
Initiëren Differentiatie in Onsterfelijk Multipotent Otic Progenitor Cellen

Published: January 02, 2016


The current protocols to maintain immortalized multipotent otic progenitor (iMOP) cells and otic differentiation are described. Culture conditions and molecular markers that indicate differentiation into sensory epithelia and spiral ganglion neurons (SGN) are highlighted.


Use of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) or embryonic stem cells (ESC) for cell replacement therapies holds great promise. Several limitations including low yields and heterogeneous populations of differentiated cells hinder the progress of stem cell therapies. A fate restricted immortalized multipotent otic progenitor (iMOP) cell line was generated to facilitate efficient differentiation of large numbers of functional hair cells and spiral ganglion neurons (SGN) for inner ear cell replacement therapies. Starting from dissociated cultures of single iMOP cells, protocols that promote cell cycle exit and differentiation by basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) withdrawal were described. A significant decrease in proliferating cells after bFGF withdrawal was confirmed using an EdU cell proliferation assay. Concomitant with a decrease in proliferation, successful differentiation resulted in expression of molecular markers and morphological changes. Immunostaining of Cdkn1b (p27KIP) and Cdh1 (E-cadherin) in iMOP-derived otospheres was used as an indicator for differentiation into inner ear sensory epithelia while immunostaining of Cdkn1b and Tubb3 (neuronal β-tubulin) was used to identify iMOP-derived neurons. Use of iMOP cells provides an important tool for understanding cell fate decisions made by inner ear neurosensory progenitors and will help develop protocols for generating large numbers of iPSC or ESC-derived hair cells and SGNs. These methods will accelerate efforts for generating otic cells for replacement therapies.


The organs of the inner ear, the cochlea, utricle, saccule and three semicircular canals, mediate the ability to hear and balance. Within the cochlea, hair cells convert sounds into electrical signals that are relayed to the spiral ganglion neurons (SGN). The SGNs fire action potentials to propagate neural signals through the auditory circuit. Genetic mutations, ototoxic drugs and exposure to loud sounds contribute to hair cell and SGN death that result in hearing loss1-4. Once lost, these cells are not replaced. Use of iPSC and ESC to generate nascent hair cells or SGNs holds great promise for inner ear cell replacement therapies5-8. A flurry of progress has shown that pluripotent stem cells and inner ear derived progenitors can differentiate into hair cells and SGNs at various stages of maturity. Mammalian embryonic stem cells (ESC) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) can be used to generate functional hair cells and SGNs9-11. Stem cells and progenitor cells derived from the mammalian inner ear have also been shown to form hair cells and neurons with properties of their in vivo cellular counterparts12-16.

Use of iPSC or ESC-derived otic progenitors to replace lost hair cells and SGNs requires efficient differentiation. Improper differentiation or continued proliferation of engrafted stem-derived progenitors in the inner ear can exacerbate inner ear function and pose a tumorigenic risk such as teratomas formation in the inner ear17. There is a clear need for developing culture conditions and understanding differentiation of otic progenitors. One strategy in developing these methods is to recapitulate cell fate decisions made by neurosensory progenitors during inner ear development. Protocols that prevent proliferation and direct otic progenitors into hair cells or SGNs will help improve safety as well as efficacy of replacement therapies.

During development, the inner ear begins with the thickening of surface ectoderm in a restricted region between rhombomeres 5 and 6 to become the otic placode. As the otic placode invaginates to form an otic cup, a collection of cells in the anterior region of the otic cup gives rise to the neural-sensory-competent domain (NSD), which contains precursors of hair cells and neurons of the inner ear18. Fate mapping studies from mouse, chicken and zebrafish developing inner ear suggest multiple populations of neurosensory progenitors that give rise to the sensory hair cells, surrounding supporting cells and otic neurons19-22. The high mobility group transcription factor, Sox2, has been implicated in sensory cell specification and used as a marker for inner ear progenitors23,24. Hypomorphic mutations that decrease Sox2 expression levels in the inner ear result in the loss of the hair cells, supporting cells and SGNs in the cochlea25,26.

To study otic progenitor cells undergoing cell fate decisions, a fate restricted immortalized multipotent otic progenitor (iMOP) cell line from Sox2 expressing cochlear progenitors was previously established. iMOP cells were originally derived from embryonic E12.5-13.5 cochlea and infected with a c-Myc retrovirus27. iMOP cells can continually proliferate as colony forming cells known as otospheres and have the capacity to differentiate into hair cells, supporting cells and SGNs27. Understanding the capacity of iMOP cells to differentiate into distinct otic lineages allows application of these findings to efficiently generate iPSC or ESC-derived hair cells and SGNs. Efficient differentiation protocols will open new avenues for cell replacement therapies of inner ear diseases that are recalcitrant to conventional treatments. A crucial issue in generating otic cells by in vitro cell culture is to have differentiation markers that help determine if cells are undergoing differentiating. Cdkn1b (p27KIP) has been extensively used as an early marker for differentiation in developing inner ear, however, expression of Cdkn1b in iMOP cells and how it correlates to differentiation has not been addressed. In this study, the current culture conditions and how Cdkn1b expression correlates to other markers of iMOP differentiation are described.


