Here we present a method to prepare organotypic slice cultures from mouse cerebellum and myelin sheath staining by immunohistochemistry suitable for investigating mechanisms of myelination and remyelination in the central nervous system.
In the nervous system, myelin is a complex membrane structure generated by myelinating glial cells, which ensheathes axons and facilitates fast electrical conduction. Myelin alteration has been shown to occur in various neurological diseases, where it is associated with functional deficits. Here, we provide a detailed description of an ex vivo model consisting of mouse organotypic cerebellar slices, which can be maintained in culture for several weeks and further be labeled to visualize myelin.
Neurons are highly polarized cells, which comprise a somato-dendritic compartment that receives inputs from its environment and an axon that ensures the generation and propagation of electrical impulses to other cells. Rapid propagation and timely delivery of information is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. In vertebrates, it is facilitated by myelination, which allows increasing axonal conduction velocity1. Myelin is a specialized structure formed by compacted layers of plasma membrane generated by the myelinating glia, namely oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system (CNS) and Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Both in the CNS and the PNS, axoglial interactions drive the formation of specialized axonal domains: the nodes of Ranvier and their surrounding domains, the paranodes, and juxtaparanodes2. The axonal segments insulated by myelin, or internodes, alternate with the nodes of Ranvier, which correspond to small unmyelinated domains enriched in voltage-gated sodium channels (Nav). The high concentration and rapid activation of Nav channels at the nodes of Ranvier allow the regeneration of action potentials, and together with the insulating properties of the myelin sheaths, ensure the efficient and fast saltatory conduction of the nerve impulse along the axon3.
In addition to its role in accelerating the conduction velocity of the nerve impulse, myelinating glia provides metabolic support to the axon, preserving its long-term integrity and participating in its survival4,5. Furthermore, it has become clear in recent years that myelin is dynamically modulated throughout life, thus presumably participating in the regulation and plasticity of various nervous system functions. Adjustments of the distribution, number, length, and thickness of myelin sheaths along axons might thus represent a novel way to finely tune various networks6,7,8. Therefore, the evolutionary acquisition of myelin is a key process for sensory, motor and cognitive functions and the perturbation of the interaction between axons and glia is increasingly considered as contributing to the developmental or acquired neurological diseases9.
Myelin composition has been characterized, with the specific feature of a high proportion of lipids (70%) compared to proteins (30%) in contrast to other cellular membranes10. However, unlike myelin lipids, most of myelin proteins are specific to myelin, including myelin basic protein (MBP), proteolipid protein (PLP), 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNP), myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG), myelin-oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG), PMP-22 and P010. Various histological methods to stain myelin exist based on its lipid composition, such as Luxol fast blue11, Sudan Black B12, Baker's acid hematin method13, as well as silver staining14. Nevertheless, these approaches do not always allow for an adequate contrast and resolution to visualize individual fibers. An alternative approach to detect myelin is through immunohistochemistry directed against myelin proteins. Various antibodies target myelin-specific antigens with a high specificity and can be used routinely to detect myelinated structures. The antibody-antigen interaction can be further revealed using a secondary antibody coupled to a fluorophore directed against the primary antibody and visualized with adequate fluorescence microscopy. Here, we describe an immunochemical protocol to stain myelin on ex vivo cerebellar slices, a model which allows for a good preservation of the nervous tissue architecture. In addition, the organization and size of the Purkinje cells (the sole myelinated neuron of the cerebellum) make them a classical model for electrophysiological studies and they are similarly ideal to perform fixed or live-imaging studies.
The cerebellar slices are generated from P9-P10 mice, a time corresponding to the early onset of Purkinje cell myelination, a process that is mostly achieved by one week ex vivo (6-7 days in vitro, DIV)15. Furthermore, this model is adapted to investigate demyelinating disorders such as multiple sclerosis (MS), as an extensive demyelination can be induced in cerebellar slices using the myelinotoxic compound lysophosphatidylcholine (or lysolecithin, LPC), which is followed by a spontaneous remyelination16,17. Endogenous remyelination takes place from two days after LPC removal from the culture medium and is almost complete a week post treatment.
The completion of this protocol takes approximatively 3 weeks, including half a day for cerebellar slice cultures preparation, a week to obtain fully myelinated slices, followed by 2 days to reach the peak of demyelination and another week for their full remyelination. In addition, immunohistochemistry can be completed in 2 days. The protocol described here is adapted to a standard litter of 6 mice pups and needs to be adapted regarding the number of animals used for the planned experiment.
All work involving animals complied with institutional policies and guidelines established by the UPMC, INSERM and the French and European Community Council Directive 86/609/EEC.
