

Published: December 03, 2019








已经发明了一系列不同的scRNA-seq平台,每个平台都适合某些应用12。通常,基于滴滴的方法(如 10x 基因组学)的吞吐量较高,每次运行中测序的 (数千个)细胞,并且对于可能包含需要广泛分类的混合细胞群的输入的选择性较低。基于板的方法提供更高的灵敏度和读取深度13,14,通常针对特定人群从细胞排序,以揭示细微的差异或罕见的成绩单。鉴于在所有CNS细胞类型中微胶质细胞,特别是发育或疾病相关亚群的较小比例,通常可取地将微胶质从特定感兴趣的区域分离,并获取深度和全长转录组信息,以了解其异质性。



涉及啮齿动物的所有程序都符合斯坦福大学的指导方针,该准则符合国家和州法律和政策。所有动物程序都通过了斯坦福大学实验室动物护理行政小组的批准。 注:所有溶液和缓冲组合物均在材料表中提供。 1. 细胞隔离日的准备工作 准备以下试剂并将其冷却在冰上:中等A(50 mL)、磁活细胞分拣(MCS)缓冲液(30 mL)、F…

Representative Results





The authors have nothing to disclose.


我们感谢玛丽科·贝内特、利亚娜·妮可·博南诺和斯皮罗斯·达尔马尼斯在制定该协议期间提供的帮助。我们还感谢斯坦福共享FACS设施,特别是梅雷迪斯·韦格拉兹和丽莎·尼科尔斯;来自斯坦福蛋白质和核酸设施(PAN)的Yen Tran,迈克尔·埃卡特,因为他们对拍摄的大力支持。这项工作由JPB基金会和文森特·科茨基金会资助。


5 M Betaine Sigma-Aldrich Cat# B0300-5VL
10 mM dNTP mix Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# R0192
0.5 M EDTA, pH 8.0 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 15575020
10X Hanks’ Balanced Salt Solution Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 14185-052
1 M HEPES Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 15630080
1X KAPA HIFI Hotstart Master Mix Kapa Biosciences Cat# KK2602
5 mL Round Bottom Polystyrene Tube, with Cell Strainer Cap Corning Cat# 352235
AATI, High Sensitivity NGS Fragment Analysis Kit (1 bp – 6,000 bp) Advanced Analytical Cat# DNF-474-1000
Bovine Serum Albumin Sigma Aldrich Cat# A8806
DNase I Worthington Cat# LS002007 Working solution: 12500 units/ml
DTT, Molecular Grade Promega Cat# P1171
ERCC RNA Spike-In Mix Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 4456740
Fetal Bovine Serum Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 10437-028
Illumina XT Index Kit v2 Set A (96 indexes) Illumina Cat# FC-131-2001
Illumina XT Index Kit v2 Set B (96 indexes) Illumina Cat# FC-131-2002
Illumina XT Index Kit v2 Set C (96 indexes) Illumina Cat# FC-131-2003
Illumina XT Index Kit v2 Set D (96 indexes) Illumina Cat# FC-131-2004
Lambda Exonuclease (5 U/μl) New England BioLabs Cat# M0262S
Mouse Fc block BD Pharmingen Cat# 553142
Myelin removal beads Miltenyl Biotec Cat# 130-096-433
Nextera XT DNA Sample Prep Kit Illumina Cat# FC-131-1096
NextSeq 500/550 High Output Kit v2.5 (150 Cycles) Illumina Cat# 20024907
PBS (10X), pH 7.4 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 70011044
PCRClean DX beads Aline Biosciences Cat# C-1003-50
Propidium Iodide Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# P3566 Staining: 1:1000
Qubit dsDNA HS Assay Kit Thermal Fisher Scientific Cat# Q32851
Rat monoclonal anti mouse/human CD11b, Brilliant Violet 421 (clone M1/70) BioLegend Cat# 101236; RRID: AB_11203704 Staining: 1:300
Rat monoclonal anti mouse CD45, PE/Cy7 (clone 30-F11) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 25-0451-82; RRID: AB_469625 Staining: 1:300
Recombinant RNase Inhibitor Takara Bio Cat# 2313B
SMARTScribe Reverse Transcriptase (100 U/μl) Clontech Cat# 639538 Containing 5x First strand buffer
(Picelli et al., 2014)
(Picelli et al., 2014)
GTACATrGrG+G-3' ("r" is forribobases and "+" is for an LNA base)
(Picelli et al., 2014)
FACS buffer Recipe: sterile-filtered 1% FBS, 2 mM EDTA, 25 mM HEPES in 1X PBS
MCS buffer Recipe: sterile-filtered 0.5% BSA, 2 mM EDTA in 1X PBS
Medium A Recipe: 15 mM HEPES, 0.5% glucose in 1X HBSS without phenol red
384-well Rigi-Plate PCR Microplates, Axygen Scientific VWR 89005-556
Hard-shell 96-well PCR plates Bio-Rad HSP9631
Dumont #55 forceps Fine Science Tools 11295-51
Dounce homogenizer, 2 ml Wheaton 357422
Large depletion column Miltenyi Biotec 130-042-901
Large selection column Miltenyi Biotec 130-042-401
MACS MultiStand Miltenyi Biotec 130-042-303
QuadroMACS Separator Miltenyi Biotec 130-090-976
RNAzap Thermo Fisher Scientific AM9780
Strainer (70 μm) Falcon 352350
BD FACSAria II BD Biosciences
Bioanalyzer Agilent 2100
Fragment Analyzer Agilent 5300
Mosquito HTS nanoliter pipetting robot TTP Labtech
Qubit 4 Fluorometer Thermo Fisher Scientific Q33226


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Citazione di questo articolo
Zhou, L., Li, Q. Isolation of Region-specific Microglia from One Adult Mouse Brain Hemisphere for Deep Single-cell RNA Sequencing. J. Vis. Exp. (154), e60347, doi:10.3791/60347 (2019).

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