

Published: February 04, 2017


This article describes a method for studying cellular metabolism in complex communities of multiple cell types, using a combination of stable isotope tracing, cell sorting to isolate specific cell types, and mass spectrometry.


Mammalian cell types exhibit specialized metabolism, and there is ample evidence that various co-existing cell types engage in metabolic cooperation. Moreover, even cultures of a single cell type may contain cells in distinct metabolic states, such as resting or cycling cells. Methods for measuring metabolic activities of such subpopulations are valuable tools for understanding cellular metabolism. Complex cell populations are most commonly separated using a cell sorter, and subpopulations isolated by this method can be analyzed by metabolomics methods. However, a problem with this approach is that the cell sorting procedure subjects cells to stresses that may distort their metabolism.

To overcome these issues, we reasoned that the mass isotopomer distributions (MIDs) of metabolites from cells cultured with stable isotope-labeled nutrients are likely to be more stable than absolute metabolite concentrations, because MIDs are formed over longer time scales and should be less affected by short-term exposure to cell sorting conditions. Here, we describe a method based on this principle, combining cell sorting with liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS). The procedure involves analyzing three types of samples: (1) metabolite extracts obtained directly from the complex population; (2) extracts of “mock sorted” cells passed through the cell sorter instrument without gating any specific population; and (3) extracts of the actual sorted populations. The mock sorted cells are compared against direct extraction to verify that MIDs are indeed not altered by the cell sorting procedure itself, prior to analyzing the actual sorted populations. We show example results from HeLa cells sorted according to cell cycle phase, revealing changes in nucleotide metabolism.


高等生物包含协作带来更复杂的功能不同的细胞类型的复杂的社区。例如,肿瘤不仅含有癌细胞,而且成纤维细胞,在构成血管,并经常免疫细胞浸润1细胞;血液中含有数十免疫细胞亚型2的复杂混合物;甚至培养的细胞系可以由多个亚群,如管腔和乳腺癌细胞3的基底亚型。此外,不同的细胞类型共存能够表现出代谢“合作”。例如,在大脑中,星形胶质细胞被认为是葡萄糖转化为乳酸,然后将其“喂”到氧化该衬底4的神经元; T淋巴细胞是在一些依赖于相邻的树突细胞作为半胱氨酸5的源上下文;和癌细胞可能与阿索协作肿瘤6 ciated成纤维细胞。为了理解这种系统的代谢行为,至关重要的是,以分离和测量存在于各种细胞类型的代谢活动。




1.提取代谢物 从盘中提取 在稳定同位素标记的培养基+透析补充剂(血清或其他生长补充剂)一式三份一6孔板培养细胞直至细胞成为75%汇合。 注意:在此培养HeLa细胞在RPMI 48小时含有40%U- 13 C-葡萄糖和70%U- 13 C,15 N 2 -谷氨酰胺和5%透析的FBS(胎牛血清)。透析FBS用来摆脱可能污染标记的媒体小分子量代谢产物。培养在之前的实际实验透?…

Representative Results

作为一个例子,在这里,我们描述了一种实验调查HeLa细胞根据细胞周期相排序的代谢。要标记范围广两个碳原子和氮代谢的中心,我们培养的细胞用U- 13 C葡萄糖和U- 13 C,15 N谷氨酰胺作为示踪剂48小时。要获取验证实验丰富移动互联网设备,我们在这里选择了40%的U- 13 C葡萄糖和70%U- 13 C,15 N2谷氨酰胺混合后作为同位素?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors would like to thank Dr. Anas Kamleh for valuable help with optimizing mass spectrometry methods, and Annika von Vollenhoven for assistance with cell sorting. This research was supported by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (grant no. FFL12-0220) and the Strategic Programme in Cancer Research (IR, RN); the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation (CEW, HG); and Mary Kay Foundation (JW, MJ).


HBSS Sigma H6648
INFLUX (inFlux v7 Sorter) BD Biosciences
U-13C-Glucose Cambridge isotopes 40762-22-9 / GLC-018
U-13C,15N2-Glutamine Cambridge isotopes CNLM-1275-H-0.1
Methanol (JT Baker), HPLC grade VWR BAKR8402.2500
Ultrafree – MC – VV centrifugal Filters. Durapore PVDF 0.1 µm Millipore UFC30VV00
Ultimate 3,000 UHPLC Thermo Fisher scientific
Q-Exactive Orbitrap Mass spectrometer Thermo Fisher scientific
Merk-Sequant ZIC HILIC column (150 mm x 4.6 mm, 5 µm) Merck KGaA 1.50444.0001
Merk-Sequant ZIC HILIC guard column (20×2.1 mm) Merck KGaA
Acetonitrile Optima LC-MS, amber glass Fisher Scientific A955-212
Milli-Q water Millipore Produced with a Milli-Q Gradient system
MYRSYRA 99.5% OPTIMA (Formic acid) Fisher Scientific 11423423
X100 Screw Vial 1.5ml, 8-425 32×11.6mm,amber, 100 units Thermo Fisher scientific 10560053
X100 LOCK SKRUV VITT PTFE PACKNING 8-425 (Screw caps) Thermo Fisher scientific 12458636
ProteoMass LTQ/FT-Hybrid ESI Pos. Mode Cal Mix Sigma-Aldrich MSCAL5 Calibration kit
SNAKESKIN 10K MWCO  Thermo Fisher scientific 88245
Mathematica v.10  Wolfram Research


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Roci, I., Gallart-Ayala, H., Watrous, J., Jain, M., Wheelock, C. E., Nilsson, R. A Method for Measuring Metabolism in Sorted Subpopulations of Complex Cell Communities Using Stable Isotope Tracing. J. Vis. Exp. (120), e55011, doi:10.3791/55011 (2017).

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