1. Behoud van Self-vernieuwing in IMOP Cellen Bereid iMOP cultuur media: DMEM / F12, 1X B27 supplement, 25 ug / ml carbenecillin en 20 ng / ml bFGF. Maak 50 ml iMOP voedingsbodems met steriele reagentia. Warmen 49 ml DMEM / F12 in een 50 ml conische in een 37 ° C waterbad. Ontdooi 50X B27 supplement en filter gesteriliseerd 100 mg / ml carbenecillin porties gedurende 5 min in een 37 ° C waterbad. Ontdooien 100 ug / ml bFGF portie bij kamertemperatuur. Voeg 1 ml 50X B27, 10 pi 100 pg / ml bFGF en 12…

Representative Results

bFGF Intrekking Verlaagt Proliferatie in IMOP Cellen Om het proliferatieve vermogen van cellen iMOP verminderen en leiden iMOP differentiatie van cellen, werd bFGF uit de kweken genomen. Om te bevestigen dat groeifactor terugtrekking vermindert proliferatie, werd Edu incorporatie werkzaam als proliferatietest. Het percentage cellen die EDE overgenomen uit otospheres gekweekt met iMOP kweekmedia (bevattende bFG…


Monitoring IMOP Cultures

Een protocol voor het handhaven zelfvernieuwing en differentiatie bevorderen van een nieuw iMOP cellijn wordt beschreven en aanvullende plating formaten worden opgenomen (tabel 1). Verschillende kritische stappen die helpen met routine expansie en differentiatie van iMOP cellen worden genoteerd. Vergelijkbaar met pluripotente stamcellen culturen, iMOP cellen hebben in theorie een onbeperkte levensduur. Opdat cellijnen goed worden ond…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The work was supported in part by the Duncan and Nancy MacMillan Faculty Development Chair Endowment Fund (K.Y.K.), Busch Biomedical Research Grant (K.Y.K.) and the Rutgers Faculty Development Grant (K.Y.K.).


CoolCell LX Alcohol-Free Cell Freezing Containers BioCision BCS-405
Cryogenic Vials (2 ml)  Corning 430654
1.5 Thickness Glass Coverslip (Round 12 mm) Electron Microscopy Sciences 72230-01
DMEM/F12 Life Technologies 11320-082
Neurobasal Medium Life Technologies 21103
Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) pH 7.4 Life Technologies 10010-023
Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) Life Technologies 14025-092
B27 Supplement (50X) Serum Free Life Technologies 17504-044 Stored as 1 ml aliquots
L-Glutamine(200 mM)  Life Technologies 25030-081 Stored as 5 ml aliquots
Natural Mouse Laminin Life Technologies 23017-015 Stored as 1 mg/ml aliquots
Click-iT EdU Alexa Fluor 488  Life Technologies C10337
Synth-A-Freeze Cryopreservation Media Life Technologies A12542-01
Prolong Gold Antifade Mountant Life Technologies 47743-736 Stored as 10 mg/ml 100 µl aliquots
Moxi Z Mini Automated Cell Counter Orflo  MXZ001
Moxi Z Cassette Type S Orflo  MXC002
Recombinant Murine Fibroblast Growth Factor, basic (bFGF) Peprotech 450-33 Resuspended in 0.1% BSA in H20 and stored as 20 mg/ml aliquots
Poly-D-Lysine Sigma P7886 Resuspended in 1X PBS and stored as 10 mg/ml 100 µl aliquots
Carbenicillin, Disodium Salt Thermo Fisher Scientific BP2648-1 Resuspended in 10mM Hepes pH 7.4 and stored as 100 mg/ml aliquots
5 ml pipet individually wrapped paperback (200/case) Thermo Fisher Scientific 1367811D
10 ml pipet individually wrapped paperback (200/case) Thermo Fisher Scientific 1367811E
Tissue Culture Treated Biolite 24 -Well Plate Thermo Fisher Scientific 130188
Tissue Culture Treated Biolite 6 -Well Plate Thermo Fisher Scientific 130184 
Tissue Culture Treated 6 cm Dish Thermo Fisher Scientific 130181 
EMD Millipore Millex Sterile Syringe PVDF Filter Pore size: 0.22μm Thermo Fisher Scientific SLGV033RS
TipOne filter pipet tips 0.1-10 ul elongated filter tip USA Scientific 1120-3810
TipOne filter pipet tips 1-20 ul filter tip USA Scientific 1120-1810
TipOne filter pipet tips 1-200 ul  filter tip USA Scientific 1120-8810
TipOne filter pipet tips 101-1000 ul filter tip USA Scientific 1126-7810
15 ml conical tubes sterile 20 bags of 25 tubes (500 tubes) USA Scientific 1475-0511
50 ml conical tubes sterile 20 bags of 25 tubes (500 tubes) USA Scientific 1500-1211


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Azadeh, J., Song, Z., Laureano, A. S., Toro-Ramos, A., Kwan, K. Initiating Differentiation in Immortalized Multipotent Otic Progenitor Cells. J. Vis. Exp. (107), e53692, doi:10.3791/53692 (2016).

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