

Published: September 15, 2014


Here we demonstrate a technique for widespread neuronal transduction by intraventricular injection of adeno-associated virus into the neonatal mouse brain. This method provides a rapid and easy way to attain lifelong expression of virally-delivered transgenes.




传统的方法用于修改神经基因表达需要耗时和昂贵的种系操作。另一种从头方法,如在子宫内电穿孔或立体定位慢病毒注射液产生更快的结果,而且成本较低,但有需要复杂的外科手术1-3的劣势。此外,转基因表达具有有限的空间范围使用这些方法。在此,我们通过脑室注射腺相关病毒(AAV)到新生小鼠大脑描述了一种快速,简便,经济的方法进行广泛的神经元处理。该方法最初是由约翰·沃尔夫和Marco Passini于2001年,在那里他们建议的小粒径的AAV允许它在脑脊髓液中的扩散,因为它从侧脑室穿过未成熟的室管膜屏障并进入脑实质4描述的, 5。脑室注射腺相关病毒的F内IRST的出生国债收益率神经亚群跨越大脑的各个区域,从嗅球脑干6,7普遍病毒转导后24小时。病毒交付的转基因表达,并在注射几天活跃,持续长达一年后转。因此,这种多功能的操作使研究从出生后早期大脑发育到衰老和退变的成人。



执行所有的程序和涉及动物按照健康指南全国学院为护理实验动物的使用和协议。这里所描述的程序进行审查和批准医学实验动物管理和使用委员会的贝勒大学。 在啮齿类动物的脑转基因传送无法复制的腺相关病毒(AAV)载体被批准用于生物安全等级1的使用。请参阅疾病预防控制中心网站,美国政府出版的“生物安全微生物和生物医学实验室(BMBL)”,详细介绍关于妥善保…

Representative Results

成功脑室病毒注射液产量普遍和强大的神经元表达。在这里,我们评估病毒转导使用YFP或鸡β肌动蛋白启动子(CBA子)的控制下tdTomato荧光基因。这些构建体包装到AAV8和注入新生(P0),ICR小鼠的侧脑室。高病毒效价(每半球10 10个粒子)导致致密标签嗅球,纹状体,皮层,海马和小脑( 图1A,左)。标签也是在小脑浦肯野神经元明显,但小脑颗粒神经元的尚未出现大量的P0明?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


This research was supported by the Robert A. and Rene E. Belfer Family Foundation, NIA R21 AG038856 (JLJ), BrightFocus Foundation Alzheimer’s Disease research grant A2010097 (JLJ), and NIA Biology of Aging Training grant T32 AG000183 (support for SDG).


Name of Material/ Equipment Company Catalog Number Comments/Description
ICR outbred mice Harlan Hsd:ICR (CD-1) This strain is also known as CD-1
FVB inbred mice The Jackson Laboratory 1800 5-6 weeks of age
Nestlets Lab Supply NESTLETS
Shepherd shacks Lab Supply SS-mouse
High fat rodent chow Purina Mills PicoLab Mouse diet 20, #5058 This is our standard breeder chow
High fat rodent chow (alternative) Harlan Laboratories Teklad Global 19% protein rodent diet #2019S If low phytoestrogen, autoclavable diet is needed
Injection syringe Hamilton 7653-01 10 ml syringe
Injection needles Hamilton 7803-04, RN 6PK PT4 32 gauge, for standard P0 injections
Metal plate for cryoanesthesia McMaster Carr 8975K439 Raw aluminum plate, 6” x 12”, 0.25” thick, will need to be cut into 3 equal pieces and edges sanded by local machine shop
Small animal stereotaxic device with digital readout David Kopf Instruments Model 940
Universal syringe holder with needle support foot David Kopf Instruments Model 1772-F1
Neonatal frame Stoelting 51625 Officially called a mouse and neonatal rat adaptor
Biohazard disposal bags with sterile indicator VWR 14220-030 Important! – Check with local veterinary and environmental safety staff to learn your institute’s protocol for biohazard waste disposal


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Kim, J., Grunke, S. D., Levites, Y., Golde, T. E., Jankowsky, J. L. Intracerebroventricular Viral Injection of the Neonatal Mouse Brain for Persistent and Widespread Neuronal Transduction. J. Vis. Exp. (91), e51863, doi:10.3791/51863 (2014).

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