传统的药物溶出试验测定药物通过测定溶出介质的药物含量溶解在一段时间的量。这种方法提供了有关正在发生的事情溶解药片表面上几乎没有直接的信息。作为片剂表面的组成和结构可以在溶解过程中改变,这是必不可少的溶出度试验中对其进行监视。在这项工作中相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射显微镜被溶解时用于图像片的表面,同时用紫外吸收光谱是同时提供溶解药物浓度的在线分析含有茶碱无水物和乙基纤维素的50%的混合物的片剂。该测量结果表明, 在原 CARS显微镜能够成像的选择性茶碱在乙基纤维素的存在。此外,无水茶碱转化为茶碱一水合物溶解过程中,用针形哭stals溶解过程中不断增长的数位板表面。茶碱无水物到一水合物的转化,结合的药物减少暴露于流动介质中的溶解导致降低溶出率。我们的研究结果表明, 在原位 CARS显微镜结合内嵌紫外吸收光谱是能够监测药物片剂溶出度和关联面的变化与改变溶解速度。
扫描电镜成像是能够成像的药物剂型的表面的高分辨率快速成像技术。然而,通常在真空条件下进行的扫描电镜成像,需要样品涂层使得它在原位溶解成像不适宜。光纤耦合自发拉曼光谱结合了流通池和UV流通过吸收光谱,目前已进行溶解过程中监测各种药物系统在原位 ,包括茶碱4,卡马西平,和吲哚美辛5。拉曼光谱是能够识别溶解过程中发生的表面变化,但它提供了关于在地表变化没有发生空间信息。自发拉曼映射使用拉曼光谱,并提供有关样品的表面空间信息,但成像只需要几分钟的顺序来小时,这取决于图像区域,使得它在原地解散成像不适合。
相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射(CARS)显微术是一种快速成像技术,结合内嵌紫外吸收光谱,它使我们能够开发就地解散分析能力的技术。 CARS显微镜提供了快速而不受溶出介质中的存在使得其在原位溶解分析一个合适的技术影响化学选择性成像。 CARS技术大致分为两个组的基础上,激光器的脉冲持续时间;其中之一是窄带车(皮秒脉冲激光器),而另一个是宽带CARS(飞秒脉冲激光器)。一个典型的CARS显微镜系统由两个脉冲激光源,在倒置显微镜。以产生CARS信号时,脉冲激光器中的一个需要是可调谐的,以便有两个激光器相匹配的拉曼振动之间的频率差。此外,两个激光器必须重叠在空间(空间)和时间(时间),以从两个激光器到达样品在同一时间同一区域的脉冲。作为拉曼振动是特定化学和CARS信号仅在显微镜的聚焦体积内产生,CARS显微镜能够化学选择性成像,分辨率降低到衍射极限的。
使用单一的拉曼振动模式窄带CARS显微镜允许大约快100倍成像相比,自发拉曼成像技术,6。宽带CARS显微镜图像在更宽的光谱范围(600-3,200 -1对比〜4厘米-1),但具有较低的频谱分辨率(大约10 -1对比〜4厘米-1)和较慢的成像速度(50毫秒/像素对比〜5微秒/像素)则为窄带CARS显微镜7。
窄带CARS显微镜已被用于图像DRUG释放一些药物系统。在药物制剂领域,Kang 等 8-10成像药物加载的聚合物膜。最初它们成像的装药,其随后从静态溶出介质中的药物释放的成像分布。 Jurna 等 11和Windbergs 等 12更进一步和成像首先在随后使用动态溶出介质成像的药物溶解脂质剂型的茶碱分布。
When performing CARS microscopic dissolution experiments there are a few critical aspects that need to be monitored during the experiment. Firstly, introducing the dissolution medium to the CARS flow cell causes the focus to move. This means that the image is immediately lost and it takes a few microns of objective adjustment to find the surface again. Secondly, there is risk of liquid leakage from the CARS flow cell if the glass cover breaks during the experiment. This can potentially cause liquid damage to the optics, so it is important to listen for any cracking sound that could mean the glass has broken. Finally, there is also a small chance that the piping can become blocked due to particulate matter in the system during the experiment, this can be seen as a sudden unusual change in the UV spectra and also through periodically checking the flow during the experiment.
