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Voltage Doubler Circuit

JoVE Core
Electrical Engineering
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JoVE Core Electrical Engineering
Voltage Doubler Circuit



Consider a voltage doubler circuit composed of two consecutive sections: a clamping section and a rectifier section.

The clamping section comprises a capacitor C1 and a diode D1, while the rectifier section consists of a diode D2 and a capacitor C2.

When a sinusoidal input of specific amplitude is applied to the clamping section, it generates an output voltage waveform across the diode, assuming ideal diode behavior.

It clamps the positive peaks to zero volts while allowing the negative peak to reach a value twice the amplitude of the sinusoidal input.

The output waveform across the clamping section serves as an input to the rectifier section.

It generates a DC voltage across the capacitor C2, which equals twice the amplitude of the sinusoidal input.

As the output voltage is double the peak value of the input voltage, this circuit is known as a voltage doubler.

This technique can be extended to generate output voltages with higher multiples of the input sinusoid's amplitude.

Voltage doublers are used in various applications, including scientific equipment, signal processing, and DC to DC converters in electronic devices.


Voltage Doubler Circuit

A voltage doubler circuit integrates two main components: a clamping section and a rectifier section. The clamping section consists of a capacitor (C1) and a diode (D1), whereas the rectifier section is equipped with another diode (D2) and capacitor (C2). This circuit produces an output voltage with twice the amplitude of the sinusoidal input voltage.

Figure 1

The circuit begins to operate when a sinusoidal input is introduced to the clamping section. Under ideal conditions, this section outputs a voltage waveform across diode D1, effectively clamping the positive peaks at zero volts and permitting the negative peak to achieve a magnitude that is twice that of the sinusoidal input's amplitude. This transformed waveform from the clamping section, then feeds into the rectifier section. Here, a remarkable transformation occurs, yielding a DC voltage across capacitor C2. This voltage mirrors twice the amplitude of the initial sinusoidal input providing the doubling effect that gives the circuit its name and marks its primary function.

The principle behind the voltage doubler is not only confined to doubling but can also be adapted to multiply the input voltage by higher factors, broadening its application scope. Voltage doublers are pivotal in various fields, finding their usage in scientific instruments, enhancing signal processing techniques, and serving as essential components in DC-DC converters within numerous electronic gadgets. This capability to efficiently double the voltage makes the voltage doubler circuit a cornerstone in electronic design and application.