
Движение глаз Мониторинг памяти

Published: August 15, 2010


Глаз движение мониторинга (или глаз слежения), показывает, где в пространстве Задержите взгляд, когда и на какой срок. Здесь показано, как глаз слежения могут быть использованы для исследования целостности памяти в различных популяциях участником, не требуя словесное или иным явным, отчеты.


Explicit (often verbal) reports are typically used to investigate memory (e.g. “Tell me what you remember about the person you saw at the bank yesterday.”), however such reports can often be unreliable or sensitive to response bias 1, and may be unobtainable in some participant populations. Furthermore, explicit reports only reveal when information has reached consciousness and cannot comment on when memories were accessed during processing, regardless of whether the information is subsequently accessed in a conscious manner. Eye movement monitoring (eye tracking) provides a tool by which memory can be probed without asking participants to comment on the contents of their memories, and access of such memories can be revealed on-line 2,3. Video-based eye trackers (either head-mounted or remote) use a system of cameras and infrared markers to examine the pupil and corneal reflection in each eye as the participant views a display monitor. For head-mounted eye trackers, infrared markers are also used to determine head position to allow for head movement and more precise localization of eye position. Here, we demonstrate the use of a head-mounted eye tracking system to investigate memory performance in neurologically-intact and neurologically-impaired adults. Eye movement monitoring procedures begin with the placement of the eye tracker on the participant, and setup of the head and eye cameras. Calibration and validation procedures are conducted to ensure accuracy of eye position recording. Real-time recordings of X,Y-coordinate positions on the display monitor are then converted and used to describe periods of time in which the eye is static (i.e. fixations) versus in motion (i.e., saccades). Fixations and saccades are time-locked with respect to the onset/offset of a visual display or another external event (e.g. button press). Experimental manipulations are constructed to examine how and when patterns of fixations and saccades are altered through different types of prior experience. The influence of memory is revealed in the extent to which scanning patterns to new images differ from scanning patterns to images that have been previously studied 2, 4-5. Memory can also be interrogated for its specificity; for instance, eye movement patterns that differ between an identical and an altered version of a previously studied image reveal the storage of the altered detail in memory 2-3, 6-8. These indices of memory can be compared across participant populations, thereby providing a powerful tool by which to examine the organization of memory in healthy individuals, and the specific changes that occur to memory with neurological insult or decline 2-3, 8-10.


Оборудование, используемое во время сбора данных Глаз трекер Трекер глаза, используемых в текущем протокол EyeLink II системы (SR Research Ltd, Миссиссага, Онтарио, Канада). Этот шлем-, видео-глазом трекера записи глаз позиции X, Y-координат с частотой дискретизации либо 5…


Мониторинг движения глаз является эффективным, полезным инструментом для оценки функции памяти в различных популяциях. Этот протокол описывает использование шлем-видео-глазом трекер, но протокол можно легко адаптировать к использованию удаленных устройств слежения глаза, как диста?…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Авторы признают их пособников на исследованиях, которые используют контроль движения глаз памяти, при этом особое спасибо Эяль Рейнгольд, Jiye Шен, Нил Дж. Коэн, Роберт Р. Althoff, Дебора Ханнула и Дэйв Уоррен. Эта работа была поддержана естественным наукам и инженерным исследованиям Совета Канады (NSERC), канадский институт исследований в области здравоохранения (CIHR), Канаде исследований кафедр Программы и канадский фонд инноваций (CFI).


Material Name Type Company Catalogue Number Comment
Eye Tracker   SR Research Ltd. Eyelink II  
Experimental Control Software   SR Research Ltd. Experiment Builder  
Eye Movement Analysis Program   SR Research Ltd. Data Viewer  


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Ryan, J. D., Riggs, L., McQuiggan, D. A. Eye Movement Monitoring of Memory. J. Vis. Exp. (42), e2108, doi:10.3791/2108 (2010).

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