The vomeronasal organ (VNO) detects intraspecies chemical signals that convey social and reproductive information. We have performed Ca2+ imaging experiments using transgenic mice expressing G-CaMP2 in VNO tissue. This approach allows us to analyze the complicated response patterns of the vomeronasal neurons to large numbers of pheromone stimuli.
The vomeronasal organ (VNO) detects chemosensory signals that carry information about the social, sexual and reproductive status of the individuals within the same species 1,2. These intraspecies signals, the pheromones, as well as signals from some predators 3, activate the vomeronasal sensory neurons (VSNs) with high levels of specificity and sensitivity 4. At least three distinct families of G-protein coupled receptors, V1R, V2R and FPR 5-14, are expressed in VNO neurons to mediate the detection of the chemosensory cues. To understand how pheromone information is encoded by the VNO, it is critical to analyze the response profiles of individual VSNs to various stimuli and identify the specific receptors that mediate these responses.
The neuroepithelia of VNO are enclosed in a pair of vomer bones. The semi-blind tubular structure of VNO has one open end (the vomeronasal duct) connecting to the nasal cavity. VSNs extend their dendrites to the lumen part of the VNO, where the pheromone cues are in contact with the receptors expressed at the dendritic knobs. The cell bodies of the VSNs form pseudo-stratified layers with V1R and V2R expressed in the apical and basal layers respectively 6-8. Several techniques have been utilized to monitor responses of VSNs to sensory stimuli 4,12,15-19. Among these techniques, acute slice preparation offers several advantages. First, compared to dissociated VSNs 3,17, slice preparations maintain the neurons in their native morphology and the dendrites of the cells stay relatively intact. Second, the cell bodies of the VSNs are easily accessible in coronal slice of the VNO to allow electrophysiology studies and imaging experiments as compared to whole epithelium and whole-mount preparations 12,20. Third, this method can be combined with molecular cloning techniques to allow receptor identification.
Sensory stimulation elicits strong Ca2+ influx in VSNs that is indicative of receptor activation 4,21. We thus develop transgenic mice that express G-CaMP2 in the olfactory sensory neurons, including the VSNs 15,22. The sensitivity and the genetic nature of the probe greatly facilitate Ca2+ imaging experiments. This method has eliminated the dye loading process used in previous studies 4,21. We also employ a ligand delivery system that enables application of various stimuli to the VNO slices. The combination of the two techniques allows us to monitor multiple neurons simultaneously in response to large numbers of stimuli. Finally, we have established a semi-automated analysis pipeline to assist image processing.
1. Solution preparation
Chemicals | MW(g/mol) | mM (1X) | 10X stock (g/L) |
NaCl | 58.44 | 125 | 73.05 |
KCl | 74.55 | 2.5 | 1.86 |
MgCl2 | 1 M stock | 1 | 10 ml |
CaCl2·2H2O | 147.02 | 2 | 2.94 |
NaH2PO4·H2O | 137.99 | 1.25 | 1.72 |
Chemical | MW(g/mol) | mM (1X) | 10X stock (g/L) |
NaHCO3 | 84.01 | 25 | 21 |
Chemicals | MW(g/mol) | mM (1X) | 10X stock (g/L) |
NaCl | 58.44 | 125 | 73.05 |
KCl | 74.55 | 2.5 | 1.86 |
MgCl2 | 1 M stock | 2 | 20 ml |
CaCl2·2H2O | 147.02 | 2 | 2.94 |
HEPES | 1 M stock | 5 | 50 ml |
2. Preparation of VNO slice
3. Imaging chamber set up
4. Time lapse imaging
5. Data analysis
6. Representative Results
An example of the VNO imaging experiment using urine samples collected from four individual mice is shown in Figure 5. The slice responds to urine stimulation with diverse patterns of activation. About 80 cells are identified showing response to at least one of the urine stimuli and their response ΔF/F values are plotted in the heatmap (Figure 5A). The response traces of cells 1, 2 and 3 are plotted in Figure 5B showing the time course activation by urine stimuli. Cell 1 displays response to both female urine samples but not the male samples, whereas cell 2 shows the opposite patterns of activation and responds to both male samples only. Cell 3 is activated by both individual male and female samples. Cells 1 and 2 show characteristic response to sex specific cues in the urine 15.
Figure 1 Schematic illustration of VNO dissection process. A. The anatomical location of VNO in the mouse head. The head of a G-CaMP2 mouse has been dissected and is laid upside down with the soft tissue removed from the palate to expose the VNO. Inlet shows a fluorescent image of the same picture. The neuroepithelia of the VNO are bright green. B. A side view of the isolated VNO that is enclosed in the vomer bone (top) and the fluorescent image of the same VNO (bottom). C. A coronal view of the VNO and dissection process. One VNO is separated from the septum and the vomer bone can then be removed to extricate the neuroepithelium. D. VNO is embedded into LMA. E. The embedded block is glued to the tissue holder for sectioning. The tissue holder is advanced at 180-200 μm per slice pushing the agarose block out of the metal barrel for sectioning. The cutting blade is positioned closely to the metal barrel. F. Side view of the VF300 tissue slicer system. B.V., blood vessel. N.E., neuroepithelium.
Figure 2 VNO slices. A. VNO slices are maintained in oxygenated mACSF at room temperature. B. A DIC picture of the VNO slice. C. A 2-photon image of the VNO from G-CaMP2 mouse. Scale bar, 50 μm.
