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JoVE 핵심 화학
Acid Strength and Molecular Structure


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Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid, whereas hydrofluoric acid is a weak acid. But what determines their strength? The strength of binary acids, with only two elements, is determined by bond energy and bond polarity. An acid with a higher bond energy has a stronger bond and, therefore, will be a weaker acid. Comparing acids in a group, the bond in a weak acid, like hydrofluoric acid, is harder to break, so the acid is less likely to donate protons. In contrast, an acid with lower bond energy has a weaker bond and, therefore, will be a stronger acid. For example, the bond in a strong acid, like hydrochloric acid, breaks more easily and donates protons more readily than hydrofluoric acid. A bond, like that in hydrochloric acid, is polar when one atom is more electronegative than the other atom. A compound can act as an acid when the atom attached to hydrogen has a higher electronegativity than hydrogen. The atom will have a partial negative charge, allowing the hydrogen to have a partial positive charge so it can be released as a proton. An acid with higher bond polarity has a weaker bond and, therefore, will be a stronger acid. Comparing compounds across a period, hydrochloric acid is stronger than hydrogen sulfide as chlorine is more electronegative than sulfur and, therefore, releases protons more easily. If hydrogen has an equal or greater electronegativity than the other atom, that molecule can not donate protons and, therefore, can not act as an acid. Oxyacids are acids where an OH is attached to a third atom that is more electronegative than hydrogen. The strength of an oxyacid depends upon the electronegativity and the number of oxygens attached to the third atom. The higher the electronegativity of the atom, the more it polarizes, weakening the bond between the oxygen and hydrogen. If the central atom is attached to additional oxygen atoms, it further increases the polarity of the bond between the oxygen and the hydrogen. For example, perchloric acid with three additional oxygen atoms is stronger than chloric acid with two additional oxygen atoms. Chloric acid, in turn, is stronger than chlorous acid, which has only one additional oxygen and hypochlorous acid, with no additional oxygen atoms. Carboxylic acids are weak acids that contain a carboxyl group. The second oxygen atom makes the oxygen-hydrogen bond more polar, and thereby allows the molecule to donate a proton. Acetic acid and formic acid are examples of carboxylic acids.




平衡効果がない場合、水素と非金属(A)からなる二元化合物の酸強度は、H-A結合の強さが周期表の1つ下のグループになるほど大きくなります。17族の場合、酸性度の高い順に、HF < HCl < HBr < HI となります。同様に、16族については、酸の強さが大きくなる順に、H2O < H2S < H2Se < H2Teとなります。周期表のある周期で見ると、二元系水素化合物の酸強度は、非金属原子の電気陰性度が高くなると、H-A結合の極性が高くなるために増加します。したがって、第2周期の酸度(プロトンを1個除去した場合)の増加順は、CH4 < NH3 < H2O < HF; 3周期目は、SiH4 < PH3 < H2S < HClとなります。


水素、酸素、そして三種類目の元素( “E”)からなる三元化合物は、下図のような構造をとることがあります。これらの化合物では、中心のE原子が1つ以上のO原子と結合し、さらにO原子の少なくとも1つがH原子と結合しており、一般的な分子式OmE(OH)nに対応しています。これらの化合物は、中心のE原子の性質によって、酸性、塩基性、両性のいずれかになります。このような化合物の例としては、硫酸(O2S(OH)2)、亜硫酸(OS(OH)2)、硝酸(O2NOH)、過塩素酸 (O3ClOH)、水酸化アルミニウム(Al(OH)3)、水酸化カルシウム(Ca(OH)2)、水酸化カリウム(KOH)などがあります。



一方、原子Eが比較的高い電気陰性度を持つ場合、酸素原子と共有する電子を強く引き寄せ、比較的強い共有結合を作ます。酸素-水素結合である結合bは、電子がEの方に移動して弱くなります。結合bは極性を持ち、水素イオンを溶液中に放出しやすいため、物質は酸として振舞います。多くの非金属元素は、高い電気陰性度を有しています。そのため、非金属元素は酸性の −OH基を持つ共有結合を形成し、これをオキシ酸と呼びます。





上記の文章は以下から引用しました。 Openstax, Chemistry 2e, Section 14.3: Relative Strengths of Acids and Bases and Openstax, Chemistry 2e, Section 20.3 Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic Acids, and Esters.