

Published: August 12, 2016


The authors introduce a method for manipulating blood glucose and measuring resulting changes in cognitive accessibility of target words using a lexical decision task.


Much research in social psychology has investigated the impact of bodily energy need on cognition and decision-making. As such, blood glucose, the body’s primary energy source, has been of special interest to researchers for years. Fluctuations in blood glucose have been linked to a variety of changes in cognitive and behavioral processes, such as self-control, political attitudes, and eating behavior. To help meet growing interest in the links between bodily energy need and these processes, this manuscript offers a simple methodology to experimentally manipulate blood glucose using a fasting procedure followed by administration of a sugar-sweetened, unsweetened, or artificially-sweetened beverage. This is followed by presentation of a method for measuring resulting changes in implicit cognition using a lexical decision-task. In this task, participants are asked to identify whether strings of letters are words or non-words and response latencies are recorded. Sample results from a recent publication are presented as an example of the applications for the experimental manipulation of blood glucose and the lexical decision task measures.



近几十年来,对人的心理血糖波动的影响研究也成为社会心理学11-13领域感兴趣的话题。 在血糖波动都与情绪变化14,动机<SUP> 15,自我控制11-13,态度16,17,18的偏见,以及在决策消费19,20,21和金融领域的变化22。由于这些结果超越了各种各样的因变量,对血糖在决策中的作用的信息是明确的:血糖能量大脑的关键形式,而枯竭血糖导致认知重要的变化和自律11,13,15。


所描述的血糖操纵任务涉及8小时禁食时期之后是热量或无热量的饮料22的定向消耗。禁食八小时后,参与者随机分配至消耗EIT她含糖饮料或水。这种方法还允许通过非热量甜味剂( 例如阿斯巴甜,三氯蔗糖),其味道甜像传统的热量甜味剂产生的任何独特的效果进行测试,但不包含提高血糖水平20,22,25所需的糖。如果感兴趣的非calorically甜饮料的影响,这个任务包括其中参与者消耗“零热量”饮料可选, 第三主体间的条件。当前的方法已经在多个社交心理范式12,18,22成功应用,并提供一个更短的方式来测试用于在自我调节不是像糖耐量试验26以前使用的措施中的血糖变化的影响。

作者还对评估目标的话,还是观念认知的可访问性,使用词汇判断27,28提供一个过程。在这个TASK,字母串和单词是通过计算机呈现在速射格式,通常分为几个不同的概念范畴(中所描述的研究中,类别是:高脂肪食物的话,低脂肪的食物的话,非字)。参与者被要求迅速识别(通常是通过按键)的字母( fhens。比萨饼)的字符串是否是一个字或一个不字。反应速度快,参与者正确识别每个概念​​类别字母串测量相对容易地参与者能够在精神上处理该概念类的话。更快的反应意味着一个概念是“在别人的头脑”24,29,30精神上更接近,因此。因此,词汇判断任务使有用因变量,并且还可以用来作为有效的操作检查,以测量是否最近底漆概念(见附图30,用于上吸的更多信息)确实是随后更cognitively访问会比在没有一个素数。虽然词汇判断任务,已在社会心理学已经使用了几十年29任务,目前手稿呈现给程序,链接到一个可编辑的程序模板27,文字的从作者的经验验证列表中的一些细微变化以前的工作,测量健康与非健康食品20认知无障碍。这是作者的希望,这两个程序的进一步调整将有助于导致创新社会心理学研究的领域,在饮食行为和能量调节的研究,并将促进相结合的视角和多学科的方法,进一步的比较研究。


伦理学声明:程序和涉及人类受试者的激励机制已经批准了在得克萨斯州基督教大学机构审查委员会(IRB)。 1.参赛者入选系数和招聘排除谁拥有敏感的糖或其他任何健康状况,这样的损害糖代谢调节糖尿病或其他疾病的人,那将是因为能够安全地消耗加糖或人造甜味饮料阻止他们。排除参与者与身体质量指数(BMI)30,如肥胖与能量失调31相关联。 注意…

Representative Results

参与者上述方法是在希尔和他的同事在20一个中等规模的,在美国南部私立大学运行研究实施。在大学本科人口提供的主题样品和学员获得了部分课程学分作为参与研究的补偿。使用当前稿件协议中列出的具体方法,作者通过血糖操作步骤接着一个词汇决策任务运行的参与者( 见表1使用了大约饮品信息)?…



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The authors have nothing to disclose.




Survey Building Software Qualtrics Qualtrics Research Suite Alternative survey building softwares / applications include Survey Monkey, Google Forms, Media Lab, and Inquisit software.
Behavioral Task Software (for lexical decision task) Inquisit Inquisit 4 Lab ( Alternative behavioral task softwares / applications include Media Lab / Direct RT or programming the task into an internet browser using a programming language of your choice (such as java).
Batch File  Microsoft  Microsoft Notepad; Windows
Lexical Decision Task Template Millisecond Millisecond survey library, cited template author is linked on page Can build a lexical decision task by hand in other behavioral task softwares.
Participant Scheduling and Compensation Software SONA systems SONA systems scheduling software Appointments can be arranged manually, too.
Statistical Analysis Software IBM IBM SPSS Statistics Standard, 22 Alternate softwares include SAS and R.
Blood glucose manipulating beverege paradigm Coca Cola  Sprite, Sprite Zero, Sparkling water Can use any store brand sugary beverage, non calorically sweetened beverage, and sparkling water beverage, as long as beverages are not easily discernable from each other by sight. 
Lancet Assure Assure Lanets 23 gauge Many brands of testing lancets available both online and at local pharmacies.
Blood glucose testing meter Bayer's Breeze 2 Many brands of testing meters available both online and at local pharmacies.
Blood glucose testing strips Bayer's Breeze 2 Many brands of testing strips available both online and at local pharmacies, but they must be compatible with your chosen meter.
 Nitrile exam gloves (400 count) Kirkland Kirkland Signature Nitrile Exam Gloves Any medical grade exam glove that provides sufficient protection from blood exposure can be used.
Disinfecting wipes Lysol Lysol Disinfecting Wipes Lemon Scent Any wipe that can kill off any bloodborne or contact born contaminants.


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Prokosch, M. L., Hill, S. E. A Method for Manipulating Blood Glucose and Measuring Resulting Changes in Cognitive Accessibility of Target Stimuli. J. Vis. Exp. (114), e54211, doi:10.3791/54211 (2016).

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