1. Preparation of Culture Medium and Culture Inserts (Hands-on Time ≈ 10–15 min)
NOTE: Perform this step in a flow culture hood under sterile conditions
2. Preparation of Dissection Medium (Hands-on Time ≈ 5 min)
NOTE: Perform this step in a flow culture hood under sterile conditions
3. Preparation of dissection material (Hands-on Time ≈ 15 min)
4. CerebellumDissection and Sections Preparation (Hands-on Time ≈ 15–20 min per animal)
5. Slices Culture and Demyelination (Hands-on Time ≈ 15–20 min)
NOTE: Perform this step in a flow culture hood under sterile conditions
6. Immunohistochemistry (Hands-on Time ≈ 1:30–2 h)
NOTE: Carry out the steps 6.1. to 6.3. under a fume hood. Avoid exposition to paraformaldehyde (PFA) and refer to the product safety datasheet for adequate manipulation and protection.
Examples of representative myelin immunostainings in organotypic cerebellar slices obtained from P9-P10 C57black6 wild-type (WT) (Figure 2A), as well as PLP-GFP transgenic mice (Figure 2B), together with Purkinje cells staining. Cerebellar slices myelinate from the white matter tracks region of the slices towards the periphery of the folia and myelination of the Purkinje cells is mostly achieved after 6 to 7 DIV. At 7 DIV, the induction of a full demyelination is possible through LPC treatment (Figure 2Ci-ii). Following demyelination, the slices spontaneously remyelinate and are fully remyelinated 6-7 days after the peak of demyelination (Figure 2Ciii).
Figure 1: Illustration of cerebellum slices generation. The dissection is divided in three main steps. (A) The cerebellum is isolated and the meninges removed (steps 4.10 and 4.11). (B) The cerebellum is then transferred to the chopper platform and sliced (steps 4.12 to 4.16). (C) Lastly, the slices are isolated from the vermis and placed on a membrane insert. The dissection medium transferred with the slices is removed and the 6-well plate is placed into the incubator (steps 4.18 and 4.22). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Example of myelinated cerebellar slices cultured ex vivo. Image stacks (with orthogonal projection) were obtained using an upright confocal microscope following free floating immunolabeling and flat mounting as described in the protocol. The slices are robustly myelinated at 11 DIV (A, PLP; B, GFP in green) and the axonal domains are assembled as observed in vivo with nodes of Ranvier enriched in voltage-gated sodium channels (Nav, in red) flanked by the paranodal axoglial junction domain (Caspr, in white) in C57black6 WT (A) as well as PLP-GFP (B) transgenic mice slices. (C) The cerebellar cortex architecture is preserved in the cultured slices, as observed on cerebellar slices from PLP-GFP mice. (i) Purkinje cells axon (Calbindin, Calb, in blue) are robustly myelinated (GFP, in green) after one week in culture. (ii) LPC treatment fully demyelinates the slices, which remyelinate spontaneously and are fully remyelinated 6 days post demyelination (iii, 14 DIV). Scale bars = 20 µm (A, B); 100 µm (C). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Here, we detail a protocol to generate an ex vivo model corresponding to the mouse cerebellar organotypic slice cultures, adapted from previously published methods15,16,19 and the subsequent myelin immunostaining of these preparations. This strategy offers the possibility to visualize myelin components with a high-resolution in both healthy and pathological states.
Cerebellar organotypic slice cultures taken from 10-day-old mice are a well-established experimental model to investigate molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying myelination and remyelination processes, as it allows to reproduce most anatomical and functional features of the corresponding tissue in vivo including not only the preservation of a well-defined cellular architecture but also the maturation timeline17. Furthermore, cerebellar slices have a preserved architectural organization after two weeks in vitro (Figure 1C). The transgenic PLP-GFP strain is an alternative, allowing, in particular, to observe the myelination status under a fluorescent binocular microscope on live slices, which is particularly convenient for demyelination-remyelination studies (Figure 1C).
These preparations are of particular interest as a fast approach to assess myelination rate with the developed automated quantification, including western-blot analysis20, CNPase assay16 or quantification of PLP/Calbindin (or MBP/Calbindin) staining17,21, thus representing a high-throughput system allowing for the testing of pharmacological drugs in demyelinating disorders22,23.
One of the main critical issues when performing these experiments might be related to the quality of the cerebellar slices. Firstly, the age of mice is of importance for cerebellar organotypic slice cultures. The survival of Purkinje cells, the only myelinated neuron in cerebellar cultures, is compromised if cultures are prepared from P2 to P7 rodents or with donors older than P1317. More generally, organotypic brain slice cultures are difficult to obtain from adults animals. Secondly, the duration of tissue processing during dissection is critical, as a dissection step of more than 15-20 minutes per animal leads to a decline in the survival rate of the slices. Furthermore, when selecting the slices to be cultured, it is best to avoid using the ones from either end of the cerebellum due to the poor survival of neurons and resultant scarcity of myelinated fibers.
Other parameters such as the stability of temperature and CO2 concentration while in culture are determining factors to ensure slice health. Lastly, the quality of the slices is influenced by the composition of the horse serum, which cannot be controlled by the users. Therefore, testing several batches of serum is highly recommended.
