
Taking Advantage of Reduced Droplet-surface Interaction to Optimize Transport of Bioanalytes in Digital Microfluidics

Published: November 10, 2014


The protocol for fabrication and operation of field dewetting devices (Field-DW) is described, as well as the preliminary studies of the effects of electric fields on droplet contents.


Digital microfluidics (DMF), a technique for manipulation of droplets, is a promising alternative for the development of “lab-on-a-chip” platforms. Often, droplet motion relies on the wetting of a surface, directly associated with the application of an electric field; surface interactions, however, make motion dependent on droplet contents, limiting the breadth of applications of the technique.

Some alternatives have been presented to minimize this dependence. However, they rely on the addition of extra chemical species to the droplet or its surroundings, which could potentially interact with droplet moieties. Addressing this challenge, our group recently developed Field-DW devices to allow the transport of cells and proteins in DMF, without extra additives.

Here, the protocol for device fabrication and operation is provided, including the electronic interface for motion control. We also continue the studies with the devices, showing that multicellular, relatively large, model organisms can also be transported, arguably unaffected by the electric fields required for device operation.


The miniaturization of devices that work with liquids is of paramount importance for the development of “lab-on-a-chip” platforms. In this direction, the last two decades have witnessed a significant progress in the field of microfluidics, with a variety of applications.1-5 Contrasting with the transport of fluid in enclosed channels (channel microfluidics), DMF manipulates droplets on arrays of electrodes. One of the most attractive merits of this technique is the absence of movable parts to transport fluids, and motion is instantly stopped by turning off electric signals.

However, droplet motion is dependent on droplet contents, certainly an undesirable characteristic for a universal “lab-on-a-chip” platform. Droplets containing proteins and other analytes stick to device surfaces, becoming unmovable. Arguably, this has been the major limitation for broadening the scope of DMF applications;6-8 alternatives to minimize the unwanted surface fouling involve the addition of extra chemical species to the droplet or its surroundings, which could potentially affect droplet content.

Previously, our group developed a device to allow the transport of cells and proteins in DMF, without extra additives (Field-DW devices).9 This was achieved by combining a surface based on candle soot,10 with a device geometry that favors droplet rolling and leads to an upward force on the droplet, further decreasing droplet-surface interaction. In this approach, droplet motion is not associated with surface wetting.11

The goal of the detailed method described below is to produce a DMF device capable of transporting droplets containing proteins, cells, and entire organisms, without extra additives. The Field-DW devices pave the way for fully controlled platforms working largely independently of droplet chemistry.

Here, we also present simulations showing that, despite the high voltage required for device operation, the voltage drop across the droplet is a small fraction of the applied voltage, indicating negligible effects on bioanalytes inside the droplet. In fact, preliminary tests with Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), a nematode used for a variety of studies in biology, show that worms swim undisturbed as voltages are applied.


NOTE: In the procedures described below, laboratory safety guidelines must always be followed. Of particular importance is the safety when dealing with high voltage (> 500 V) and handling chemicals. 1. Coating of a Conductive Substrate with Candle Soot Cut copper metal into rectangles (75 x 43 mm, 0.5 mm thick). Clean each copper substrate by immersion in copper etchant for about 30 sec, wash with tap water for about 20 sec, and dry with paper. NOTE: If using Method 1 be…

Representative Results

Previously, we have used Field-DW devices to allow the motion of proteins in DMF. In particular, droplets with bovine serum albumin (BSA) could be moved at a concentration 2,000 times higher than previously reported by other authors (without additives). This was due to the reduced interaction between droplet and surface; Figure 4 shows a droplet containing fluorescently-tagged BSA (see Freire et al.9 for more information on the experiments). The first picture on the left shows the dro…


The most critical step of the protocol is the protection of the soot layer, directly associated with the success in moving droplets. Metallizing the soot layer (method 1 above) allows close to 100% of fabrication success. However, the maximum operation time is about 10 min; possibly, droplet fractions are wetting the soot through holes in the metal layer. Coating the soot layer with the fluorinated liquid is the easiest and fastest alternative, and requires minimum resources, but only 40–50% of the fabricated subst…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We thank the Lindback Foundation for financial support, and Dr. Alexander Sidorenko and Elza Chu for fruitful discussions and technical assistance, and Professor Robert Smith for assistance with the C. elegans assays.


Name of Material/ Equipment Company Catalog Number Comments/Description
Paraffin candle Any paraffin candle
Sputtering system Denton Vacuum, Moorestown, NJ Sputter coater Desk V HP equipped with an Au target. 
1-dodecanethiol Sigma-Aldrich 471364
Teflon Dupont AF-1600
Fluorinert FC-40 Sigma-Aldrich F9755 Fluorinated liquid: Prepare Teflon-AF resin in Fluorinert FC-40, 1:100 (w/w), to create the hydrophobic coating.
Graphic design software -Adobe Illustrator Adobe Systems Other softwares might be used as well.
Copper laminate Dupont LF9110
Laser Printer Xerox Phaser 6360 or similar Check for the compatibility with "rich black" or "registration black" (see text).
Copper Etchant Transene CE-100
Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA) film McMaster-Carr 84955K22
Breadboard Allied Electronics 70012450 or similar Large enough to allow the assemble of 10 drivers.
Universal circuit board Allied Electronics 70219535 or similar
Connector Allied Electronics 5145154-8 or similar
Control board and control program (LabView software) National Instruments NI-6229 or similar
High-voltage amplifier Trek PZD700
Resistor R 27 kΩ, 1/4 W Allied  2964762
Capacitors C and C1, 100 nF, 60 V Allied  8817183
Transistor T, NPN Allied  9350289
Diode D, 1N4007 Allied  2660007
Relay  Allied  8862527
Visualization system Edmund Optics VZM 200i or similar System magnification 24X- 96X. It is combined with a Hitachi KP-D20B 1/2 in CCD Color Camera.
Recorder Sony GV-D1000 NTSC or similar It is connected to the camera by an S-video cable.
Simulations COMSOL Multiphysics V. 4.4


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Freire, S. L. S., Thorne, N., Wutkowski, M., Dao, S. Taking Advantage of Reduced Droplet-surface Interaction to Optimize Transport of Bioanalytes in Digital Microfluidics. J. Vis. Exp. (93), e52091, doi:10.3791/52091 (2014).

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