Misurazione neurale e comportamentale attività durante le interazioni sociali in corso computerizzati: Un esame di potenziali cerebrali-evento correlato
Misurazione neurale e comportamentale attività durante le interazioni sociali in corso computerizzati: Un esame di potenziali cerebrali-evento correlato
Research on social exclusion has grown tremendously in recent years. As the field expands, it is imperative to develop sophisticated methodologies allowing for the simultaneous measurement of neural and behavioral outcomes during social exclusion. This protocol utilizes event-related brain potentials to record ongoing neural activity during computerized social interactions.
Themanson, J. R. Measuring Neural and Behavioral Activity During Ongoing Computerized Social Interactions: An Examination of Event-Related Brain Potentials. J. Vis. Exp. (93), e52060, doi:10.3791/52060 (2014).