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Control Systems

JoVE Core
Electrical Engineering
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JoVE Core Electrical Engineering
Control Systems



Control systems influence many applications, from space shuttles to automated manufacturing. They exist naturally, such as our body's blood sugar regulation and heart rate adjustments during stress. These systems consist of subsystems and processes producing specific outputs from given inputs. Consider an elevator: A passenger pressing a button initiates an input to the control system, directing it to the desired floor. The system's performance, indicated by the elevator's speed and ride smoothness, is measured using transient response, the system's reaction to changes, and steady-state error, the disparity between the actual and desired output. Controlled variables are measured and regulated; control signals guide these changes. Plants are the physical objects being controlled, and processes are the operations under control. Systems combine components for a goal, and disturbances affect output. Feedback control maintains balance by reducing output-reference differences.


Control Systems

Control systems are everywhere in contemporary society, influencing diverse applications from aerospace to automated manufacturing. These systems can be found naturally within biological processes, such as blood sugar regulation and heart rate adjustment in response to stress, as well as in man-made systems like elevators and automated vehicles. A control system is essentially a network of subsystems and processes that collaboratively convert specific inputs into desired outputs.

At the heart of any control system are several key components: the controlled variable, control signal, plants, processes, systems, disturbances, and feedback control mechanisms. The controlled variable is the parameter that the system aims to regulate. The control signal is the directive sent to the system to effect changes in the controlled variable. Plants refer to the physical entities being managed within the system, such as machinery in a factory or the human heart in a biological context. Processes encompass the operations that occur within the plant, driving it towards the desired outcome. The system itself is a structured assembly of components working towards a specific objective. Disturbances are external factors that can influence the system's performance by causing deviations from the desired output. Feedback control plays a crucial role by continuously monitoring the system's output and making necessary adjustments to minimize the difference between the actual output and the reference input.

Consider the example of an elevator. When a passenger presses a button, this action serves as an input to the control system, which then processes this input and directs the elevator to the designated floor. The performance of the elevator system is evaluated using two main criteria: transient response and steady-state error.

Transient response is the system's reaction to changes, such as the initial movement of the elevator when a button is pressed. Steady-state error is the difference between the actual position of the elevator and the desired position once the system has settled and is stable. The smoothness of the elevator ride and its speed are indicators of the system's efficiency and accuracy.

Feedback control is an essential aspect of modern control systems. It ensures that the output remains consistent with the desired input despite any disturbances. It functions by comparing the actual output with the reference input and making real-time adjustments to reduce any discrepancies. This self-correcting mechanism is crucial for maintaining stability and achieving precise control in natural and engineered systems.

By understanding and optimizing these components, control engineers can design systems that are robust, efficient, and capable of performing complex tasks with high precision. This understanding is foundational to advancements in numerous fields, from healthcare to industrial automation, highlighting the integral role of control systems in modern technology.