Orthotopic transplantation assays in mice are invaluable for studies of cell regeneration and neoplastic transformation. Common approaches for orthotopic transplantation of ovarian surface and tubal epithelia include intraperitoneal and intrabursal administration of cells. The respective limitations of these methods include poorly defined location of injected cells and limited space volume. Furthermore, they are poorly suited for long-term structural preservation of transplanted organs. To address these challenges, we have developed an alternative approach, which is based on the introduction of cells and tissue fragments into the mouse fat pad. The mouse ovarian fat pad is located in the immediate vicinity of the ovary and uterine tube (aka oviduct, fallopian tube), and provides a familiar microenvironment for cells and tissues of these organs. In our approach fluorescence-labeled mouse and human cells, and fragments of the uterine tube are engrafted by using minimally traumatic dorsal incision surgery. Transplanted cells and their outgrowths are easily located in the ovarian fat pad for over 40 days. Long-term transplantation of the entire uterine tube allows correct preservation of all principle tissue components, and does not result in adverse side effects, such as fibrosis and inflammation. Our approach should be uniquely applicable for answering important biological questions such as differentiation, regenerative and neoplastic potential of specific cell populations. Furthermore, it should be suitable for studies of microenvironmental factors in normal development and cancer.
有几个关键步骤必须考虑。提供一个加热垫和在手术过程中保持啮齿类温暖大大提高了存活率。仪器搬运脂肪垫无菌保证植入系统保持无菌。根据我们的经验,显著出血导致移植生长发育迟缓。重要的是,脂肪垫切口应作出正是因为撕裂脂肪垫或通过原因出血刺穿。混凝剂应该用于止血是必要的。如果engraftments不发展,注射的细胞的更高浓度应予以考虑。第一次成功的副产物可以观察到作为移植后早一周,并最engraftments应一个可见手术后一个月。用于移植的,具有较大直径(23-25 G)的针可用于防止大细胞剪切(直径超过10微米)。然而,这样的针可能更创伤到脂肪垫和它们的使用应提前进行测试。对于我们的实验中,我们已经使用6-8周龄供体和受体的小鼠。对于这两个目的可以使用年轻或年长的小鼠。然而,注射的细胞的数量可能需要调整。在年轻供卵巢脂肪垫的尺寸小也需要考虑。
The authors have nothing to disclose.
我们要感谢安德鲁K.戈德温博士,堪萨斯大学医学中心,提供人体细胞HIO118。 (; T028095 NYSTEM)和儿童健康与人类发展(P50HD076210)到AFN的健康/研究所的国家机构,并通过从NYSTEM(C028125,C024174和资助这些研究是由纽约干细胞项目的资金支持T028095),健康/美国国家癌症研究所(CA182413)和卵巢癌研究基金(327516),以艾因国家机构。
25 gauge needle | BD Becton Dickinson | 305122 | |
28 gauge needle (hypodermic syringe with attached needle) | Kendall | 30339 | Part Number: 8881500014 |
basic fibroblast growth factor-2 | Sigma-Aldrich | F9786 | |
basement membrane matrix (Geltrex) | Invitrogen | A1413202 | |
β-actin-DsRed mice | The Jackson Laboratory | 6051 | B6.Cg-Tg(CAG-DsRed*MST)1Nagy/J |
β-actin-EGFP mice | The Jackson Laboratory | 3291 | C57BL/6-Tg(CAG-eGFP)1Osb/J |
β-mercaptoethanol | Sigma-Aldrich | M7522 | |
bovine albumin | Sigma-Aldrich | A3311 | |
chloroform | VWR | EM-CX1058-1 | |
collagenase/hyaluronidase | Stem Cell Technologies | 7912 | |
cryogenic vials | Thermo Scientific Nunc | 377267 | |
dispase II | Worthington | NPRO2 | |
DMEM F12 (HAM's) | Corning | 10-092-CV | |
DNaseI (Deoxyribonuclease I) | Stem Cell Technologies | 7900 | |
embedding medium for frozen tissue specimens (O. C. T.) | Sakura Finetek | 4583 | |
epidermal growth factor | Sigma-Aldrich | E4127 | |
ethanol 200 proof | Koptec | V1001 | to prepare 70% |
fetal bovine serum | Sigma | F4135 | |
filter tip 0.1-10/20µlXL | USA Scientific | 1120-3810 | |
FOXJ1 antibody | eBioscience | E10109-1632 | used at concentration 1:1000 (no unmasking) |
hydrocortisone | Sigma | H0135 | |
laboratory film (Parafilm M) | American National Can | PM-999 | |
L-Glutamine | Corning | 25-005-Cl | |
insulin-transferin-sodium selenite | Sigma-Aldrich | I884 | |
isoflurane, 250 ml | Santa Cruz Animal Health | sc-363629Rx | |
low attachment plate 24-well | Costar | 3473 | |
MEM non-essential amino acids | Corning | 25-025-Cl | |
metal histology molds | Electron Microscopy Sciences | 62527-22 | |
microscope, inverted | Nikon | Eclipse TS 100 | |
microscope, stereo | Nikon | SMZ800 | |
Nod/SCID/gamma (NSG) mice | The Jackson Laboratory | 05557 | NOD.Cg-PrkdcscidIl2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ |
paraformaldehyde 16% solution | Electron Microscopy Sciences | 15710 | |
paraffin (Paraplast, X-TRA) | Fisher Thermo Scientific | 23-021-401 | |
PAX8 antibody | Proteintech | 10336-1-AP | used at concentration 1:1000 (no unmasking) |
PBS (Phosphate-Buffered Saline) | Corning | 21-030-CV | |
penicillin streptomycin | Corning | 30-002-Cl | |
severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID/NCr) mice, BALB/C background) | NCI-Frederick Animal Production Program | 01S11 | |
sodium pyruvate | Corning | 25-000-Cl | |
specimen processing gel (HISTOGEL) | Richard-Allan Scientific | HG-4000-012 | |
sucrose | Sigma-Aldrich | S0389 | |
Trypsin-EDTA, 25% | Corning | 25-053-Cl |