
Howard Sheth Model – Variables

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Business Marketing
Howard Sheth Model – Variables


01:22 min

July 08, 2024

The Howard Sheth Model of Consumer Behavior, developed by John Howard and Jagdish Sheth, presents a comprehensive framework that explores the complexities of consumer decision-making. This model considers both individual and environmental factors in shaping consumer behavior.

It comprises three major components: input, process, and output. Inputs include various influences such as psychological, social, and marketing stimuli. The process involves the consumer's cognitive and emotional mechanisms for information processing and decision-making. Outputs manifest as the final consumer decision and subsequent post-purchase behavior.

The model recognizes consumer decision processes' dynamic and iterative nature, influenced by factors like perception, learning, and external influences. The Howard Sheth Model is known for its holistic approach, acknowledging the multidimensional aspects that impact consumer behavior.

Marketers use this model to gain insights into the diverse factors affecting consumers and tailor strategies accordingly, aiming to understand and influence the entire decision-making journey.