Particulate blockage of the piping is mainly an issue with tablets that have been designed to disintegrate during dissolution. This is one of the limitations for this technique as this system requires the surface of the tablet to remain intact throughout the dissolution to allow imaging. In addition to disintegrating tablets, it is currently not possible to image tablets that are designed to swell during dissolution as this can lead to breakage of the CARS flow cell.
Imaging tablets during dissolution provides a greater understanding of what is occurring on the surface of a dissolving tablet. Conventional pharmaceutical dissolution methods focus only on the drug content dissolved in the dissolution medium which can identify whether the tablet passes or fails the required standard. However, in the case of a failed test it is difficult to determine what caused the failure. The case of a failed dissolution test is potentially where in situ dissolution analysis using CARS microscopy can provide answers.
Future applications for in situ dissolution analysis using CARS microscopy could include investigations using more complicated tablets containing more than one drug or excipient, in particular non-swelling sustained or controlled release dosage forms during formulation development. Additionally, it could be possible to investigate samples using biorelevant dissolution media creating conditions more closely related to in vivo.
In conclusion, this work shows that CARS microscopy is capable of rapid chemically specific imaging based on Raman vibrational frequencies allowing selective imaging of the drug in a tablet containing both drug and excipient. Additionally, CARS microscopy combined with inline UV absorption spectroscopy is a powerful tool capable of monitoring the surface of tablets undergoing dissolution and correlating surface changes seen using CARS with changes in dissolution rate.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
房颤是由荷兰技术基金会污水处理厂,这是苏国的应用科学分工,经济事务部的技术方案支持。 (STW OTP 11114)。
Name of the Material/Equipment | Company | Catlog number | Comments/Description | Website |
Paladin 1064nm laser | Coherent | N/A | Prototype model not for sale | http://www.coherent.com/ |
Levante Emerald Optical parametric oscillator | APE Berlin | N/A | http://www.ape-berlin.de/en/products/levante/levante-emerald-opo#block-views-products-block-1 | |
IX 71 Microscope | Olympus | N/A | http://www.olympusamerica.com/seg_section/product.asp?product=1023 | |
Fluoview 300 scanning unit | Olympus | N/A | http://www.olympusamerica.com/seg_section/seg_product_print.asp?product=133 | |
Photon multiplier tube R3896 | Hamamatsu | N/A | https://www.hamamatsu.com/jp/en/R3896.html | |
Free standing optics / filters | Thorlabs and Chroma | N/A | http://www.chroma.com/ | |
http://www.thorlabs.de/index.cfm? | ||||
Reglo peristaltic pump | ISMATEC | N/A | http://www.ismatec.com/int_e/pumps/t_reglo/reglo.htm | |
USB2000+ spectrometer | Ocean Optics | N/A | http://www.oceanoptics.com/products/usb2000+.asp | |
DT-MINI-2-GS light source | Ocean Optics | N/A | http://www.oceanoptics.com/Products/dtmini.asp | |
FIA-Z-SMA-TEF Z shaped flow cell | Ocean Optics | N/A | http://www.oceanoptics.com/Products/fiazsmaflowcells.asp | |
QP400-2-SR-BX optical fiber | Ocean Optics | N/A | http://www.oceanoptics.com/Products/premgradesol.asp | |
Plastic piping | ISMATEC | N/A | http://www.ismatec.com/int_e/tubing/misc/tubing_home.htm | |
CARS dissolution tablet flow cell | N/A | N/A | Homebuilt at university – designed to hold 12mm diameter, 3mm thick tablets. The flowcell has a channel depth of around 0.5mm. | |
Glass beakers | VWR | D108980 | https://us.vwr.com/store/catalog/product.jsp?product_id=4537423 | |
Theophylline anhydrate | BASF | 30058079 | http://www.basf.com/group/corporate/en/brand/THEOPHYLLINE | |
ethylcellulose | Colorcon | N/A | http://www.colorcon.com/products-formulation/all-products/film-coatings/sustained-release/ethocel |