シロイヌナズナ(シロイヌナズナ) 苗は、しばしば無菌メディア上に成長させる必要があります。微生物汚染種子表面に存在の成長を防ぐために事前の種子滅菌が必要です。シロイヌナズナの種子を殺菌する現在、ラボで若干異なります、標準化されていない条件で 2 つの異なる殺菌技術を使用して、しばしばのみ部分的に効果的な滅菌や過剰シード死亡率の結果します。これらのメソッドのほとんどはまた多数の多様な品種の種子のラインへの拡張が容易ではありません。シロイヌナズナの高スループット分析のための技術が増殖するのにつれ、多数の異なった遺伝子型の種子を殺菌する為の標準化された技術はこれらのタイプの実験を行うために不可欠になっています。シロイヌナズナ行数の 2 つの異なる殺菌手法への応答は、発芽率および種子混入微生物や他の病原体のレベルに基づいて評価されました。治療には、滅菌剤とシロイヌナズナ種子の殺菌のための最適条件を決定するために結合、露出回数の異なる濃度が含まれています。最適化されたプロトコルは、2 つの異なる滅菌法の開発されている: 漂白剤 (液相) と塩素 (Cl2) ガス (気相)、発芽率の高い種子と最小限の微生物汚染の両方の結果します。これらのプロトコルのユーティリティは、発芽電位の範囲で野生型と変異種の両方のテストによって示されました。その種子滅菌することが効果的に過剰な種子死亡なしのいずれかの方法を使用してがより最適な発芽の可能性も低い種子の殺菌の弊害がみが分かった。さらに、数式は気密の容器のサイズが異なるに標準化された塩素ガス滅菌条件を適用する研究者を有効に開発されました。ここで説明したプロトコルでは、シロイヌナズナの線の数が多いため簡単に、効率的かつ安価な種子殺菌を許可します。
シロイヌナズナ(シロイヌナズナ) は植物生物学1,2,3の基礎・応用研究のプライム モデル生物です。シロイヌナズナ成長のための標準条件は、よく確立された4をされているが、種子の生存率に種子殺菌効果は厳しくテストされていません。板やボックスで固体媒体は分離の人口での初期のシュートと根の表現型の観察でホモ接合体致死突然変異体の同定など、多くの実験的アプリケーション シロイヌナズナ実生植物の成長を促進する使用します。無料の病原体組織、苗の組織、発芽1,2,3,4 を形質転換体や薬剤耐性植物の選択および評価の大量のコレクションの分離の段階.温室で育つ植物から採取した種子または成長室が時折微生物やほこりで汚染されました。滅菌メディアのさまざまな種類のシロイヌナズナの幼植物の生育には、菌など細菌の種の表面に微生物汚染物質を除去する前の種子滅菌が必要です。効果的な種子滅菌政権の使用は、高発芽、最小の汚染と活発な植物成長のバランスにとって重要です。
シロイヌナズナ種子の殺菌のために使用される 2 つの最も一般的な方法は、市販の漂白剤 (液相)、塩素ガス (気相) に基づいています。両方液相滅菌1,4,5,6,7,8,9のさまざまな手順が採用されています。,10と気相滅菌シロイヌナズナの種子8,10、11,12,13,14,15 、16。ただし、これらのプロシージャは利用の遺伝子型の種子滅菌を達成するために効果的なされている、異なった遺伝子型の種で異なる殺菌治療の効果の詳細に分析しない報告されています。したがって、効率的な殺菌は高い発芽率と組み合わされ条件を定義するこれらの滅菌手順の最適化が必要です。
A) 内部的に適用する品質管理手順のコレクションと b) 利用で、ユーザーからのフィードバックに応えてさまざまな異なった遺伝子型の種子の生存率をテストするのには、シロイヌナズナ生物学的リソース センター (ABRC) も地の利種子の発芽についてここで示した実験の目的は、シロイヌナズナの範囲の遺伝子型の種子発芽に及ぼす様々 な滅菌方法を決定するあった。漂白剤や塩素のガス殺菌のため最小限の病原体汚染を維持しながら高い種子の発芽率は、最適化された滅菌の手順が掲載されています。
シロイヌナズナ種子滅菌メディアに成長している、殺菌のいくつかのフォームが適用されなければなりません。漂白剤や塩素のガス殺菌処置は、似たような発芽率と金型生長阻害の結果します。どちらも殺菌法ポテンシャル高い発芽と種子の発芽率の重要な減少を原因します。ただし、漂白殺菌は低い発芽電位 (20-70%)、小型のためラインの推奨とはいえ非重要、(図 3 a) ガス殺菌に比べて発芽率の向上。
10 分の 40-100% から漂白剤濃度とシロイヌナズナの種子を滅菌良好な発芽率および効果的なカビ抑制を提供します。ただし、漂白剤濃度が 40% 未満の場合 40% の濃度またはも重く汚染された種子の多くの高い保証の効果的な滅菌を使用してほとんどの種子ロットのため十分な滅菌を提供します。死亡率高い種子種苗開発の欠陥を避けるために 80% 以上の漂白剤濃度等を使用する場合、滅菌の 10 分を超えることが重要です。
6.1% または高発芽率および十分なカビ除去の 1 h の結果の 16.5% の塩素ガス濃度とシロイヌナズナの種子を扱います。低塩素ガス濃度 (2.1%) は、3 h に殺菌の持続時間を増やすことで正常に使用できます。
数行を滅菌する場合、10 分の 50% の漂白剤の解決策で液体殺菌をお勧めします。以来、行数が少ない操作で迅速かつ容易に滅菌することがラインの大きい数のため 1 時間 6.1% のガス濃度とガス滅菌は良いオプションです。
我々 の結果は、異なる遺伝子型の種子の数が多いと潜在的な低い発芽と種子を殺菌する為の標準化された条件を提供します。これらの滅菌技術の唯一の制限は種子発芽率により広範な種の死亡率 20% 未満に適用できません。超音波処理など17滅菌の不在で発芽率を高めるための代替方法は、これらのケースで有益かもしれない。
The authors have nothing to disclose.
