specifications will be sufficient | |
Centrifuge with plate rotor | Thermo Scientific | 69720 | |
Micro 21R Centrifuge | Sorval | 5437 | |
Dionex 3000 UHPLC | Thermo Scientific | This model is no longer available. Any nano LC with an autosampler is sufficient. | |
Dithiothreiotol (DTT) | Fisher Scientific | BP172-5 | |
Formaldehyde (13CD2O) solution; 20 wt % in D2O, 98 atom % D, 99 atom % 13C | Sigma Aldrich, Chemistry | 596388-1G | |
Formaldehyde (CH2O) solution; 36.5 – 38% in H2O | Sigma Aldrich, Life Science | F8775-25ML | |
Formic Acid | Fluka Analytical | 94318-250ML-F | |
Fusion Lumos Mass Spectrometer | Thermo Scientific | This model is no longer available. Other high resolution instruments (e.g. Orbitrap Elite, Orbitrap Fusion, or Orbitrap Fusion Lumos) can be used. | |
Hydroxylamine hydrochloride | Sigma Aldrich, Chemistry | 255580-100G | |
Iodoacetamide (IAM) | Acros Organics | 144-48-9 | |
Isobaric Tagging Kit (TMT 11-plex) | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 90061 | |
L-1-tosylamido-2 phenylethyl cholormethyl ketone (TPCK)-treated Trypsin from bovine pancreas | Sigma Aldrich, Life Science | T1426-100MG | |
L-Cysteine | Sigma Aldrich, Chemistry | 168149-25G | |
Mechanical Homogenizer (i.e. FastPrep-24 5G) | MP Biomedicals | 116005500 | |
pH 10 buffer | Fisher Scientific | 06-664-261 | Any brand of pH buffer 10 is sufficient |
pH 7 buffer | Fisher Scientific | 06-664-260 | Any brand pH buffer 7 is sufficient |
pH meter (Tris compatiable) | Fisher Scientific (Accumet) | 13-620-183 | Any brand of a pH meter is sufficient |
Protein software (e.g. Proteome Discoverer) | Thermo Scientific | ||
Reservior plate 200ml | Agilent | 204017-100 | |
Sodium Cyanoborodeuteride; 96 atom % D, 98% CP | Sigma Aldrich, Chemistry | 190020-1G | |
Sodium Cyanoborohydride; reagent grade, 95% | Sigma Aldrich | 156159-10G | |
Speed-vac | Thermo Scientific | SPD1010 | any brand of speed vac that can accommodate a deep well plate is sufficient |
Stir plate | VWR | 12365-382 | Any brand of stir plates are sufficient |
Targa 20 mg SPE plates | Nest Group, Inc. | HNS S18V | These are C18 cartridges |
Triethyl ammonium bicarbonate (TEAB) buffer | Sigma Aldrich, Life Science | T7408-100ML | |
Tris | Biorad | 161-0716 | |
Biomek 24-Place Tube Rack Holder | Beckmann | 373661 | |
Urea | Biorad | 161-0731 | |
Water – MS Grade | Fisher Scientific | W6-4 | 4 L quantity is not necessary |