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Magnetic Force Between Two Parallel Currents

JoVE 핵심
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JoVE 핵심 물리학
Magnetic Force Between Two Parallel Currents


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Consider two infinitely long, parallel conductors carrying current in the same direction.

The force exerted by the magnetic field due to the first conductor, over a finite length of the second conductor, is given by the current multiplied by the vector product of the length vector and the field due to the first conductor.

The magnetic field is perpendicular to the length vector. Substituting the expression for magnetic field, the magnitude of the force on the second conductor is obtained.

According to the right-hand rule for the cross-product, the force on the second conductor points toward the first conductor.

Similarly, it can be shown that the field due to the second conductor exerts an equal magnitude of the force on the first conductor. However, the direction of this force is toward the second conductor.

Thus, for current flowing in the same direction, the magnetic field created around each conductor exerts an attractive force on the other.

If the current direction is reversed in either one of the conductors, there would be a repulsive force between the conductors.


Magnetic Force Between Two Parallel Currents

Two long, straight, and parallel current-carrying conductors exert a force of equal magnitude on one another. The direction of the force depends on the current direction in the conductors.

The force exerted by the magnetic field due to the first conductor over a finite length of the second conductor is given as the product of the current in the second conductor and  the vector product of the length vector along the current element and the field due to the first conductor. According to the right-hand rule for the cross-product, the force on the second conductor is directed towards the first conductor. Similarly, the field due to the second conductor exerts an equal magnitude of force on the first conductor and is directed towards the second conductor. Thus the forces are attractive when the current in the both the conductors flow in the same direction. Reversing the direction of current in any one of the conductors makes the force repulsive.

Since the wires are very long, the force is often expressed in terms of the force per unit length, which forms the basis for the definition of the unit 'Ampere' for the current. Quantitatively, one Ampere is the amount of current present in each of the two parallel conductors of an infinite length separated by one meter in empty space, which causes each conductor to experience a force of exactly 1 N/m.

This force is responsible for the pinch effect in electric arcs and other plasmas. The force is apparent if the overall charge density is zero; otherwise, the Coulomb repulsion overwhelms the magnetic attraction. An attractive force squeezes currents into a smaller tube in an electric arc, where charges are moving parallel to one another. In large circuit breakers, such as those used in neighbourhood power distribution systems, the pinch effect can concentrate an arc between plates of a switch trying to break a large current, burn holes, and even ignite the equipment. Another example of the pinch effect is found in solar plasma, where jets of ionized material, such as solar flares, are shaped by magnetic forces.

Suggested Reading

  1. OpenStax. (2019). University Physics Vol. 2. [Web version].  Retrieved from
  2. Young, H.D and Freedman, R.A. (2012). University Physics with Modern Physics. San Francisco, CA: Pearson. Pp. 931.