Figure 3 Illustration of perfusion system setup. A. A typical perfusion chamber with inlet and outlet. VNO slice is positioned in the center of the chamber and pressed down with a tissue anchor. The middle threads are removed from the tissue anchor so that the VNO tissue is not pressed. B. The perfusion chamber is placed on microscope stage under the dipping objective. The mACSF inlet, suction outlet and perfusion tip are indicated. C. The single barrel syringe pump provides continuous flow of Ringer’s through the perfusion tip. D. The HPLC injection loop system is adopted for convenient stimulus sample loading and injection. E. Schematic illustration of the flow directions at loading and injection positions. Ringer’s, green. Stimulus sample, magenta. Arrows indicate direction of flow. F. Delay and wash off time measurement of the perfusion system. Rhodamine 6G fluorescent dye is loaded to the sample loop and the valve is switched to the injection position at 5th second, which is indicated with an arrow. The fluorescent signal change is detected between 10-30 seconds and diminishes afterwards.
Figure 4 Image processing pipeline. A. All image frames for one slice are registered against a reference frame. B. Subtraction of minimal projection of a stack from its raw frames. Responding cells become prominent after subtraction. C. ROIs are selected and their coordinates are compiled into master list. D. Measurement of responding cells using ROI master list from raw stack.
Figure 5 A representative G-CaMP2 VNO imaging experiment. A. The ΔF/F response heatmap from a slice stimulated with individual male and female urine. Urine samples are collected from individual male and female mice. X-axis, responding cells identified from the slice. Y-axis, urine samples used in the experiment. Color bar indicates the ΔF/F value. B. Response time course of 3 representative cells marked in A. Arrows indicate the time of stimulus application. F-FVB, female FVB; F-CBA, female CBA; M-FVB, male FVB; M-BL6, male C57BL/6.
Table of specific reagents and equipment:
Name of the reagent | Company | Catalogue number | Comments (optional) |
perfusion chamber | Siskiyou | PC-H | horizontal |
slice hold-down | Warner Instruments | SHD-22CL | |
perfusion port holder | ALA scientific, Inc. | MPIOH-S | |
syringe pump | New Era Pump Systems, Inc. | NE-300 | |
low pressure injection valve | Chromtech | V-451 | |
PEEK tubing | Chromtech | 1531 | 1/16″ OD, 0.25mm ID |
PEEK sample loop | Chromtech | 1803 | 20 μL |
Hamilton syringe | Chromtech | 80630 | 100 μL |
The majority of the vomeronasal receptors (VRs) remain as orphan receptors since their discovery by Dulac and Axel 5. The pheromone ligands for these chemosensory receptors and their roles in mediating animal behaviors are not well understood. Until now, only one pair of ligand/receptor, the ESP1 peptide and its cognate receptor, Vmn2r116 (V2Rp5), has been identified and shown to convey specific social information 19,23. Another receptor, V1rb2, has been shown to respond to 2-heptanone, which presumably is enriched in urine from female mice 24. However, the specific information conveyed by this ligand remains unclear. The method we have developed here enables the characterization of VNO neuron responses to a large number of stimuli and the analysis of patterns of activation. By using this method, we have found that cells show specific responses to male or female urine and that there may be dedicated cells functioning to recognize sex specific pheromone cues 15. The VR expressed on these cells are yet to be identified. The imaging method described here not only allows the screening of pheromone ligands present in the urine, but also facilitate the identification of the specific receptors that respond to pheromone cues.
G-CaMP family of calcium sensors have been used in a variety of animal systems and their signals have been shown to correlate well with calcium transients 25-28. The use of genetically-encoded sensor provides a sensitive readout of the neuronal responses and allows specific expression of the sensor in targeted tissue and cell type. The genetically-encoded sensors also make it possible for chronic imaging in live animals. Traditionally, synthetic calcium dyes have been used to monitor calcium response. The dye loading procedures are inevitably invasive and often cause damage to tissues. Uneven loading and limited penetration of the dye in the tissue also significantly affect the detection of the calcium signals.
In our experiment using G-CaMP2 mice, we find that the amplitude of the responses is on par with, or better than, calcium-dye loading methods in slice preparations. The VNO slices can be maintained in a healthy condition for hours after sectioning thus allow the analyses of large number of stimuli in one experiment. However, genetically encoded sensors often contain protein domains that can potentially interact with cellular components to alter response patterns or even affect the normal development of the organism. One must be cautious when a new sensor is introduced into a system. Careful examination of the targeted tissue is required. In our previous studies, we have examined the G-CaMP2 mice for their innate behaviors, the electrophysiological properties of the VNO neurons and the projection patterns of the olfactory sensory neurons 15. None of these aspects are affected in G-CaMP2 mice. Nevertheless, using transgenic animals does incur additional cost for animal maintenance and genotyping. In addition, experiments are limited to the available lines generated. These are the factors that need to be taken into consideration when designing experiments.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We thank Andrea Moran together with members of Lab Animal Service Facility (LASF) at Stowers Institute for their excellent support on animal husbandry and technical services. This work is supported by funding from Stowers Institute and the NIH (NIDCD 008003) to CRY. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders or the National Institutes of Health. U.S. patent pending for the tetO-G-CaMP2 mice for Stowers Institute, CRY and LM.