実験材料の準備で彼女の援助の Gauri ダッタに感謝したいと思います。また、原稿の批判的検討のベッティーナ郷土料理とジェームス ・ マンに感謝しております。この作品は、NSF の補助金 DBI 1049341 と MCB 1143813 によって支持されました。
0.65 mL Microcentrifuge tubes | GeneMate | C-3260-5 | Tube in which Arabidopsis thaliana seeds are placed to perform sterilization |
1.7 mL Microcentrifuge tube | GeneMate | C-3262-1 | Tube in which Arabidopsis thaliana seeds are placed to perform sterilization |
7 L plastic container | Sistema | 1016265438 | Container in which gas sterilization is performed |
Concentrated HCl | Sigma-Aldrich | 320331 | Chemical used in the process of creating chlorine gas |
Disposable sterile inoculating loop | Fisher Scientific | 22-363-603 | Loop is used to spread or position Arabidopsis seeds on MS plates |
Gamborg’s vitamin solution | Sigma-Aldrich | G1019 | Vitamin solution used in the process of making MS media |
Household bleach | Clorox | Regular-Bleach2 | Chemical used in the process of creating chlorine gas and liquid sterliziation |
MES hydrate | Sigma-Aldrich | M2933 | Chemical used in the process of making MS media |
Micropore surgical tape | 3M | 1530-1 | Microporous surgical paper tape used to seal MS plates |
Murashige and Skoog basal salt mixture (MS) | Sigma-Aldrich | M5524 | Chemical used in the process of making MS media |
Parafilm M | Bemis Company | #PM996 | Parraffin film used to seal sterilization container |
Petri dish 100 X 15 mm | Fisher Scientific | FB0875713 | Petri dishes in which MS media is poured for the purpose of growing Arabidopsis thaliana |
pH indicator strips | Whatman | 2613991 | Used to check pH of neutralizied chlorine and sodium bicarbonate solution |
Phytoagar | Fisher Scientific | 50-255-212 | Used to aid in the suspension of Arabidopsis seeds in the process of plating seeds |
Sodium bicarbonate | Sigma-Aldrich | S5761 | Chemical used in the process of neutralizing chlorine gas reaction |
Sucrose | Sigma-Aldrich | S0389 | Chemical used in the process of making MS media |
Tween 20 | Fisher BioReagents | BP337-100 | Chemical used in the process of liquid sterilization |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | CS70000 (Col-0) | Arabidopsis wild-type seeds |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_037606C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_041402C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_059101C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_063470C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_072048C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_072240C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_081989C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_084124C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_085049C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_089717C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_107354C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_110111C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_111322C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_113109C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_114702C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_114872C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_115657C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_116803C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_039445C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_039782C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_043037C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_045828C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_048556C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_049514C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_049725C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_080816C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_081176C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_081770C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_082262C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_082289C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_082702C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_083630C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_084635C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_085337C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_085656C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_093049C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_103332C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_105336C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_105704C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_106388C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_109575C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_110580C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_110617C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_111424C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_111584C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_112097C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_113339C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_115837C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 2 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_019535C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 3 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_026478C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 3 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_046565C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 3 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_049258C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 3 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_049339C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 3 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_056307C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 3 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_081292C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 3 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_081597C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 3 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_083488C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 3 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_110573C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 3 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_112793C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 3 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_113658C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 3 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_113904C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 3 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_114673C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 3 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_114709C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 3 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_115455C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 3 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_013186C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 4 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_018261C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 4 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_062509C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 4 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_080639C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 4 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_088586C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 4 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_096651C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 4 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_106900C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 4 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_110131C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 4 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_111051C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 4 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_111245C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 4 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_113223C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 4 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_121391C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 4 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_125097C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 4 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_201905C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 4 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_210001C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 4 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_000662C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 5 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_029335C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 5 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_047760C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 5 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_071275C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 5 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_080530C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 5 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_103881C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 5 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_110864C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 5 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_120294C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 5 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_124390C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 5 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_132808C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 5 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_137036C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 5 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_139519C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 5 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_140643C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 5 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_142288C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 5 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_143304C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 5 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_147597C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 5 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_209076C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Group 5 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_081081C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Groups 5 and 1 |
Arabidopsis thaliana seeds | ABRC; order through TAIR www.arabidopsis.org | SALK_107487C | Arabidopsis seeds used in testing as a part of Groups 5 and 2 |