

Published: March 03, 2023


我们提出了一种灵活的化学和多模式刺激和记录许多 秀丽隐杆线虫 同时神经活动的方法。该方法使用微流体、开源硬件和软件以及有监督的自动数据分析来测量神经元现象,例如适应、时间抑制和刺激串扰。


荧光基因编码的钙指示剂极大地促进了我们对神经动力学的理解,从单个神经元的水平到整个大脑回路。然而,神经反应可能因先前的经验、内部状态或随机因素而异,因此需要能够同时评估多个个体神经功能的方法。虽然大多数记录技术一次检查一只动物,但我们描述了使用宽场显微镜将神经元记录放大到数十种 秀丽隐杆线虫 或其他亚毫米级生物。开源硬件和软件在编程全自动实验方面具有极大的灵活性,这些实验控制各种刺激类型的强度和时间,包括化学、光学、机械、热和电磁刺激。特别是,微流体流动装置以亚秒级时间分辨率提供化学感觉刺激的精确、可重复和定量控制。然后,NeuroTracker半自动数据分析管道提取个体和人群范围的神经反应,以揭示神经兴奋性和动力学的功能变化。本文介绍了测量神经元适应、时间抑制和刺激串扰的示例。这些技术提高了刺激的精度和可重复性,允许探索群体变异性,并且可以推广到小型生物系统中从细胞和类器官到整个生物体和植物的其他动态荧光信号。






1. 神经成像设备 注意:有关构建成像和刺激系统的详细说明,请参阅Lawler和Albrecht15,该系统控制显微镜照明定时,图像采集和刺激传递(图1)。廉价的Arduino Nano激励控制器通过数字信号将流体阀驱动到阀门控制器,并通过模拟电压信号控制光遗传学照明到LED控制器。其他刺激,如振动电机和热加热器,可以使用数字或模拟…

Representative Results

我们提出了几个刺激模式的例子,这些刺激模式评估了不同的神经现象,包括时间抑制、适应和去抑制。 时间抑制 是在初始呈现后不久发生的对第二次刺激呈现的神经反应的瞬时抑制14。为了测试这种现象,在配对脉冲实验中,提出了由两个1 s气味脉冲组成的八种模式,间隔范围为0 s至20 s(图6B;相应的刺激控制文件见 图3B</stro…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


我们感谢Fox Avery测试这些协议并审阅手稿,并感谢Eric Hall的编程帮助。本文介绍的方法的资金部分由美国国家科学基金会1724026(D.R.A.)提供。


Bacterial strains
E. coli (OP50) Caenorhabditis Genetics Center (CGC) Cat# OP50
Experimental models: Organisms/strains
C. elegans strains expressing GCaMP (and optionally, Chrimson) in desired neurons Caenorhabditis Genetics Center (CGC) or corresponding authors of published work NZ1091, for example
Chemicals, Treatments, and Worm Preparation Supplies
2,3-Butanedione Sigma-Aldrich Cat# B85307 diacetyl, example chemical stimulus
Calcium chloride, CaCl2 Sigma-Aldrich Cat# C3881
Fluorescein, Sodium salt Sigma-Aldrich Cat# F6377
Glass water repellant Rain-X Cat #800002250 glass hydrophobic treatment (single-use)
Magnesium chloride, MgCl2 Sigma-Aldrich Cat# M2393
Nematode Growth Medium (NGM) agar Genesee Cat #: 20-273NGM
Petri dishes (60 mm) Tritech Cat #T3305
Poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS): Sylgard 184 Dow Chemical Cat# 1673921
Potassium phosphate monobasic Sigma-Aldrich Cat# P5655
Potassium phosphate dibasic Sigma-Aldrich Cat# P8281
Sodium chloride, NaCl Sigma-Aldrich Cat# S7653
(tridecafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrahydrooctyl)trichlorosilane (TFOCS) Gelest CAS# 78560-45-9 glass hydrophobic treatment (durable)
Software and algorithms
Arduino IDE Arduino https://www.arduino.cc/en/software
ImageJ NIH https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/
MATLAB MathWorks https://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab.html
Micro-manager Micro-manager https://micro-manager.org/
Microscope control software Albrecht Lab https://github.com/albrechtLab/MicroscopeControl
Neurotracker data analysis software Albrecht Lab https://github.com/albrechtLab/Neurotracker
Automated Microscope and Stimulation System
Axio Observer.A1 inverted microscope set up for epifluorescence (GFP filter cubes, 5× objective or similar) Zeiss Cat #491237-0012-000
Excelitas X-cite XYLIS LED illuminator Excelitas Cat #XYLIS
Orca Flash 4.0 Digital sCMOS camera Hamamatsu Cat #C11440-22CU
Arduino nano Arduino Cat #A000005
3-way Miniature Diapragm Isolation Valve (LQX12) Parker Cat #LQX12-3W24FF48-000 Valve 1: Control
2-way normally-closed (NC) Pinch Valve Bio-Chem Valve Inc Cat #075P2-S432 Valve 2: Outflow
3-way Pinch Valve NResearch Cat #161P091 Valve 3: Stimulus selection
Optogenetic stimulation LED and controller (615 nm) Mightex Cat #PLS-0625-030-S and #SLA-1200-2
ValveLink 8.2 digital/manual valve controller AutoMate Scientific Cat #01-18
Wires and connectors various See Fig. 2 of Cell STARS Protocol (Lawler, 2021)
Microfluidic Device Preparation
Dremel variable speed rotary cutter 4000  Dremel Cat #F0134000AB Set speed to 5k RPM for cutting glass
Dremel drill press rotary tool workstation Dremel Cat #220-01
Diamond drill bit Dremel Cat #7134
Glass slide, 1 mm thick VWR Cat #75799-268
Glass scribe (Diamond scriber) Ted Pella Cat #54468
Luer 3-way stopcock Cole-Parmer Cat #EW-30600-07
Luer 23 G blunt needle VWR Cat #89134-100
Microfluidic device Corresponing author or fabricate from CAD files associated with this article N/A
Microfluidic device clamp Warner Instruments (or machine shop) P-2
Microfluidic tubing, 0.02″ ID Cole-Parmer Cat #EW-06419-01
Tube 19 G, 0.5″ New England Small Tube Cat #NE-1027-12


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