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Chromatography-based Biomolecule Purification Methods
  • 00:00Panoramica
  • 00:41Size-Exclusion Chromatography
  • 02:08Operation of Size-Exclusion Chromatography
  • 02:58Affinity Chromatography
  • 05:11Operation of Affinity Chromatography
  • 06:25Applications
  • 07:30Summary







“色谱”指的是广泛的方法用来隔离组件从一个复杂的混合物之前可以确定生物分子的性质和活动, 的一个重要步骤。每个色谱技术具有分离,根据样本矩阵和目标化合物的不同机制。这个视频将集中原则和操作的两种方法共同的生物化学: 和亲和尺寸排阻色谱法。

尺寸排阻色谱法或 SEC 基于样品中的化合物的大小。向与多孔材料的列添加包含样品流动相: 固定相。样品中的分子可分为三个类别 1。



在 1 到 2 个数量级的分子量范围内这些限制。在心目中,选择与此列或多列可以用于系列,如果预期的化合物种类繁多。






反向作用生物特异性洗脱剂与目标要绑定到粘配体竞争。第二种洗脱类型,非特异性洗脱,通过改变溶液的 ph 值、 离子强度、 或极性降低目标对配体结合。如果一种蛋白质没有绑定到可以固定的配体,可以包含一个”标签”表达蛋白: 短肽序列工程要绑定到的配体。


现在,您已经看到亲和色谱的原理,让我们看看在实验室 IMAC 过程。

在 IMAC,固定相可以直接添加到混合物的流动相和样品,允许他标记蛋白的绑定。这个浆然后倒入的列,地方非绑定化合物滴入废物,虽然浆。浆料容器冲洗才能收集树脂残留和样品,添加到列。


含咪唑的缓冲区是添加、 搅拌,和允许休息要解除绑定的靶分子。咪唑将绑定到金属,替换和释放标记的蛋白质。收集了被释放的蛋白质,和重复咪唑步骤以确保总的集合。要进一步净化样品,可以在样品分析前运行秒。


纯化目的蛋白的常见原因是研究及其在疾病中的作用。囊性纤维化是由囊性纤维化跨膜电导调节因子蛋白或 CFTR 缺陷引起的。成长与酵母中的他标记蛋白以后, 亲和性和尺寸排阻色谱法允许分离蛋白质,其次是其功能的研究。

在某些情况下,应运而生的标记的存在可以改变蛋白质的结构,从而影响其功能。另一个常见的标记是麦芽糖结合蛋白或 MBP,将绑定来绑定列中的直链淀粉。麦芽糖然后用于释放复杂。MBP 可以劈开然后删除与美国证交会产生纯所需的蛋白质。


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“Chromatography” refers to a wide range of methods used to isolate a component from a complex mixture, an essential step before a biomolecule’s properties and activities can be determined. Each chromatographic technique has a different mechanism for separation, depending on the sample matrix and target compound. This video will focus on the principles and operation of two methods common to biochemistry: size-exclusion and affinity chromatography.

Size-exclusion chromatography or SEC is based on the size of the compounds in the sample. A mobile phase containing the sample is added to a column with a porous material: the stationary phase. The molecules in the sample fall into 1 of 3 categories.

Molecules too large to enter the pores travel the shortest distance through the column. Any species with a molecular weight above this “exclusion limit” will exit the column at the same time. Molecules small enough to freely enter the pores will be retained the longest, and will exit the column together. The molecular weight allowing complete pore entry is the “permeation limit”.

Only molecules between these limits will be separated from one another, as they spend varying amounts of time diffusing into and out of the pores. Smaller molecules are retained longer on the column because they spend more time in the stationary phase, whereas larger molecules within these limits exit earlier.

Molecular weights across 1 to 2 orders of magnitude fall within these limits. Columns are chosen with this in mind, or multiple columns can be used in series if there is a wide range of desired compounds.

Now that you’ve seen the theory of SEC, let’s look at how it is carried out.

To begin the SEC procedure, the column must be equilibrated with deionized water and chromatography buffer. Once prepared, buffer containing the sample is injected onto the column. The buffer is then pushed through at a low flow rate. A detector monitors what exits the column to determine the presence of the desired analyte. Large molecules with molecular weights above the exclusion limit exit the column at the same time. Small fractions from the column are collected in tubes. Each fraction is tested for the quality of the target molecule by gel electrophoresis or other analytical techniques.

Now let’s have a look at affinity chromatography or AC, one of the most efficient ways to purify proteins. Many biomolecules bind selectively to certain ligands-a property which AC utilizes by adhering a target-specific ligand to the stationary phase.

When the mixture flows through the column, the target molecules attach to the ligand, and the rest flow through. After the mixture has passed through the column, the target molecule can be collected through one of two elution methods based on specificity.

Biospecific elution can be said to a have a “normal-” or “reverse-role”. In normal-role biospecific elution, an agent is added that competes with the adhered ligand to bind with the target biomolecule.

In reverse-role biospecific elution, an agent competes with the target to bind to the adhered ligand. The second elution type, nonspecific elution, lowers the target-to-ligand binding by changing the solution’s pH, ionic strength, or polarity. If a protein does not bind to a ligand that can be immobilized, the protein can be expressed containing a “tag”: short peptide sequences engineered to bind to the ligand.

One variety is immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography, “IMAC” for short, where an adhered metal ligand, like nickel or cobalt, binds to histidine residues on the modified protein. Through molecular biology techniques, target proteins are generated with repeating histidine residues, called a polyhistidine-tag, which binds to the metal via the imidazole side chain on histidine. Once bound, the protein can be collected with free imidazole via reverse-role specific elution and later used in a wide variety of downstream applications. Now that you’ve seen the theory of affinity chromatography, let’s look at an IMAC procedure in the laboratory.

In IMAC, the stationary phase can be added directly to the mixture of mobile phase and sample, allowing the binding of the his-tagged protein. This slurry is then poured into the column, where the non-bound compounds drip into waste, while the slurry remains. The slurry container is rinsed to collect residual resin and sample, which is added to the column.

The resin is stirred to ensure the unbound components are free-flowing. Added wash buffer helps flush them away. Once all of the unbound components have been removed, the waste is replaced with a container to collect the target protein.

Buffer containing imidazole is added, stirred, and allowed to rest to unbind the target molecule. The imidazole binds to the metal, replacing and releasing the tagged protein. The freed protein is collected, and the imidazole step is repeated to ensure total collection. To further purify the sample, SEC can be run on the sample prior to analysis.

Now that we’ve seen the theory and procedure of these two techniques, let’s look at some of the ways they’re applied in the biochemical field.

A common reason to purify proteins is to study their role in disease. Cystic fibrosis is caused by defects in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein, or CFTR. After growing the protein with a his-tag in yeast, both affinity and size-exclusion chromatography allow the isolation of the protein, followed by the study of its function.

In some instances, the presence of a polyhistidine tag can change a protein’s structure, thereby affecting its function. Another common tag is maltose-binding protein or MBP, which will bind to bound amylose in a column. Maltose is then used to release the complex. The MBP can then be cleaved and removed with SEC to produce the pure desired protein.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s video on size-exclusion and affinity chromatography. It covered the theory of the techniques, went over general procedures, and covered some of the uses of the techniques.

Thanks for watching!


Cite This
JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Chromatography-based Biomolecule Purification Methods. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).

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