Collect a copy of the compiled class data for the average change in temperature and water level from the instructor, tallied in Table 4 and Table Five respectively.
For the land versus sea ice activity data, type the data range or highlight cells to insert the values into the parentheses of the average command (=AVERAGE(X:X)).
Now type or highlight the data range into the parentheses of the standard deviation command (=STDEV(X:X)).
Plot the mean and standard deviation for each treatment as a bar chart.
Then, calculate and plot the mean and standard deviation for each treatment from activity two in the same manner, and generate a bar chart.
Perform a t-Test on the sea and land ice data by first starting the analysis tool pack by clicking on “data”, and then “data analysis”.
Select “t-Test, paired two sample for means” from the drop-down menu, and click “OK”.
Click on the upward facing arrow next to variable one and select the data for the land ice by clicking on the first data point and dragging the cursor to the last data point in the column.
Then click the arrow next to variable two and select the data for the sea ice.
Select a place for the output and click “OK”.
Repeat these steps for the class data from the greenhouse gases activity.
Record the p-values and direction of any significance for both activities in the appropriate table.
For the species range activity, record whether the species appeared to undergo a range shift, which direction it was in, and why this may be.