To obtain an adequate labeling, tissue fixation is a key step. In order to facilitate the penetration of the antibodies to reach myelin antigens, as myelin is a very compact structure, slices pre-treatment with absolute ethanol is advised following fixation. A similar protocol of staining can further be applied to in vivo fixed tissues, though Triton concentration may need to be adapted to the thickness of vibratome or cryostat generated in vivo sections. The availability of non-commercial antibodies should also be considered. Preparing slices from transgenic mice such as PLP-GFP24 or CNP-GFP25 thus represents an alternative to visualize myelin and oligodendrocytes processes.
In addition to the immunochemical methods described in this protocol, other approaches are commonly used to study myelin architecture. Complementary techniques also exist to investigate myelin ultrastructure, with electron microscopy being the gold standard26. Other techniques exist, such as label-free approaches including optical coherence tomography27,28, Raman scattering28,29, third-harmonic generation30 or spectral confocal reflectance microscopy31; these approaches have the additional advantage of enabling the observation of dynamic cellular processes. However, some of these techniques are complex and further require state-of-the-art microscopy set-ups. For these reasons, myelin study by immunofluorescence labeling remains a standard approach to investigate myelination and its defects in various developmental or acquired diseases and their models, as well as to assess the potential of future therapeutic treatments. It can further be used to study myelination in multiple contexts, such as learning and plasticity, as well as aging, depression, or autism in which myelin is known to be altered32.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We thank Dr. Sean Freeman, Dr. Nathalie Sol-Foulon and Dr. Thomas Roux for valuable comments on the manuscript. This work was funded by INSERM, ICM, ARSEP Grants R13123DD, ANR R17127DD (to A.D.) and FRM fellowship, SPF20110421435 (to A.D.), FDT20170437332 (to M.T.). We thank the CELIS cell culture facility and the icm.Quant imaging platform.
BME medium | ThermoFisher Scientific | 41010026 | |
Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (10X HBSS) | ThermoFisher Scientific | 14180046 | |
GlutaMAX (100X) | ThermoFisher Scientific | 35050038 | |
Heat-inactivated Horse Serum | ThermoFisher Scientific | 26050088 | |
Penicillin–Streptomycin (10.000 IU/mL) | ThermoFisher Scientific | 15140122 | |
Gey’s Balanced Salt Solution | Sigma Aldrich | G9779-500ML | |
D-Glucose Solution (45%) | Sigma Aldrich | G8769-100ML | |
Lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) | Sigma Aldrich | L4129-100MG | |
Paraformaldehyde (PFA) | Electron Microscopy Sciences | 15714 | |
Absolute ethanol (100% ethanol) | VWR Chemicals | 20821.330 | Cooled at -20°C |
Triton® X-100 | Sigma Aldrich | X100-500ML | |
10% Normal Goat Serum (NGS) | ThermoFisher Scientific | 500622 | |
Phosphate Buffer Solution | EuroMEDEX | ET330-A | pH 7.4 |
Anti-GFP Antibody (Polyclonal, Chicken) | Merck Millipore | 06-896 | Dilution 1/300 |
Anti-Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) Antibody (Polyclonal, Chicken) | Merck Millipore | AB9348 | Dilution 1/150 |
Anti-Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) Antibody (Monoclonal, Mouse IgG2b) | Merck Millipore | NE1019 | Dilution 1/200 |
Anti-PLP Antibody (Rat, Hybridoma) | Gift from Dr. K. Ikenaka; Okasaki, Japan | Dilution 1/5 to 1/10 | |
Anti-Sodium Channel, Pan Antibody (Monoclonal, Mouse IgG1, clone K58/35) | Sigma Aldrich | S8809 | Dilution 1/150 |
Anti-Caspr Antibody (Polyclonal, Rabbit) | Abcam | ab34151 | Dilution 1/500 |
Goat Secondary Antibodies conjugated to Alexa Fluor 488, 594, 647 or 405 | ThermoFisher Scientific | Dilution 1/500 | |
Fluoromount | SouthernBiotech | 0100-20 | |
Tissue chopper | McIlwain | ||
Razor blades | |||
Large scissors | F.S.T | 14101-14 | |
Small scissors | F.S.T | 91500-09 | |
Fine-straight forceps | F.S.T | 91150-20 | |
Curved-fine forceps | F.S.T | 11297-00 | |
Cell culture dishes (60-mm and 100-mm) | TPP | ||
4-, 6-well culture plates | TPP | ||
Millicell culture inserts (0,4 µm, 30-mm diameter) | Merck Millipore | PICM0RG50 | |
Cell culture incubator | 37°C, 5% CO2 | ||
Fine-end pipette tips | Dutscher | 134000CL | |
Wide-bore pipette tips | ThermoFisher Scientific | 2079G | |
Sterile syringe | Terumo Europe | 20 or 50 mL | |
Sterile syringe filters | Terumo Europe | 0.22 µm | |
Scalpel | Swann-Morton | 0510 | |
Brush | |||
Microscope slides | RS France | 76 x 26 x 1.1 mm | |
Glass coverslips | RS France | 22 x 22 mm | |
Kimtech Sciences Tissue Wipers | Kimberly-Clark Professional | 5511 | |
Binocular microscope |